I don't think you understand how bad infinitely-tall terrain zones fuck up Umbra. If they had a finite height at least the Samaritan could possibly jump over it...
Yeah, it's crap for Dog Warriors, Duroc, and Cameronians too, especially when their American cousins get to sail through because they can swim...
The solution is don't bring them into rescue, sadly. Slapping a huge zone of terrain across the whole board isn't a great idea, but it's practically the only time people use the terrain rules at all, and even then since you know it's coming, building a list with enough one type terrain skills to basically ignore it isn't difficult...
I don't think you understand how limiting that is to Onyx. Then again, Umbra are getting increasingly bad with the prevalence of Shock ammo that's proliferating throughout the game... 40 points for something that dies to a random shock crit, including knives, is subpar.
Y'know I'd never really had a reason to look into it till now, but having spent a couple minutes...wow. Slapping the terrain zone down over the whole board is a pain in the ass for everything but OCF has a combined AVA of about 8 units with terrain skills... Looks like the best way is to use some unidrons and eat the stop-start transition into the difficult terrain, which is still a terrible option...
Pretty sure Shock doesn't apply its special effect on crits, only on failed saves. That is unlike other ammo types for the record
Well that's just... I don't even... The FAQ says it "causes the target to lose 1 point directly from his Wounds/STR Attribute bypassing the usual ARM Roll." which isn't very clear about the death effect. Shock is either pointless or absolutely terrifying with no middle ground... Personally I'd prefer for everyone to accept that occasionally it's just not possible to return a model to a combat effective state, and let shock be simplified to 'if you go to 0 wounds with shock ammo you go directly to dead' and leave shock immunity as the get out of jail free card rather than multiple wounds etc...
As a newly Tohariadna player, if we're going to start bringing other factions into the discussion about terrain rules, I feel compelled to point out that Tohaa has a grand total of 3 ISC with terrain skills. Although at this point I feel like terrain skills are pretty far afield (hahaaa get it?) of the topic of the "what would make Voronin worth taking" discussion.
See Steel Phalanx I wan't to learn about this ruling today. Edit: I have learned, taking it as is still does shock things on crits.
There is nothing being said about one? Compare to other ammo rulings where extra effects are mentioned directly. Would be nice to see sources. Because, frankly, RAW is strange. Alright, sorry for off-topic...
Probably because if you bypass the roll its the same as having failed it, but there are too many exceptions to the death effect to explain in an FAQ without either making it seem like crits affect multi wound troopers with it or having an FAQ as long as the entry... Probably worth it's own thread instead of taking this one off on another tangent though...
I have used Voronin in the 2 different 200 point LI games using Kazak profiles only, and found his extra order to be very useful. I expect he will be back in time by the time I have another tournament to use him in, (waiting on TAK before acquiring more than the models I have).
The time in which they would have the most impact to return would be late May in the middle of the campaign, but they're almost certainly coming back before TAK is out, since the earliest we can get them is Gencon.
I really hope there is a point where he gets something updated about him. Veronin is one of those centerpiece models that's been a joy to paint so far, stands out on the table, and I'd like to get more use out of him. Though the extra order can give the kazaks extra offensive punch, my line kazaks are usually on bodyguard duty for his fat silhouette. What about him getting sensor? Seems like it'd be a nice way for him to get ganked by imp. less often.