I keep seeing people writing about "tactical puppets" being a thing that's *also*coming out. Were they mentioned specifically in addition to Hollow Men? Or were the two things hinted at at different times? I ask this because aren't the Hollow Men most likely the "tactical puppets"? They have been revealed to be remotely controlled by "brains in jars" back on the ship. Sounds pretty puppety to me.
They were mentioned separately as Hollowmen and 'Tactical Puppets' with a Spanish name. Better part of 6 months ago in one of the Tunguska Speculative threads on the old forums
The name was pupetactica. Also there is the zondnautica. Nobody knows what will they be. On other topic, CB has said a few times that there will not be a 2 wound remote, and that was then N2 (there were no MML2). We will not see heavy remotes or the like
There is a 1 wound REM with NWI though. There is precedent for a TAG like remote, (and they are AVA 3 in ISS). I'm not saying to wish for the moon, but the argument that CB doesn't make profiles like that is simply not accurate. I'd also be interested in a TO Camo REM. If you can have ODD REMs and TO Camo TAGs, you can have a TO Camo REM.
I would also go with G: Rem Pres TAG with NWI. Make it look like spider tank and it will do the trick. Still unmanned and heavy. Only two penalties: -6 to Dodge and vulnerability to Possession. I like TO Camo REM idea.
It can't get Supportware. That's extremely significant. (Before you consider Dodging etc) Edit: I'm also fairly certain that all G:RP +STR HI have 2 wounds. And I can't think of an G:RP+STR MI/LI
Well there are differences: 1) HI can go Prone. 2) HI Dodge without PH penalties. 3) HI can`t use Supportware. So I either bet on large REM designed to be used with Supportware, or non-humanoid Remote presence TAG.
My money is actually on a zippy ARM0 attack bot: something Aragato-eqsue. Superjump + Impetuous would be interesting. Ie more this: than:
My bad, You all (lol) are right on the wounds and the supportware. Not that it actually needs supportware in HI mode. Mainly I just have grudge against the Su Jian as probably the dumbest profile that doesn't cost under 10 points, and it's in a faction that has easy access to cheap orders. Something really fast with a repeater is always welcome, but the fact that it's a Zond and not a Sputnik indicates that it won't be beefy. Since we already have an AD Zond, my bet is on some kind of Marker State.
Yeah, fast disposable attack drones would be great too. After all I`ve already made walking tank to be used as Lizard))
Although any statement can be silently retracted, or maybe it was one staff member that incorrectly stated it, or maybe they were drunk at the time.
There's a thoroughly amusing Rules thread where Bostria says 1 thing to literally 2 posts later be completely contradicted by Hellois. Soo good. :)
Looking at the starter lineup picture again, kriza doesn't have a spitfire in vanilla. is it a new loadout or they are hiding which weapon it will have when released ?