There are still some Tagline missions in the Season 9 packet. StarCo has some great options with the Anaconda Duo and Special Duo but what are your list thoughts on taking down a TAG?
Emily has E/M grenades, put her in a 5 person link for extra fun. Bandits can carry E/Maulers and surprise ADHLs. Massacre has AP & E/M CCWs with eclipse smoke to get him there. Raoul is nearly as good in CC but can get AD:4 and E/M CCW. Hellcats have AD:5 Emauler or ADHL. Grrls carry Blitzen. Uhahu gets Icebreaker to trivially IMM TAGs before you hit them with something nasty (like an ADHL from a Bandit!) Lots of options!
Taking out TAGs 1. The best choice for taking down a TAG is always "Take it from them and murder their forces with it." If you are running a TAG mission, load up on AHDs. 2. 2 MLs in an Algucile link to box it in and then ignore it. Even TAGs fear an ML in a link. 3. Target it with Emily and blow it up with a SML, or just spam E/M grenades until it fails BTS. Also, Targeted works with Hacking. See option 1 4. Hit it with a speculative Stun Grenade from a Grrl link and kill it with whatever is handy. Bonus points for killing it with a Lunokhod D-charge in CC. Stun Grenades are great weapons against a lot of difficult targets 5. Marut only: White Noise and then Tsyklon Feuerbach that thing.
Emily E/M LGL, linked Raoul MULTI rifle and E/M2CCW, linked Missile Launcher, Al'Hawwa AHD, Uhahu, Hellcat E/Mauler... Emily in a link can do the job herself really, get within 16" and just use the E/M LGL direct, or spec fire on a 13 if you like (they'll be dodging on a 7-8).
Killed a Lizard with Spektor today. I was already known as the AD guy here and StarCo isn't risking that changing. Killed about 150 points including a Lt. and made it to the end, big deal in Decap scoring 5 points. Technically didn't use the CC cuz I needed the points killed and was already in a good spot. Had a triangle flank with a Brigada MULTI and a Dak. TECHNICALLY the Dak got the last hit but he did the first two and set off the triangle. Anything I might have said about Dropbears just being mines with a chance to fail and no Camo was due to inexperience they are crazy good. He won't usually do that well against that player he was trying new stuff and against stuff he wasn't used to but you can still feel the potential and man I love that guy.
I'm known as the AD guy as well! Tbf I did play Corregidor and QK for a long time, and 1-2 or even 3 AD troops is pretty common in those lists.
I used to have a lot of NCA players in my area (they've all moved on now). I am well acquainted with Drop Bears. When I saw we were getting a 4-4 MOV AD profile with Stealth AND Drop Bears, I was already sold. Add in CC ability, Mimetism and a DTW and you have one seriously scary AD troop.
Serious question: how does EM2 CCW actually work? I'm assuming 2 x Half BTS Rolls, 1 x Arm Roll. Crits = EM effect. Or is it just 2 x EM CCW: ie 2 x Half BTS Rolls + 2 x ARM Rolls. Crits = EM effect. Reason I ask is this makes it look like the EM effect is just doubled: E/M2 Special Ammunition and CC Weapons Close Combat Weapons that use E/M2 Special Ammunition cause Normal damage in addition to the E/M effect. Consequently, the target must make an ARM Roll in addition to the BTS Roll (with half its usual BTS value). For both Rolls, the CC Weapon's Damage is the trooper's PH Attribute. Critical hits in CC are always applied to the E/M2 effect.
Yes, and I'm with you that that's the intent. But CB in it's infinite wisdom has said: "make an ARM Roll in addition to the BTS Roll". So for each BTS Roll you make an ARM Roll. BUT I'm 99% certain that it's just a bad copy pasta from the EM text. Oh well: CB /o\
It is highly amusing to me that the most accurate Drop Bear thrower and arguably the best Drop Bear profile in the game... isn't in PanO