There's almost no uncertainty. You that when the new ITS season begins after the Interplanetario 17-19 August you'll be able to use those profiles again. The only small bit of uncertainty is to know the exact date the new ITS season starts... and even then it's fairly certain that it'll start within a few weeks of the Interplanetario, i.e. 1 September. So, five months of waiting. That's, again, not a hard lift.
They're removed for the rest of this ITS season, so until just after the Interplanetario 17-19 August. That means when the new ITS season drops (almost certainly on or around 1 September) the profiles will come back into play.
I mean more that JSA was removed from YJ with relatively little warning, and which characters were going to be removed and from what faction wasn't really known until today (at least in my time zone). That's basically what you'd call "market volatility" and it tends to discourage action until the metaphorical storm has passed.
You really should start read entire posts not just some separate words from it. That was about idea that new stuff should receive less toxic factions. Anyway again I like your style. Complain in minor inconvenience for some hypothetical minority of players and let the world burn and whole company go to hell. After all what is better, play the game or discuss on forums?
Yeah, my next game is scheduled this Friday with tournament in two weeks after. Local community said that they haven`t seen these characters for a long time, except of Tarik once in a year))
I would like to remind you guys that for a new player, as in: someone who wasn't involved in any mini games prior, half a year is ridiculously huge timeframe. Still, I don't see how it's possible that people at said new player's place play only officially registered matches of ITS, so I honestly don't think it's a problem at all, especially considering we know it's all temporary.
Well first of all, I really ask for everyone to be polite. Im tired of this insult/discrimination war. This is a forum game and we are here to enjoy of Infinity. Also I want to let you know that we read and consider all the opinions, the good and the bad. We take care of our game. But is a huge diference from a constructive criticism for other than isnt. This ban will take place a pair of month, no to the end of the season. You can play with your miniatures, there are other games that are not ITS, or you can use it on ITS with the new proxies rule (one really permissive rule, maybe too permissive)
So it'll last two months? That's good to hear, I was panicking that it would affect lists for Interplanetary!
You have to understand a game where you can't win - only not lose - isn't a very fun one to be playing.
Im glad its only a temporary ban, if it extended for a long time, combined getting the better HVT + getting bit and kiss from last season that it has the possibility of constantly snowballing into improved Combined army wins each challenge mission and just slowly gains more and more power. @HellLois I think though my main feedback is with stuff like this, dont let 2 factions sit out of "punishment" for losing and have them also have chance of gaining benefits for winning. from a fairness perspective tohaa and combined had nothing to lose and could only gain from this event while other factions faced a gain or a loss to effectiveness for a bit. Or have it that if factions cant lose out that the "immunity from penalty" goes to the top ranked faction that could be effected and let combined keep the buffed HVT.
@HellLois Hi Hellois is there any way as an atendee to try and get an event result applied? I have won two events this year that the results dont show for which has the side effect of stopping my challenges from updating.