I want to see an economic clash between Tunguskan and Exrah financiers trying to outdo each other in turbocapitalism.
If they want to mix Nomads and aliens, the rogue Exrah would make the most sense. I doubt they would do it because they've been pretty insistent the bugs aren't coming back, but it would be a very cool way to both bring the Exrah back in and expand Nomads in a new direction. Nomads welcoming people fleeing the evils AIs makes sense. Edit: "people" might not be a wide or inclusive enough term for this idea. Lol.
They shouldn't have done it in general with Tariq being a suggested purchase for new players out of Red Veil. Now both sides of Red Veil are kind of fucked. This kind of volatility isn't good for encouraging people to start the game.
I feel pretty "ok" about b4ckd00r results. To lose kusanagi is a little drawback, but not that hard. Personally even as Bakunin being my first and main force, i don't use her that much. (certainly have gone more than a couple of months of tournaments without using her. Should finish her paintwork, though) I would like to see what happens after, the kind of bonus this "retired" guys will have. ¿Will they really allow them to be used more often? We will see. Bit of thought: If i'm not mistaken, the two most "powerfull" banned characters (Kusanagi and Tariq) are from the highest ranking factions (except of course, the Combined Army) in b4ckd00r, this might even be planned, as a future-kind bonus when they receive their "special event rule" after coming back.
I get nervous when somebody picks up something that isn't broken and tells me they are going to "fix" it. Kusanagi is fine. Shock immunity in some form would be nice and Inspiring leadership or Strategos would be awesome. Don't think that we are getting that though. I expect a lateral change at best and a nerf at worst. The secret to happiness is low expectations. One a side note, if you want to fix an observance profile get rid of the ridiculous SWC cost on the Moira LT. Only the Hellcat LT is a worse choice.
I worked our why this annoys me so much it basically boils down to: "Can CB fuck off with their narrative BS from the competitive tournament system." There's a couple of ancillary reasons (ie umm she doesn't need a change). But that's the main one. @Plebian the reason the poll was phrased the way it was was twofold: A) it was late, I was tired and frustrated so it was ill-considered B) my impression of late is that CB has been extremely tone death. So, to me, it's interesting that the majority clearly don't think this. @Tristan228 what's interesting is the responses to this. The only notably salty ones are mine and yours. Admittedly for entirely different reasons. Re: the CA reference. There was recently a discussion somewhere else on the forums (TJC thread?) about Nomads joining CA. I made the point that the Observance would be a major stumbling block *unless* they were somehow co-opted as the vanguard of conversion (The Enemy of my Enemy is my friend). Then Kusanagi is denounced as a CA agent. It amused me.
I could have, but I didn't. And it's not a completely unbiased question, but I'd argue that it is probably biased against the results
Unfiltered opinion warning: CB has gotten the game to a good place, but they can't resist tinkering. They want to keep the game interesting to the developers, so they keep changing things up. I think they are blind to the game already being interesting to the players without "stakes." On the other hand, GW is proving right now that you can listen to your fans a little too much. I'd still take tone deaf CB over any other mini company at the moment. Also, JSA seceding from Yu-Jing is fine, but then IA should be the next sectorial, not the only new sectorial definitely not coming this year. I think CB could definitely have handled that better. And that is coming from someone who hates Yu-Jing.
The reason the Moira LT costs SWC is to represent the fact the Observance don't usually get to lead a Nomad force, not even a Bakunin one. Observance is a paramilitary group after all. I would love if the moira lost the SWC tax, though. I was the one that started the discussion :D Seriously, though, I do think CA and Nomads are involved in some way, even if it's just Tunguska leech off alien tech from them. Hexxer's description in Aristeia sound a lot like she's using vodootech, and despite her looks she's actually a Tunguskan, not an Observance Custodier. The way I see it, even if Nomads doesn't ally with Combined, there's a realistic chance Tunguska is at least tangentially involved with them.
Fluff wise, Kusanagi taking a time out is a bit odd. I mean, you've got the fluff snippet about Arslan being called for questioning by O-12 (or whoever) and his response being a polite f- off, so why would Kusanagi go along with it? The Observance is no less independant than the Druze society. TBH i think this signals that Kusanagi was always going to be taking a time out regardless, because of all the characters listed hers is the profile most in need of a revamp - and it wouldn't surprise me if her revamp is accompanied by a resculpt too.
The Nomads are one of the G5 Nations, not some piddling little independent mercenary company. They're part of O-12.