My point was mostly that I think underperforming faction likely needs something other than a fix for a character. But since we aren't seeing anything other than (alledged) promises to change some characters, then yes, I see your point. While she's almost considered an auto-incude, I don't see Ariadna crumbling because you refuse to take her in any of your lists. They have enough of roughly similar dirt if anything, even though they would probably rely less on alpha. But what do I know about Ariadna...
Brutal for Nomads (especially Bakunin) and Haqqislam... The Combined Army prevails as the winning faction of the first Challenge ITS. The following characters cannot be used in Army Lists for ITS Leagues or Tournaments until further notice. Outside official ITS games, these characters can be used normally. PanOceanía: Lieutenant Stephen Rao, Bagh Mari Unit Yu Jing: Guǐ Fēng Xi Zhuang Ariadna: Col. Yevgueni Voronin. Haqqislam: Tarik Mansuri Nómadas: Reverend Superior Cassandra Kusanagi ALEPH: Andromeda Leirbag is the player holding the first position of the World Ranking of the ITS after finishing Challenge 01: Crisis B4CKD00R, so he is awarded with the honorary title of Winter Winner. Leribag has selected the Combined Army to be the faction with access to the Improved Profile HVT (Improved Designated Target) in the scenarios including the Designated Target Special Rule, ...
where was this published ? Can't find it on the official site or twitter Andromeda : barely released, already gone... NA2 are not loosing any characters ?
" After the Challenge ends, the faction with the most DATA Points will be the one that will be spared of the consequences of this leak of information, other than the Combined Army and Tohaa. All other factions will see one of their personalities suffer a temporary penalty because of this crisis." The faction with most points after CA is Nomads, why they are receiving the penalty?
^^^You're just full of... bad advice, aren't you? Malifaux 1e, pre- or post- massive FAQ and errata dump? Also, pre- or post- Rising Powers release? There was that brief window in between those two points where 1e was quite fun. Solution is to ignore this stuff. Play 20x20, or playtest the YAMS. ITS is a good idea; the format is very good. Most of the scenarios are in need of work. A lot of work. Maybe the next challenge ought to be removing the garbage scenarios, permanently. I nominate Supplies. Will these profiles disappear from the Army Builder, or will using them simply get you the little red 'X' on the ITS legal symbol? The profiles disappearing would be an aggravation. Especially for newer players who have a nice 10 man Haqq force (RV+BRV), but can't find Tarik in the Army builder.
I hope so, that could be their reward too.. Besides that, I really think punishing haqqislam with Tarik and Aleph with Andromeda is too unbalanced lol
Of course, bad advises are always good thing, new experience and stuff. I don`t think he or any other will be removed. Maybe even red X won`t appear but nothing solid here. What I want to see how CB will manage to rework his profile and still fit RV+BRV into 10 man 300 pts roster.
What profile? I`ve tried multi-rifle one and was far from impressed. Spitfire maybe, multi-rifle - to rewrite bin.
I'm never going to be happy with any event that takes away access to someones models be it the whole JSA thing, Exrah or this event. Sure it might be fun to mix things up for a bit but it leaves me with a bad taste and worry that my stuff might be next. What if the Dawn event has my faction do something that I don't support and didn't buy into it for or just lose access to models I love? Progress is good but it worries me when that progress seems to be done by burning bridges rather than some more constructive.
I really don`t know how you, people, handle big bad news like tax increase or something similar. This is pure rework of profiles and small footnote about one particular tournament system. My local group don`t even register ITS event for each tournament because it`s expensive to buy a lot of codes and packs + pay for parcel delivery + delivery time. What`s the fuss?