Seriously, I'm more than happy to play with a Sepsitorised Kusanagi and just go full 'Enemy of my Enemy' at this point. Backdoor was always going to be a trash mechanic, but yeah! let's break a mass of Bakunin lists while we're at it. Looks like we're running Grrls for the near future :)
Ohhhhh Well she's banned at ITS events only, so eh not bothered at all. I mean I think the whole deal is pretty silly but yeah whatevs, basically.
Unless you were planning to say, take Bakunin to an ITS event in the next month. I get what CB is trying to do, but honestly I don't know anyone who really cared about the 'Challenge' so I'm seeing zero value gained and value lost. It's basically a mechanic designed to annoy people.
Thanks. Well, actually I`m going to ITS tournament this month, with Bakunin, but there will be only one mission from the list, The Grid. And I don`t see temporary non-availability of Kusanagi as a big loss. It`s great that something is going on in the game all the time.
Please could we leave the whining about losses to Yu Jing players? They're quite proficient with that. After reading the Backdoor outcome my first thought was "Oh, we really lost something? Doesn't seem so..."
Anyway it was foreseen as temporary measure until crisis resolves itself. Thumbs up by me)) Maybe I`ll paint Kassandra at last))
From other thread: I expect profile rework. Sculpt is ok for me, really dynamic one, miss this feeling in latest sculpts.
That's the most overcosted way to get Shock Immunity on a 0 BTS profile. Without bloating the profile badly you'd have to drop something, probably her BS14. Which will make Nomads the only faction not to have BS14 outside of TAGS.* Honestly, she's perfectly fine as is. Personally, I kinda expect they'll just give her a KHD and be done with it. I mean it's most of the recent Dire Foes. :troll: * Edit: Tohaa don't either. But meh,
Her most recent update (Spitfire) made her pretty good. I don't think Moira/Custodier links are half as viable without her... I don't actually play Bakunin though, so what do I know. But I was considering getting Kusanagi and converting her using a spare Spec-Op Spitfire.
It occurs to me that saying one cannot use Tariq is especially silly, as it means that were a new player to buy Red Veil and Beyond Red Veil, they would not have a legal Haqq force for an ITS event.
It is: 1) temporary. 2) ITS events only. 3) temporary. Please don`t turn this subforum to Yu-Jing branch.
Yeah, this is the sort of thing that confuses me - it sort of assumes players have infinite money. >.<
Yeah, as much as I think the Fatality L2 rule is stupid, banning a recently-released character from a starter-expansion box is a terrible idea that's gonna piss off newbies.
Please don`t be silly, if some player: 1) will be newbuy player 2) will have only Red Veil and Beyond Red Veil 3) will attend ITS event 4) will attend event at specific time range of Backd00r crisis event 5) won`t be eager to lend or proxy I think TO will allow this player to use Tarik in his roster. Either way, it` really confuses me, how new player with 300pt box only is not allowed to play game with unassembled miniatures. It`s not like he supposed to buy something extra, like glue?