I assume you're referring to Sun Tze V2 not Xi. You'll notice the models removed are considered either very good (Tarik) or misplaced and rubbish (Andromeda). From what we've been told the models being taken out were models being slated for changes, so they're being removed while changes are being made. So essentially with Xi being a good cost efficient specialist and unique option for a Crane link, we're probably looking at a nerf. Whereas for example Aleph are probably looking forward to a buff for Andromeda. So if we'd lost the shitty version of Sun Tze we would've had a buffed version returning to look forward to. Instead we're likely eating a nerf to a very good character, which given recent developments is another bitter result to be handed.
It was brought up in the initial thread talking about the event on the forums. I'll see if I can find it.
We were told they would get a small bonus when they came back, no official mention of prifle changes was made that I remember.
Fair enough. Marksman Sun Tse, however, is a rather old sculpt and probably not one CB wants to push as far as sales go, so I wouldn't expect any positive balance changes in the pipeline for him. Andromeda, on the other hand, is a shiny new sculpt that suffers from being weak on the table, so it makes sense for them to fix it asap. Xi is indeed pretty cost effective - maybe too much so. Balance changes can go both ways, so yeah, a nerf would make sense in my eyes.