I have no issue with that, I am commenting in starting again infighting. I would really not like to see that start again.
@Teslarod Worth asking considering that a decent amount of people seem entirely interested in "Yu Jing tears."
@Pen-dragon : Dude, PS just asked people to please not start this shit back up again! What would you say to someone who bought a bunch of custom Chess pieces and had them custom-painted at significant expense, some of them literally weeks before the announcement, only to be told by the international Chess organization, "well, you can't use those custom pieces as White pieces anymore"? That's the analogy we're working on here.
Thats probably from reading the Yu Jing forum over the years. The cool part of the infinity forums is how much people get in character and the bad part of the infinity forums is how much people get in character.
To be fair, we enjoyed Pano tears when N3 came out too. And if today it was a Pano sectorial that left, people would react pretty much in the same way.
Well perhaps, but personally I think maybe if it had happened with a Sectorial that hadn't been hinted at having a strong rebellious element for years beforehand then there might be a bit more universal dissent than we've seen here...
Come on now everybody, part of being a Yu Jing player is coming to turns with the sometimes harsh moves of an absolutely powerful governing apparatus. If you can't appreciate that CB have your best interests at heart, how are you going to believe in the Yu Jing emperor's divine grace?
Bro you have some interesting read comprehension if this is what you think happened. That articles that was teased in the Spanish side was meant to be about the future of yu jing according to a cb staffer. We got a full page classified with a foot note about the ninjas. No one ever told people they couldn't like what they like. Also le ebil right wingers? Come on mate.
That is factor and it would depends on why the Sectorial left and rebellion aint the only way either. Obviously this all depend on how well written the justification and the associated fluff is. But assuming the quality of fluff is constant, I think the fanbase reaction wont be that different across the other 4 big factions. (Would obviously hurt Aleph a lot more and Tohaa has no sectorial to begin with) Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk
This is the biggest load of bullshit I'll likely read all week so I'll have to call it out. That's not how products work. That's not how promotional material work. That's diminishing a vital part of the product that CB sell. That's diminishing a vital part of the work CB does. Those rules you just diminished so casually are the primary sales argument for the product and one of the, if not the most, important assets and intellectual properties that Corvus Belli owns. So in this age of new market bullshit, remember that just because something is offered free doesn't mean you're not paying for it. At least with CB we can be fairly certain that we aren't the product, but never assume a free product comes without cost.
Why would anyone give a fuck about what the Emperor has to say? He is just a shitty judge cinically used as a figurehead. Yu Jing is a STATE-empire The Party is where the power is at.
Isn't the Emperor the StateEmpire equivalent of the US Judiciary branch (with Executive branch being somewhere I don't know)?
No idea, I'm Spanish so our judges are generally corrupt and work for the central government. Only when it is right wing tho.
Well I have been called out on what I wrote, and feel like I should defend myself, but I have also apparently been asked not to start this shit back up again. I stand by what I wrote, and I will see myself to the door. Thank you for your time.
Facts like this? https://ourworldindata.org/corruption https://tradingeconomics.com/spain/corruption-rank https://www.transparency.org/news/feature/corruption_perceptions_index_2017 Just slightly below Europe's average. Not perfect situation; still better than most of the world.
Have to say CB's marketing strategy has paid off. I just bought a lot of ISS models. Given that my first faction was aleph and I picked up Red Veil I already had some key pieces. Going to put down this uprising with the iron fist of the state empire.