I'm sure she'll be easier to identify in 3D. Even so, I recognized her as female because: A. there were 2 dossiers, which CB always usually does when there is a female model (at least for line troops). B. She is smaller than the other Securitate which is the best way to tell if a Infinty model is female at a distrance from the front. From the back, well, see the picture in the above post.
She definitely is. It's just not as, we, obvious as usual. Though I dunno how that might change in the sculpts. Personally I'm also hoping for a Grenzer SWC box and Securitate SWC box this year too, both mixed.
Pretty confident that we will get the Grenzers. Carlos says that the Sniper will get his Fireteam pretty much any time he talks about TJC.
They look so cool I expect a third Securitate design, mind The reverse guy seems to be a placeholder.
They tend to just do a male and a female dossier for the line troops, like with the ASA and CHA ones:
Looks like Securitates have synthetic arms, and some implants in their head. Not suprising but quite intriguing.
So im gonna have a stab at breakdown Characters 1 unknown probably either a super hacker, Renegade Knight, John wick/james bond/super assassin or a cheif of either securitate or grenzers LI securitate Interventor Daktari/clockmaker MI Grenzer Heckler (or sk) HI Hollow Men Borac SK Spektr WB REM Combat Puppet if they end up as light karakuri (or WB) Nautical Zond Lunkhod Meteor Reaktion Salyut, Stempler, transductor, vertigo Tsyklon TAG Szalamandra MERC Probably (based on connections with Tunguska or Tunguskas personality) Saito Druze maybe Emily/Uhahu Spektor Link options CORE securitate (4 securitate 1 interventor) Grenzers (4 grenzers 1 interventor) Haris Grenzer (2 grenzer 1 interventor or Borac) Securitate (Maybe a mix option) Druze DUO Hollow Men Grenzer (2 grenzers or 1 grenzer 1 interventor) Borac (Borac + 1 interventor or 1 grenzer) This would give Tunguska 10 unique units (including the unknown character if what carlos said about combat puppets and nautical zonds are real) + whatever mercs they end up getting. Compared to the 15 + avicenna of Bakunin and 14 +3 merc characters of correg. (compared to other new sectorials who have (13 unique profiles for USARIADNA, 11 ish of Onyx (hard to tell as im not that familiar with what counts as exclusive there)). So I wonder if Tunguska will get a few extra merc options to match rest of Nomads and other sectorials, or there are units we dont know about. Or if we are getting a very tough and focused sectorial.
Is that Karakuri entry wishlisting or we got a source for that? I think Spector will be in there, maybe the Dragnet Colonel whose name temporarily escapes me, and maaaaybe Saito though that would be a very powerful addition. Probably 1-2 Nomad characters and 1-2 mercs.
Highly doubt we get Emily. Raoul as the only AD works though. Duoable (but not Core) Druze would fit. You’re also ‘missing’ the HI core: Nomads so far have gotten. 1 x LI Core (Algs, Mods) 1 x MI Core (Wildcats, Moiras) 1 x HI Core (Grrls, MB) 1 x ‘standard’ Haris (Wildcats, Grrls) 1 x HI/TAG Duo (TMs, Geckos) 1 x ‘flex’ link(s) (Jags, Custodiers) So I think: LI: Securitate MI: Grenzer HI: Hollowmen* (even if they’re MI, a NWI Str MI will still fit this slot) Haris: Grenzer Duo: Kriza Flex: could be either ‘plethora of Duos’ or ‘Puppet Kuang-Shi link’ *Unless they go TO in the DZ, but the name does indicate ‘team’
I wonder if instead of Druze, we'd get Brawlers (if TJC get either that is). Just because they're kind of more generic enforcer types, they seem like the kind of trooper who'd be present on Tunguska and hired to provide extra muscle.
I kinda suspect Brawlers are NAA exclusive, since they are the Merc SpecOps. Could be wrong, but it would make sense to me. So wishing for Saito, he would make Tunguska perfect for me, but I kinda doubt it know, since he is already part of two Sectorials now. Also Spektrs are already a there so while amazing to have him, it's not that he is particularly needed, like in DBS. Raoul does make a lot of sense and would add an AD Option as well. I can absolutely see that happen. Musati miyamoto would also add more then Saito giving Tunguska a WB option. And while CSU certainly fit, I kinda feel that Securitate already fill that role completely. Same goes for Grenzers and Druze, doesn't mean it won't happen, but there is no dire need for it too.
That list makes me wonder if there isn't another HI, or a light TAG (or both) still to be revealed. An AD Light Infantry would be another potential option, as would another Skirmisher (perhaps an Impersonator?) as both are "light" right now. Because one thing's for sure... Tunguska need more options than what they have right now and I don't think it's all going to be mercenaries.
I wouldn`t mind some "suit" type executive with Strategos L1. It would mitigate high order cost a bit.