Who should I bring with Szalamandra?

Discussion in 'Nomads' started by MAlgol, Nov 24, 2017.

  1. Lareon

    Lareon Well-Known well-knower

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I love the new Szalamandra, and I always wanted to play a list with it. But the problem is that I'm basically incapable on focusing an entire list on a single piece. I find myself damn unlucky, and every important piece I play tends to meet a gruesome fate. :confused:

    Maybe with some redundancy? (if I can do redundancy with a 90-points-unit! )
  2. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Well, the problem with all TAGs but the 50-60 prices ones (the minitags: Xeodrons, Overdrons and Geckos, mainly) is precisely that they will be the one and only rambo in your list.

    Right now, the best options are the Red Fury Taskmaster, for a cheap killer who also can be a good Lt and brings some koalas for extra defense, or the Intruder for an even cheaper but much more fragile killer (whose cheaper cost gets offset by the Jaguar/2 Morlocks to give him smoke over).
    Lareon likes this.
  3. freefall357

    freefall357 Active Member

    Dec 1, 2017
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    That would be the other 200pts of the army being independently functional.
    When I make TAG lists I run several 200(ish) vs 300 games until I can hold my own in common missions then add the TAG.

    I saw them fall to LI and walk-ons too often. The forward Stempler can offer SupFire. I love Transductors, but the points are better spent on helperbots or a Moran, and the combat group slot is better used for something that gets you objectives. If you have points after that, can't go wrong with Transductors!
    #43 freefall357, Dec 1, 2017
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2017
    Lareon likes this.
  4. loricus

    loricus Satellite Druid

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I don't think we could do double TAG like PanO but we could ceetainly do a Kriza HMG + Szalamandra no problem.

    edit: maybe something along these lines?
    [​IMG] Nomads

    [​IMG] SZALAMANDRA Hyper-rapid Magnetic Cannon, Heavy Flamethrower / . (2 | 90)
    [​IMG] [​IMG] SZALAMANDRA PILOT Contender / Pistol, Knife. ()
    [​IMG] MORAN (Forward Observer) Combi Rifle, CrazyKoalas (2) / Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 22)
    [​IMG] JAGUAR Chain Rifle, Smoke Grenades / Pistol, DA CCW. (0 | 10)
    [​IMG] ZERO Hacker (Killer Hacking Device) Combi Rifle, Antipersonnel Mines / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 21)
    [​IMG] CLOCKMAKER Combi Rifle, D-Charges / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 18)
    [​IMG] ZONDBOT Electric Pulse. (0 | 3)
    [​IMG] INTERVENTOR Hacker Lieutenant (Hacking Device Plus) Combi Rifle, 1 FastPanda / Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 27)
    [​IMG] KRIZA BORAC HMG / Heavy Pistol, CC Weapon. (2 | 54)
    [​IMG] DAKTARI Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 14)
    [​IMG] ZONDBOT Electric Pulse. (0 | 3)
    [​IMG] JAGUAR Chain Rifle, Smoke Grenades / Pistol, DA CCW. (0 | 10)
    [​IMG] GRENZER (Forward Observer, Sensor) Combi Rifle + Light Flamethrower / Pistol, Breaker Pistol, Knife. (0 | 27)

    5 SWC | 299 Points

    Open in Infinity Army
    #44 loricus, Dec 2, 2017
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2017
    Lareon likes this.
  5. Wildgit

    Wildgit Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Why the hell not?

    [​IMG] Nomads──────────────────────────────────────────────────[​IMG]10 [​IMG] SZALAMANDRA Hyper-rapid Magnetic Cannon, Heavy Flamethrower / . (2 | 90) [​IMG] [​IMG] SZALAMANDRA PILOT Contender / Pistol, Knife.
    [​IMG] GECKO Mk12, Chain-colt, Blitzen / . (0.5 | 54) [​IMG]
    [​IMG] GECKO PILOT 2 Assault Pistols, Knife.
    [​IMG] TRANSDUCTOR ZOND Flash Pulse, Sniffer / Electric Pulse. (0 | 8)
    [​IMG] STEMPLER ZOND Combi Rifle, Sniffer / Electric Pulse. (0 | 17)
    )[​IMG] INTERVENTOR Hacker Lieutenant (Hacking Device Plus) Combi Rifle, 1 FastPanda / Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 27)
    [​IMG] ZERO Hacker (Killer Hacking Device) Combi Rifle, Antipersonnel Mines / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 21)
    [​IMG] ZERO (Deployable Repeater) Combi Rifle, E/Mauler / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 19)
    [​IMG] REAKTION ZOND HMG / Electric Pulse. (1 | 26)
    [​IMG] CLOCKMAKER Combi Rifle, D-Charges / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 18)
    [​IMG] ZONDBOT Electric Pulse. (0 | 3)
    [​IMG] ZONDBOT Electric Pulse. (0 | 3)
    [​IMG] JAGUAR Light Shotgun, Smoke Grenades / Pistol, E/M CCW. (0 | 13)

    4 SWC | 299 Points

    Open in Infinity Army
  6. loricus

    loricus Satellite Druid

    Nov 24, 2017
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    @Wildgit Geckos are TAGs like Tarik Mansuri is a LI.
  7. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    But you can change the kriza for a Gecko n your list :p
  8. freefall357

    freefall357 Active Member

    Dec 1, 2017
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    Close, Geckos are not TAGs...Geckos are a TAG. Heh heh.
  9. MAlgol

    MAlgol I couldn't tackle the bear

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Something new.
    I have realized that I don't really think about missions so much when I build my list. I do picking Specialists but It don't plan on how they will complete the missions.

    With this list for example.
    Perhaps I should make one of the Zero a hacker so that he can hack consoles without needing as much cover as Zoe would (though a Forward Observer will do the job)? Controlling zones might be easier since Szally is worth a lot by herself and will probably have someone with her anyway.
    Killing is killing and i should be able to do that.

    [​IMG] Szally and friends Mk2

    [​IMG] SZALAMANDRA Hyper-rapid Magnetic Cannon, Heavy Flamethrower / . (2 | 90)
    [​IMG] [​IMG] SZALAMANDRA PILOT Contender / Pistol, Knife. ()
    [​IMG] TSYKLON Feuerbach, Pitcher / Electric Pulse. (1 | 34)
    [​IMG] VERTIGO ZOND Smart Missile Launcher / Electric Pulse. (1.5 | 18)
    [​IMG] STEMPLER ZOND Combi Rifle, Sniffer / Electric Pulse. (0 | 17)
    [​IMG] ZERO (Minelayer) Combi Rifle, Antipersonnel Mines / Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 19)
    [​IMG] ZERO (Forward Observer) Combi Rifle, Antipersonnel Mines / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 19)
    [​IMG] ZOE & PI-WELL . (0 | 47)
    [​IMG] [​IMG] ZOE (Hacking Device. UPGRADE: Stop!) Combi Rifle, D-Charges / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 28)
    [​IMG] [​IMG] PI-WELL Combi Rifle / Electric Pulse. (0 | 19)
    [​IMG] ZONDBOT Electric Pulse. (0 | 3)
    [​IMG] INTERVENTOR Hacker Lieutenant (Hacking Device Plus) Combi Rifle, 1 FastPanda / Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 27)
    [​IMG] SALYUT Hacker (EVO Hacking Device) Electric Pulse. (0.5 | 25)

    6 SWC | 299 Points

    Open in Infinity Army
    #49 MAlgol, Dec 2, 2017
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2017
  10. loricus

    loricus Satellite Druid

    Nov 24, 2017
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    @MAlgol in a 10 order list I typically only need at least 3 specialists, although I often have more for other functions. Most missions require very few specialists, although extra can help you score additional points in some.
    MAlgol likes this.
  11. MAlgol

    MAlgol I couldn't tackle the bear

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Yeah, I usually have more then enough Specialists but I might not have a plan on how to use them in a mission.
    I should watch a few good battle reports or read a few articles about it.
  12. Death

    Death Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2017
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    Gecko operate like 3 wound HI. Their limited range and lower ARM and reduced speed that prevents them from functioning as a MBT like the SZALAMANDRA.

    As back up attack piece, I'd rather take a Kriza HMG over a Gecko. But I think I'd prefer using an Intruder HMG as a backup attacker over either of those.

    The advantage of nomads in running TAG lists is that they have a lot of cheap but useful units like Zeros and Jaguars. Its easy to make a well rounded TAG list with them.
    #52 Death, Dec 2, 2017
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2017
    xagroth and loricus like this.
  13. Death

    Death Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2017
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    Furthermore, I'll add that in Pano, a Dual TAG list typically combines a MBT with a Light TAG. The MBT locks down areas of the table with its ARO and toughness while the light TAG uses its maneuverability to strike at unexpected angles. Geckos lack the speed and extra maneuverability skills that the Pano light TAGs have. The difference between 4-4 movement and 6-4 movement doesn't seem like much on paper but it makes a surprising difference in practice.

    Something like the Jotum and Seraph combo can't be replicated by Nomads. The only faction that can somewhat come close is the Combine Army.

    All that said, a Szalamandra + Gecko list can still work. But it works more like a TAG + HI beatstick list. Which are still good.
    #53 Death, Dec 2, 2017
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2017
    MAlgol and loricus like this.
  14. MAlgol

    MAlgol I couldn't tackle the bear

    Nov 23, 2017
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    The only HI i have right now is Mobile Brigada and right now I don't plan to get anything new in a while. Been on a buying spree this year but very little painting and not many games. Hope the game count will change now that the people at the club is coming to geather for some Infinity Campaigning!
  15. loricus

    loricus Satellite Druid

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Geckos don't have any offensive capability for removing something difficult. You are usually using speed in that role to get better shots, or in the Kriza's case F2F power.

    I don't think it's a bad idea. In fact I think it's a good idea. But it's not what you would be expecting out of the "TAG and Second" style.
    MAlgol likes this.
  16. Wyrmnax

    Wyrmnax Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2017
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    Big TAGs have a few needs that you need to address to bring:

    1) Slowing down the enemy. Stuff that makes it harder to reach your TAG and cheerleaders if you loose initiative, or on round #2. My favorite thing on Nomads for this are minelayer Zeroes - mines are a decent slowdown and even a BS11 combi can wreck you if you do not approach a lane properly. Also, cheap as chips.

    2) Engineer. Dont bring a big TAG without one, ever. EM and Adhesive ammo exist, and that ruins your day.

    3) Another way to bring the hurt. No need to be a stupidly expensive one, but you will eventually loose the TAG, and he can't be your only effective punch else you might loose the game instantly. Prowler, Intruder, any HI... choices are plenty.

    4) Hacker protection. Because sometimes you need to advance in range of a camo. Less needed with a KHD inside the TAG.
    #56 Wyrmnax, Dec 4, 2017
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2017
    MAlgol likes this.
  17. loricus

    loricus Satellite Druid

    Nov 24, 2017
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    The advantages of the Moran with Koalas is that you also expand hacking area and get a specialist. You can also use the Koalas to clear enemy Mines, E/Maulers, Madtraps etc. The disadvantage is that as a group with neither troop or deployable in Token State they are much easier to clear.
    MAlgol likes this.
  18. Wyrmnax

    Wyrmnax Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2017
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    Question - why the EVO on the list?
  19. Zewrath

    Zewrath Elitist Jerk

    Nov 28, 2017
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    When you have 2nd turn, you have B2 flashpulses.
    loricus likes this.
  20. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    As Zewrath says, it allows the option to start with a Gadget-EVO program active even if you go secomd by expending a Command Token, and while it would depend on more things the chosing of enhanced ARO, it is +1Burst in ARO to all remotes with repetear (which includes the 17 points one). It is also because the EVO has an easier time defending itself from enemy hacking (breakwater), is inmunne to shock (it has EST), and has 2 KO levels thanks to Remote Presence, meaning that if an enemy hacker manages to get inside the SO remote's repeater (or the 8 point ones) and win the FtF, the EVO will remain on the table unless taking three "wounds", since the Hacking Device will be disabled once the EVO is Unconscious (so the enemy would still need to move a shooter to ensure the kill).
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