I'm excited for these guys. Close range weapons, AD(hopefully 2), and at least Doc+? Yes please. Also I like the look of the models, though I do have to wonder why they are still carrying their oxygen tanks after the jump. Planning to repurpose them for the patients?
That's fair, but Doc+ and AD do seem like a lock. Hopes for more might be pushing it, but I can't imagine a Haqqislam Doctor without the plus and to be like Tomcats they need AD. I also kind of expect BS 11 instead of 12, putting them more in line with the Tuaregs. Ha! That's a great mental image. I agree that the models look cool. They look very military, less anime than some other designs. These seem like an evolution of Djanbazan or Zhayedan.
As long as they are BS11, WIP14 Doc+ with AD:Combat Jump I will be happy. Thats all I am asking for. I want a 4-4 AD troop that doesnt walk in from the edge...but judging from the model it looks like it will have Parachutist instead.
My hope is it has Airborne Infiltration, because his gear looks like that of the Cube Jaeger which has it too.
We got nice pictures on FB: To be honest, my first impression of the renders was rather underwhelming. They look like futuristic German WW2 soldiers ;) Now, with better quality of the renders, my impressions are also better. They are really bulky and looking heavy, which is a bit weird, yet the masks and the equipment look interesting. Still not the Haqqislam minis, but also not bad. I hope that these guys will have Airborne Infiltration, like Cube Jager. And still hope they'd have Akbar Doctor. PozdRawiam / Greetings
Yes, Haqq light guys tend to be less bulky (the style that dossier was drawn in is far closer to that idea than the render), but I can't deny that I like that heap of equipment still :P
His bulk comes from his heavy clothing. Looks like is going to a winter war in Russia...or better with his oxygen bottle like a mountaineer on his way to the Himalaya. Quite uncommon for a Haqq model.
I don`t think they are AD: Combat Jump because they don`t have jumppack on the back, I expect AD:1 or AD:2. But I think they will be more efficient than Tomcats and of course cheaper because it`s Haqq))
Not really, the Zhayedans is almost ankle long and much thinner. I still hope, they are Airborne Infiltration Hakims;)
BS12 > BS11 AD:2 > AD:1 C+ > no C+ WIP13 = WIP14 Combi+LFT >>>>>>>>SMG Yeah, Hakims will be more efficient. :P
Tomcats are awesome because of a variety of things. If Hakims are relatively cheap Airborne Infiltration Doctor+ troops, that'll be awesome. I can imagine them having relatively decent PH, BS and such however as AD troops that aren't cheap mercenary spam tend to be relatively elite.
4-4, 13, 12, 11, 14, 2, 3, 1, 2 AD: Airborne Infiltration, Doctor Plus, V: Courage Knife, Pistol, SMG, Medikit - roughly 20pts Knife, Pistol, Boarding Shotgun, Medikit - roughly 23/24pts
Hakims don't have winged backpack like other haqq AD. I suppose he'll be infiltrator or Mechanised Deploy
AD levels which let you drop in always have wings, but Airborne Infiltration i.e. parachute off the side, ditch and wander in or fastrope from a dropship doesn't. See; Tomcats and Cube Jaegers. These guys have oxygen supplies and quilted paratrooper uniforms, and Bostria said they are like Tomcats so I'm thinking ADL2.