Hey there, I was wondering what the eventual fate of the Pakistani nation and the Muslim Punjabi population was in Infinity? Obviously Acontecimento has a massive Sikh and Hindi Punjabi population; did Pakistan kind of link up with the rest of the Islamosphere and send people to Bourak? Or do we know if it got gobbled up by PanO? I figure there are a lot of Muslims in PanO anyway because of their inclusion of Indonesia and Malaysia.
I'd say most of them stayed on Earth where you don't need a 3 dimensional rotating gyroscopic prayer rug to face Mecca. Also I highly doubt PanO or anyone else decided to foot the bill to send the average Indonesian orangutan torturer to their space utopia. I imagine there was some kind of cost barrier that saw a the majority of PanO's grotesquely overpopulated member states stay on earth to keep killing each other and themselves over nothing, whilst the bankers, businessmen and governments went to PanO to live it up. When you consider the elites of these countries are probably culturally more globalist than the slum-dwellers that make up the majority of the PanO member states, it makes more sense.
Mmmm as far i know, on 23 century most counties still exist as "independent" on earth. First of all infinity lore don't go deep on earth situation ( probably to avoid problems) but for what i know on earth Pano included Oceanía, India, Brasil, Chile and at the end the EU. Any Yu Jing the asiatic sphere ( japan, Korea, Birmània etc). In fact we don't now the current situation of countries like Russia, Pakistan or even the USA. I belive haqquislam population is a mix between islamic counties and USA population ( one of the most sarcastic twist from all infinity xD). But the population remaning on earth will still live in pakistan beliving in actual islam or in the new humanistic-soft-modern haqquislam. The same applies on pano islamic population. Anyways, you can't forget Pano is more chatolic than any actual country :S. I never liked this kind of argumentation and the lore never gone that deep but i suposo pano has is own islamic autorities. What i'm sure is we won't get any earth based sectorial, too many question about actual conflicts... Sorrry for my pour english
Well, it's true that the elites are probably more globalist, but it doesn't mean they don't have culture/religion in their native countries. The absence of the presence of Islam in PanO was always a headscratcher, given their founding nations. Haqqislam can't have gobbled up every Muslim.
With *some* indications that Combined is heading to Earth, I think what is most interesting is who provides security for Earth. This could be a decent way of introducing O-12, and with it a chance to introduce a more wide-spread net of inclusivity with regards to troops (I write "inclusivity", but what I mean is blatant pandering to fans with introduction of Spanish, actual French, Swedish, Finnish, actual US, etc troops under the umbrella of O-12) The other options is that we'll get an answer to OP's question and see the map of Earth with regards to who ends up in what nation - probably with a BoW campaign that will be pre-disposed to the absolutely massive Pan-O playerbase that will see a large number of canonically Yu Jing nations shift to Pan-O control and Nomads/Ariadna making claim on Earth even though they literally don't have the manpower to even provide a civilian police force, let alone military control on such a scale. I just hope it's not the latter. In either case, my bets are on Pakistan being Pan-O with little care that Pakistan and India are "a bit unfriendly" towards each other. I do believe that as far as Islamic nations are concerned, the soft Haqq teachings have little spread on Earth (with the self-exile and all) and the remaining Muslims are probably a split between Sunni and Shia by a very large margin compared to other teachings. It is not far fetched to believe that the Haqq teachings of Islam is probably under permanent Fatwa on Earth. Don't be, you're managing excellently.
Exactly. I've just been reading the lore section of the Infinity RPG core book. There it states that HaqqIslam was a non-state movement which, because it lacked a tangible 'base of operations', used all their resources to find and move to Bourek. The Muslim majority states remained on earth, though they make a couple of mentions of chaos in the Middle East due to a post-oil world so I guess those states might not be in the best of health. However Pakistan doesn't fall into the category of a Middle East oil producing state, and I haven't read any specific mention of it yet. Assuming no mention is made in the RPG books, my best guess would be some kind of informal colonialism vis-a-vis Pan-O and Pakistan. Kind of like how Ireland was not formally a colonial territory of the British Empire, but was certainly informally screwed by its location, so close to the 'hyperpower' of the day. If I find anything specific on Pakistan I'll post again - there are a lot of PDFs to get through now the RPG has been released! PS. I was myself surprised to read that Indonesia and Malaysia fall under Pan-O founding states - these are the two most populous Muslim states in the world. Indonesia itself has more Muslims living in it currently than the whole Middle East combined. Not that it doesn't make sense in the Infinity fluff, but it is not at all represented in the Pan-O model selections, as far as I can see. I guess I fall in the camp that thinks the Pan-O melting pot of cultures is a great concept, poorly represented with the poster-boys of the Military Orders looking more like a "Europe's 'greatest' hits", rather than Pan-Oceania.
Probably populations shifted into PanOceania/HaqqIslam. The remainder nation is either part of PanOceana or is still a neutral country.
As far as I know, India was incorporated into PanO, but there is no trace of what happened to Pakistan. I would expect that it ended being a kind of corrupted banana republic, maybe ruled by PanO puppet government, maybe more-or-less independent (and probably backward and poor playground for spy affairs between PanO, Yu Jing and Haqqislam then). PS: PanO as a melting pot is a great concept, I painted my Acontecimento forces as a strange mixture of Indonesians, Italians, Brazil mulattos and Chileans of Aymara ancestry, it was both challenge and fun to do that... .
Would be interesting to eventually replace Nagas in Acon with some sort of Pakistani-inspired mountaineer-scout unit. I have no idea about how their military is actually structured irl tho.
You must remember that the modern concept of nations are already goes beyond religious strain, the only thing matters is interest now. Maybe the forming of Pan-O is more suitable for both countries interest, knowing that Yu Jing threat exist and world are in the edge of economical destruction at that time. Creating an Oceanian alliance as deterrence force are quite sound imo. P.S. Actually i'm quite into the direction of Pan-O take right now. Still waiting for Varuna to be finally released, creating units with mixture of Buginese and Polynesian culture are quite interesting. Also i wonder how Indonesian-based megacorp will look like, maybe something like Bakrie Interglobal or Trans Planetary Broadcast co. might be cool.
Doing a bit of reading on this, Pakistan is quite possibly one of the bigger players in PanO (I can't really see the Pakistanis doing anything that makes them look less modern than the Indians). I mean, *today* they have the 24th largest economy in the world, larger than some European countries. It also helps that they have a big population. But everyone I know that has been to Pakistan has a really dim view of the place. As one guy put it, "There's Afghanistan Crazy, and then there's Pakistan Crazy. The only level of crazy above that involves extraterrestrials!"
Just to add a bit the RPG kind of hints that a lot of nations have treaties with either Pan-O or Yu Jing for access to the Human Sphere and such. The state of them having been touched upon, though there's an RPG book on our solar system so I suspect it will, it does mention that even the best off country on earth is like comparing a small island nation to a superpower now days in regards to any of the major Infinity Players (analogy mine). Also remember that Pan-O and Yu Jing each control large portions of earth as the original founding countries as still there but neither pay much attention to goings on there. Only seams that Aleph is normally engaged. The RPG also mentions that there are still wars between the minor nations, that the USA is "broken" and Russia is rebuilding. Also calls out Nigeria as being a country that could have a huge impact on the story. Only other countries mentioned are Iceland and Israel (struggling to not be left behind). On the plus side all the art and historical locations are a huge tourist attraction so Earth has that going for it I guess.
I imagine that a significant number of Pakistani Muslims converted to Haqqislam and made the emigration to Bourak, some more probably emigrated to PanO territories, and the rest are probably still Sunnis living in Pakistan which is a nation which continues to exist. I doubt it's a security concern for PanO mind, potentially Kashmir is independent or a semi-autonomous state either in PanO or more likely not, and probably more advanced technology and depopulation due to the Bourak emigration means it's relatively quiet and peaceful as Earth mostly tends to be these days.