I don't dismiss them as "spess mafia," I celebrate them as SPACE MAFIA!!!!! Sorry, I’m a little excited.
Reminder that hype is objectively bad and that it's better to get something unexpectedly amazing than to have high expectations met.
RPG fluff makes it clear the rules on Tunguska are clearly 'don't shit where you eat'. Above all Tunguska must appear to be ordered and secure the conflicts of the maras of Corregidor or catgirl riots of Bakunin are not tolerated. I also get the distinct vibe that Tunguska is actually DSAD the Sectorial.
I hope not. At least without X-Visor on Spitfire Kriza because it is only one reliable long-range gunfighter that cost less then 86 pts. Forcing fragile model without any close-quarters defense to be close ruins any means of usability. Kriza dies at long range enough and dies if close at 100%. Yeah, bring death rate of expensive model to 100% is GOOOD. Also 4-4 gunfighter that should run forward from his own deploy without any defensive measures - GOOOOD DESIGN. I`ve just finished painting my scratchbuilt one, so I`m expecting resculpt in a meantime))
Very slightly off-topic: Where in the fluff would I find that? I backed 'all the PDFs' for the RPG but pretty much nothing but the main book and quantronic heat has been released right? Which file should I look at for Sectorial fluff? My friend in particular is wanting to snort every fleck of Tunguska fluff out there.
You could find hints and bits of information in unit fluff. Check Zoe dossier and all Tunguska units. I know what would be cool on Kriza - Autocannon. Or at least Feuerbach. It`s not so high-burst but giver big punch and was man-portable before.
P170 of the main RPG rules under Tunguska: Cryptohackers and Criminals I didn't back anything and bought it direct from Modiphius.
Krizas are pretty great as is. A Missile Launcher/SMG or Feuerbach profile would be cool, but I'm happy with their existing options.
On the debate as to whether the Hollowman is a HI or not, are there any other 6 man starter boxes with 2 HI's? The Kriza is a super heavy infantry already, would it make sense to have another 2 wound model as well. Securitate are almost certainly going to be pricey line troopers, so that would be a very high point value starter box, 3 pricey line troopers and two HI's. I haven't looked at all the other 6 man starters, so that might actually be common, any thoughts?
The one in the Tunguska starter is listed as having a Spitfire, and the original concept from last year has a Missile Launcher.
There are a few. NCA starter, Yu Jing starter, MO Starter, I want to say the CHA starter? Might be even more. It's not that uncommon, and even if it was, that wouldn't make a difference here I feel.
Fair enough, either way, based on his feet, I SUPER hope he is a fast medium cost fighter (6-2?) with super jump. Think that would be tonnes of fun to play, and make good use out of a multirifle and pitcher.
I expect 4-4 MI with G:RP and V:NWI + Holoprojector of course. But proper 2 STR would be great too. Also there is an artillery naval REM in wishlist. Highly unlikely but still great idea. Something like breach platform used in ship boarding action.
If they are REMs will they come with the traditional Nomad REM climbing+ 6-2 with climbing+ would be really nice Mov cc bs ph wip arm bts str s ava 6-2 10 12 10 13 3 3 2 2 3 -GRP, Total Immunity, Climbing +, hollow projector 2 or 3, forward deployment lvl 1 -multi rifle+ pitcher +chain colt -spitfire + breaker pistol -combi rifle + breaker pistol (FO) at like 27-35 points
I've had the weekend to process what we've seen, so my laundry list of reactions. -Overall, I'm expecting Tunguska to play closer to Onyx or NeoTerra than anything else. A general lack of cheap utility (few/no direct template weapons, little/no smoke) that's offset by a technological advantage present on all their units -Securitate: Cost equivalent to Celestial Guard or higher, but offset by additional options (such as the boarding shotgun, and perhaps a port of their old onboard repeater) that helps justify the cost. Transductors will be AVA3 to help provide a cheap order pool and offset the added cost. -Hecklers: We've seen waves of successful midfield units that don't rely on Camo, and I think Hecklers could easily qualify for this category. Ryuken-9, Locusts, Kanren all utilize various tools like ODD, Holo, Forward Deployment plus specialized loadouts to achieve a great tactical role. For Hecklers, I'd love to see Albedo and Jammer to make them a supreme troll unit. -Hollow Men: At this point it's very hard to say. I've seen some notions that they'll be a cheaper spammable option, either linkable firebase like Unidrons or very cheap Order fuel like Kuang Shi. I don't agree... I think we would have seen different weapon options on their dossier if that were true. I do expect them to be fast, fitting their "assault" moniker, and their legs look built for speed in the same way as most bipedal REMs. Deploy them Holo1 as something fairly benign (a Securitate combi, or Interventor shotgun) then they'll come to life with an aggressive tabletop role. The most important point, I don't think cheap Order fuel is needed as long as the REM AVA is adequate. I think Tunguska is poised to really be the high-tech elite of Nomads, and frankly I'd be more drawn to playing Nomads actively if I saw them as the corporate elite flavor of Nomads. I can easily see them as PanO in playstyle with tech and fire superiority, but of course with superior Nomad-brand Hacking coverage and capability.
Thanks, I know about the old dossier, but the lack of that choice in Army has made me question of that would ever be a reality, I had hoped they confirmed it. We'll I'm buying the Tunguska starter regardless, but I had hoped for the fabled ML or the HMG which has been a work horse for me. The spitfire is my least favorite, remaining option, purely because it shares range bands with the mk12. @barakiel I expect that the puptactica would be order fuel along the lines of kuang shi. What are tatical puppets good for? Orders and chest mines! (pure speculation).