Btw, while we are pointing faults in your logic, @psychoticstorm, can you tell me exactly where Yu Jing's CC supremacy is now, seeing as you wonder how i can say with a straight face than PanO (with a CC dedicated sectorial) got better CC than YJ at the moment?
WTF is wrong with you. Stop crying. ISS is such a good sector, it counts for 3. I dont really care about IA, because Zuyong suck and I dont like TAGs. If I want a HI Link, I can play ISS with WU Ming, so im waiting for the much more awesome WB sectorial.
Show me PanO CC supremacy also if you want to poke flaws, except of perfect conditions and a really... forgetful opponent I cannot see any Oniwaban achieving what you say without been shot to death before achieving it.
It's almost like smoke grenades are a thing. You throw the smoke in front of the link team leader, stab him, then clean up with a Rui Shi. Advaaaaaaanced Tacticsssssssss
Please kindly point me to YJ's equivalence to Military Orders: we now have less Martial Arts profiles than PanO, no Assault, no Berserk, etc... I think we are maybe the weakest CC faction at the moment, although I'm not sure.
Again, maths says no. And it's actually not very hard to get smoke on Knights. They can't dodge out of the cloud if you place it over them they can't physically move far enough. But given that you don't really know how to use an Oniwaban I wasn't expecting you to really know what to do with smoke grenades. This is on the easier end of the spectrum too. I see stuff like Datatracker Joan that needs to get pushed off objectives frequently. Go make a Ninja fight Joan, tell me how it goes. I'll give you a hint the percentages are in Joan's favour.
Smoke and delivery really is the only thing the CC side of YJ has going for it anymore. Stat for Stat though YJ doesn't have anything left on paper that can outfight Joan in a fist fight, without the Crane's link team members lending a hand she'll statistically win against that Crane of yours. It's a big shift from "let me just stab that with an Oniwaban and move on"
PanO CC profiles Joan CC 23 MA3 NWI DA or EXP CCW depending on version Fersen CC 22 MA3 AP + Shock CCW Magister Knight CC 22 MA2 DA CCW , hyperdinamics to help reaching melee Sepulcher Knight CC 21 MA2 DA CCW Holo 2 Hospitalliers CC 21 MA2 DA CCW relatively cheap for what they apport Santiago Knight CC 21 MA1 DA CCW E/M grenades Teuton Knight CC 21 Berserk EXP CCW YJ CC profiles Crane Agent CC 22 MA3 kinematica 2 DA CCW almost there with Fersen and Joan Ninja CC 23 MA3 TO, Infiltration, DA CCW yes it's good... and squishy Shaolin monk CC22 MA 3 , warband, smoke grenades, the cheap version comes with Shock CCW, the DA version pays for a combi rifle Pheisant Agent CC 22 MA 2 DA CCW squishy as hell and not a single way to deliver into melee = overbloated profile with no reason Kanren CC 19 MA 1 Monofilament CCW, Forward deployment, Mad traps or AHD , it has some potential when using surprise attack but far from the assassin that was Oniwaban So from YJ rooster at current we could consider Crane , Ninja and Kanren as CC units able to reach melee and kill their target worth enough to spend our order on. Really, developers defined YJ strong traits as HI expertise and Melee supremacy. Between the buffs in excess to HIs and their links flexibility for the other factions in Human Sphere N3, specially Nomads which they didn't have to have; and JSA units gone. YJ have lost all their traits. Invincible army can only restore YJ supremacy in HI and let's pray is not too late for this, given how much HI units and links have been promoted between the other factions.
While I don't have the experience to chip in on arguments about ninjas and obiwaban etc... As a new player who got red veil and then bought some JSA support units to fill in the list, it is a bit of a punch to be told 'go spend another 150$ to use your units you bought to finish your Yu-Jing vanilla army'. I was hoping they'd have some sort of IA as replacement, since I bought a hac tao, maybe if that could link team with dao fei or something, I don't really know, but just seems like now I have a very iffy yu jing list and a handful of JSA minis that are now sitting around doing nothing until I shell out another 100-150$, which just feels kind of rubbish. It also, from a fluff perspective, sucks to go from 'united Asian superpower with this interesting hybrid culture' to 'evil china' and '15th century japan' and no indication that CB wants to make Yu Jing relevant as a story actor, outside of maybe being sort of generically the 'red menace' for Pan-O to be cooler than.
At risk of being torn to shreds, what if CB added a Monofilament CCW Ninja profile? Maybe that could help with some of the points raised about the Oniwaban/Ninja crisis? Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
It wouldn't be an Oniwaban or Kitsune, but psychoticstorm's assertion that Ninjas can fill the same role less efficiently would definitely ring more true if the ninja had monofilament.
I think some JSA units that no longer exist, such as the Raiden should probably have just become Yu Jing only rather than disappearing from the game.
I wonder if that would encroach on the Kanren's niche a bit too much, but I see where you're coming from.
The Ryuken isn't even an MI anymore. Being able to keep a bike unit for Yu Jing would be cool too. An ava 1 Oniwaban would have been another good units for Yu Jing to keep just to keep its CC superiority. People would be a lot less upset if Yu JIng had been able to keep some key JSA units but with low ava. Like I said, Yu Jing need some new CC specialists to make up for what they lost in the JSA split. Unfortunately, the Kanren is nowhere near as effective as the Oniwaban for being an assassin of high value tough targets like HI and TAGs.