As the title states how would a PanO knight react to seeing a dogface the first time during the Commercial Wars on Ariadna? edit: note PanO knights are Christians and well historically Christians and werewolves don't usually get along well (burring a few exceptions form France and Ireland)
The only way that they know to face anything, point with their fingers and scream: heresy! And then they try to kill it with a sword. For Military Orders always is s. XIII. Do you remember Monty Python's Jehova sketch? That's Military Orders in my opinion.
knight: "By god a Bakunin made abomination!" dogface: "what in the world is a Bakunin?" knight: "for your crime existence you must DIE ARGGG! *charges*"
Hey, don't make every knight a Leeroy Jenkins ;) The key question is what's the Church stance on modifying human genome. Since Dogfaces are human-alien hybrids they might indeed be seen as abominations, or as a step-down from pure humans (tolerable, but unfit for certain duties or status, essentially untermensch). Same goes for any Bakunin furry experiment. And even if official Church policy is to eradicate the hybrids (unlikely, in my opinion), then knights wouldn't probably go about it by blindly charging in. They'd simply shoot them down.
First time seeing a werewolf, mate... if alien: bad, it's an out of context problem. If bakunin, double bad: not only is an out of context, it also knows about the knights. And if not... XD
First reaction: Delirium (Werewolf: The Apocalypse fans will understand) :tongueout: But seriously, it still depends on the Church teachings and tactical situation. I'd expect a major wtf moment, followed by realization that the 'monster' uses human gear and cooperates with Ariadna soldiers. Conclusion - enemy combatant, assess capabilities and threat level, neutralize as needed, Christus vincit! (edit - Christus vincit! )
so the order of events "Werewolfs WTF!?">"it's obvious Ariadnains are consulting with the devil">"The Ariadnains must have Bakunin assistance to make those abominations">"The Ariadnains must have bio technology equal to greater than the rest of the human sphere">"Obviously those dogfaces are the result of a depravity the Ariadnains committed on the local fauna"
I don't get your historical approach. Why does the knight have to be an imbecile. Why does he have to think of Ariadnans consulting with the devil. The Knight might aswell be struck by curiosity and caution.
Yep, curiosity is quite present on the Military Orders. Look at the Templars, they were curious about... whops XD Anyway, I'd say the Teutonic Knights might not think, just charge against the furball, just in case is something EC-related XD
I'd only want to remind that the only Impetous knights are the Magisters. And while faith is invigorated in Infinity and MO are filled with religious zeal, it's not like they've all started thinking like it's 1148. They do know that genetic manipulation and aliens exist. They might think it's Devil's influence, but are unlikely to react primitively upon encountering examples.
Yes, the trainers and veterans, the Magister Knights, are the ones unable to contain themselves :tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy:
The church likely views the mixing of human and aliens genes with disdain, much like splicing human genes with animal genes. The knights' have their code of honor to follow so they won't be belligerent zealots to werewolves. They might show disdain to a dogface if forced to work with them but they won't be out right hostile either. Of course, don't expect any mercy from a knight in battle as a dogface.