Starting with Nomads

Discussion in 'Nomads' started by ChoTimberwolf, Nov 28, 2017.

  1. ChoTimberwolf

    ChoTimberwolf Artichoken Friend

    Nov 28, 2017
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    So far I played Tohaa but I am thinking of starting Nomads as a second army. I actually bought a used Nomad starter already.
    My question now what is difference between the vanilla and the sectors?
    What units are good to have to start Nomads with?
  2. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Corregidor: Basic, tough, and direct, no mind games, only combo is Intruder + Jaguar's smoke, Eclipse smoke on Massacre.

    Bakunin: Freak party, most of the hacking shenanigans from generic can be reproduced here, no MSV2.

    Generic: the cheap-o-party. Tons of hacking shenanigans and troops with repeaters makes any advanced enemy to fight an uphill battle, specially if the table has some hard to reach buildings in the middle of the table.

    Depending on where do you want to go, one thing or another becomes important or irrelevant. The Nomads starter is, anyway, mostly useless: the three Alguaciles can be used as cheerleaders, the Mobile Brigada won't see much table, the Grenzer will be used only as a proxy for the Intruder, and the Spekter is, like the Grenzer, a Tunguska unit, so it's for generic only (and there is a blister for him).

    What to buy:

    All: Remotes (3 boxes and Lunokhod Blister), Support Pack, Warcor, Specops blister.

    Corregidor: Starter (3xWildcats, Intruder, Alguacil, Hellcat), 2x Moran Blister, at least 1 Bandit, Carlota Kowalski blister (for a single tomcat + zondcat), Jaguar box, either Wildcats Blisters (Spitfire, missile launcher) or Alguaciles box. If you need a TAG, go for the geckos unless you plan to moonlight in generic, in which case the Iguana is more interesting in a €/effectiveness scenario.

    Bakunin: Starter (Moira, Riot Grrrrl, Morlock, Sin Eater observant, 2 moderators), Meteor Zond blister, Blister repack Zeros (it comes with 2), Reverend Custodier (1 or two), NOW CHOOSE: Moderators box, Moiras Box, Riot Grrrrls! Box + Spitfire Riot blister. If you go for the Moderators, then Taskmaster (unless you already have Moran, if so, go for the blister).

    Generic: 2 Zeros Blister, Interventor Box, Iguana TAG (if you want a TAG), BEYOND Icestorm Nomad side (Kriza, Hellcat, Intruder Sniper), Morlocks box, 2x Moran blister, Carlota Kowalski blister (for 1 Tomcat with Zondcat), Meteor Zond blister. If you want a round-it-all, Bakunin Starter.

    More or less, that is enough to have a decent base for each "group". Nomads are best with Medium Infantry, the Wildcats are basic but sure, the Moiras and Custodiers are hard to hit.
    If you want to use Kusanagi, then go for Bakunin with a Custodier + Reverend healer Haris, since Moiras are a confy option for a terrace ARO team, and advancing 5 men fireteams can be a pain.

    TAGs: Iguana for hacking sehaningans in generic, Szalamander for "I need no hacking backup", Lizard is the "middle child", and Geckos are STR-based heavy infantry, so to speak.
  3. ChoTimberwolf

    ChoTimberwolf Artichoken Friend

    Nov 28, 2017
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    Wow thanks thats solid information, which is most fun of the 3? Imma think which way to go
  4. ChoTimberwolf

    ChoTimberwolf Artichoken Friend

    Nov 28, 2017
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    After reading a bit about them I think vanilla or bakunin, probably bakunin because after Tohaa a group with lots of hacking etc sounds good ;)
    Although going simple vanilla is probably better..mhmm...
    #4 ChoTimberwolf, Nov 28, 2017
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2017
  5. ZlaKhon

    ZlaKhon New scale enthusiast

    Nov 27, 2017
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    Bakunin and Vanilla are similar in their hacking abilities, but Vanilla is definitely a bit stronger here (due to access to Morans (Infiltrators who are also repeaters) , Interventors (best Hacker Ltd. in the game) and Securitate (Hacker with SS2)). Check out their profiles in the app if you want to see how powerful they are.
    So if your plan is to build a dedicated hacking army, I'd suggest to stick to Vanilla.

    Additionally, there is no Bakunin model in the Nomads starter, so if you are limited by budget choosing Vanilla will get you started playing a bit faster.

    My Vanilla shopping list would be: Interventor box, 2*Morans, Icestorm expansion, Intruder HMG, Jaguars (alternatively Morlocks), Zond remotes, Tsyklon remotes, 2*zeros (new blister). So very similar to the one posted by xagroth.
  6. colbrook

    colbrook Grenade Delivery Specialist

    Nov 23, 2017
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    How long is a piece of string? :P
    loricus likes this.
  7. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Well, if it's about Bakunin Vs generic the question is: Moran, Interventors and MSV2 (Intruder) Versus the Fireteams of Moiras/Riots/Custodiers.

    The Securitate... if you want an SS2 hacker, the Moiras have an Assault hacker, and it's a more effective troop, besides the only securitate models are from more than five years ago...
  8. WiseKensai

    WiseKensai Rogue Interventor

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Vanilla lets you bring all the strengths of Nomads to bear, and the combos just get better.
    • Intruder + Jaguar Smoke -> Intruder + Morlock smoke (cheaper, more plentiful, but less reliable)
    • Custodier White Noise + shooty thing -> Interventor + Moran + White Noise + shooty thing
    • Corregidor's amazing AD troops combined with all the toys in Bakunin and Tunguska
    • Link team pew pew -> Kriza pew pew (not a direct replacement, but pretty darned good and cheaper/more maneuverable)
    You can also order battery Morlocks with Krakot Renegades and Jaguar Panzerfausts, which is super irritating to deal with and cheap enough that your main group can still be chock-full of Nomady goodness. Here are some examples of that:
    I don't miss fireteams when playing Vanilla Nomads, basically. There's just too many cool options to play with. Vanilla lists also feel more resilient to me, but maybe that's just the way I list build between sectorials and vanilla.
    herrkellen and xagroth like this.
  9. Harlekin

    Harlekin Catgirl Supporter since 2007

    Feb 21, 2017
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    I'd also vote for Vanilla, if you are aiming for the real Nomad feeling.
    Especially when you want to dig deeper into Hacking, you'd have the broadest options here.

    The thing about Hacking is that it is the most rock-paper-scissors thing within Infinity you can get. With a vanilla army you can set up the most redundancy and the most flexibility rather easily.
  10. Blindside

    Blindside Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2017
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    yeah, vanilla Nomads, definitly!
    Its a hell of fun with all those hackers plus with that new shiny toys we got, f.e. a strong beast against sectorial links(hi @ mr kryza bora)

    Btw i switched from Corregidor/Vanilla last season to Bakunin this season, i often surprise myself(and my opponent) by building lists without any Linkteams, which could Vanilla do much more effective...i am smart...s-m-r-t!
    What i wanted to say, you dont need 2 rely on Links in Bakunin either, they also got nice troop choices who can win the game without 2-4 guys behind em cheering 'YAAAY, NICE MOVE! YAAAAY, NICE SHOOT!'
    (same counts for corregidor -> In 'everybody' tru 'loves em' ders but they lack in the hacking game which we nomads are known for)

    Just give Vanilla a try and if you like it, why not swapping into a sectorial later on?
    ChoTimberwolf, Benjamin and loricus like this.
  11. Nicklz

    Nicklz Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I did pick Corregidor as my first army and play it for 3 months or so now. It is perfect for a beginner as you can evaluate most options pretty quickly, but the variety is lacking a bit. Even my gaming group is pushing me towards Vanilla now to spice it up a bit.
    Benjamin likes this.
  12. loricus

    loricus Satellite Druid

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I love Corregidor but you need to love learning a basic thing in detail instead of running off of a gimmick, because they are a very "basic" faction. Like white rice.

    Jaguar are the very first thing to get imo, even for Vanilla Nomads. If you ever just want to add an order they are choice 1.
  13. ChoTimberwolf

    ChoTimberwolf Artichoken Friend

    Nov 28, 2017
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    Thank you all for answering I probably will start with vanilla, if I want Link teams I can just go with my Tohaa ;) main reason why I want to expand into a second army is to try and learn new stuff that isn't possible or hardly with Tohaa so hacking and elite lists, vanilla sounds good to me, thank you all may the dice roll in your favour
    Benjamin, xagroth and loricus like this.
  14. Benjamin

    Benjamin New Member

    Nov 30, 2017
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    I disagree that the starter is bad. What I did was that i took the arms from the grentzer (sniper) and put them on a anguacil. and used the grentzers arms (combi rifle) and put them on the anguacil. The Grentzer with combi rifle and sensor is not a bad soldier, that can do some really cool shit. Like expert camo marker hunting and triangulated fire to take down snipers. The mobile brigada. Well not being a bad soldier, just very generic power armor. Try bringing him and declare that his gun is a HMG is a posible choice. His gun is big enogh to warrent it. The TO camo soldier. well it is TO camo. if you play vanilla, his is really good. and should you go play Bakunin, just use him as a Zero. the look kind of alike anyway, and are used to the same thing. camuflaged infiltration troops.

    That said. Every player does it differently. What works for me, might be a bad choice for you. It is all about how you play, what tactics you use and so on. Every figure can do stuff in their own right!
  15. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Well, as you yourself say, the starter needs conversions to be useful (mind you, using the Grenzer Sniper as a proxy for any of his profiles is totally legal, since there are no more Grenzer miniatures). The main problem is that the 3 alguaciles are irrelevant if you want to go to Corregidor, the Grenzer and Spekter are Tunguska units, and the Brigada is a generic IP with courage which only new people who bought Icestorm use, and not for long... So it's easier to grab other starter and roll with it.
    You can see the same thing happening in a lot of "generic starter" boxes, with Haqquislam scaping because of how frigging useful are the Medic+ Ghulam (but the QK box is a great purchase), EC because of also being Onyx's starter (and only place to find the Maakrep), and so on.
  16. freefall357

    freefall357 Active Member

    Dec 1, 2017
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    Nomads are masters of the 'soft-kill'. You can end games with more people Glued, Shut-down, Isolated, and pinned down than dead/unconscious.
    Oh, try out our combat REMs...give them hacker support and o.m.g.
    loricus and xagroth like this.
  17. ChoTimberwolf

    ChoTimberwolf Artichoken Friend

    Nov 28, 2017
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    Thanks, the starter is bought before I started the post so thats already to late, I don't mind to proxy a weapon we Tohaa have many weapon set not avaible as a miniature ;)
    Actually its the old starter set without a Grenzer xD I got Securitate, mobile brigade, zero and 3 Alguacil ;)
    xagroth likes this.
  18. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    That's the one I had to start with... the Brigada is more than useless, since the model is smaller than the new ones and completely different. The alguaciles are also of inferior quality... and the securitate is even worse :/
    ChoTimberwolf likes this.
  19. ChoTimberwolf

    ChoTimberwolf Artichoken Friend

    Nov 28, 2017
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    Haha yeah they look a bit weird but from your posts the securitate sounds more useful than the grenzer.
  20. loricus

    loricus Satellite Druid

    Nov 24, 2017
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    The Grenzer is perfectly good and the Securitate is both useable and probably slated for update.
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