I mean YJ will most likely stay the CC faction out of the main armies, and they will probably continue to tack on 1 point of CC to units because I can't imagine what else they'd use as a baseline determining stat for deciding profiles.
The 'Good-enough-to-CC-Factions-that-don't-CC-but-not-good-enough-to-fight-dedicated-CC-forces' Faction doesn't roll off the tongue quite as well.
Where's the "I hate this post and I want to bring it to life so I can punch it in the face but I have to agree" button?
The one time GW tried that spiel on me I dropped the plan to go back to 40K like a hot potato and looked into alternative games, one of which turned out to be Infinity. So, we can do more than nothing.
Well, given how carelessly CB have shared flexible HI fireteams and generous options between many armies, the long awaited Invencible Army'd better be really amazing, because right now I fail to see what could they apport to differentiate YuJing and the IA as the specialists in HI. Not to say faction's been stripped off of the CC specialist trait. I don't think there's any identity left, other than specialists in overbloated profiles.
Getting fucked over by other factions who steal your unit profiles is officially now Yu Jing's identity. Gotta move with the times.
I think Yu Jing can still have part of it's identity as mixed fire teams so long as it's handled differently and consistently to NA2. The classic YJ Fireteam is one leader with a bunch of mooks, it's a top down chain of command with a huge disparity in rank. That's why executive order feels very YJ, a new battle commander walks in and assumes control. The NA2 approach to mixed fire teams is more levelled, everyone is more or less the same rank in the organisation, the reason the units are different is because these are literally the only people they could muster to send. I think the mechanical difference will need to be making sure NA2 forces don't get the min-maxxing benefit that YJ does and focusses more on tool box links. Using a bunch of mooks to 'roid up a single HI with all the fireteam benefits without the full cost of a HI link is the YJ way. Similarly I could see an arguement for PanO mixed fireteams using a 3rd approch, which is to go one step lower than the low ranks by introducing supplementary REMs into LI fireteams (or even just linking REMs), and I don't think that would encroach too heavily onto either NA2's or YJ's design space (and it would thematically reinforce PanOs approach to winning wars by spending money on tech).
If they are willing, then there are still many unexplored routes to go with HI even without flexible HI fireteams. For example, IA still is the only one with a sleek looking S5 with HRMC. Then there is the transforming HI with Su Jian. If these aspects are further matured in the correct direction then they can become the faction with HI equipped with TAG weapons or the faction with the transforming HI. Then IA could have dirt cheap order monkey LI engineer units to support the HI. They could be the faction with HI line infantry supported by true support order generators. Then there is always the possible AD HI. There are still many ways the faction can expand it's identity IMO. Now whether these would be worked on or which degree they would be worked on are separate questions.
Would be cool if Yu Jing got a Military Industrial Complex sectorial, one that extensively explored Yu Jing experimental constructs with Su-Jian and Karakuri derivatives as the primary heavy-lifters and technicians and similar personnel making up the W-attribute carrying troopers.
Hey, join the club. "Pano doesn't get nice things" ™ can now join with the new "Yu JIng doesn't get nice things"™. Look at the bright side, theres plenty of salt to go around. :P
Cheapness, AD heavy infantry, character/LT based buffs like inspiring leadership, veterancy, MSVs widespread, maybe some special fireteam rules for IA allowing multiple teams like Enomotarchos and Triad rules. Plenty of possibilities.
I really don't want to rub salt into any wounds here but after many long years of reading Yu Jing smack talk about Pano, please allow me one small quip in return: Hexahedron's reaction to the JSA split: please don't hate me.
Would anyone really use it? For 6 points more you trade KHD for FO and Bow for a Combi. Doesn't seem that great to me.