Not yet. There's a chance that Kazaks will be one of the 4 sectorials due this year but it's an outside one IMO.
I've been thinking about what we could have in a 2 players box if Kazak was part of it (possible with next campain on dawn + ariadna starter is old). To follow the standard mission we have in the other pack, we would need : 3 line troopers => 3 line kazak (new sculpt) 1 lieutenant HI => Vet kazak rifle (new sculpt) 1 CAMO or AD trooper => scout (I like both the ojotnik and sniper one so no preference and no need for resculpt, maybe a boarding shotgun sculpt ?) Two "special" troops : usualy we have at least one MSV there if the opposing army as a camo. For Ariadna, I would go with a tankhunter autocanon (news sculpt, enormous weapon = good atraction factor) and a new unit (something S4 or S5 and flashy : scout on bike, SK with antipode and guard, dog face commando SK with infiltration and mimetism). As opponent, many army would do : Vedic (opposition between high tech and low tech look good on paper), IA (they come on dawn to fight JSA, we want to kill both of them for coming here), Varuna (coming to support some PanOc company stealing from us) What do you think ?
Yes to the three line troopers. Though I imagine they will also release the HMG and ML at around the same time. Since those sculpts are super duper dated. The next bit is where it gets complicated. I don't think there will be any MSV since there are only two non-merc options for MSV in Ariadna right which is Uxia profile I have never seen anyone use and Briscards. Either its Vet Kazak with a Tankhunter with rifle. Followed by probably an unreleased unit and an an exclusive Spetznas Sculpt. ---OR--- Tank Hunter with Spetz (paradrop loadout) or Scout with BSG and a Vet Kazak with exclusive Dog Warrior sculpt I dont think they will do a bike since everyone is getting bikes and they just sold a flashy bike model on the new JSA. Antipode and human duo seems too similar to the Devil Dogs (gotta keep them Russia boyos different from the 'Murican good old boys) and cuts into the Antipode warband. A dogface would seem more appropriate though if they want to stick with the big bad Russian dogs effect an uparmored Dog-Warrior would fit the bill for your large silhouette and flashy bad ass unit. But hell this is just out my butt speculation and what things I sorta hope for. Your version is just as possible I guess. Can not wait for this sectorial though!
For a hypothetical Kazak two player starter? Why would there be one of the USAriadna units, did I miss something?
Ooooooh... was confused to which part you were refering. You are correct. My bad. Mavericks also possess MSV1. Dont know how I managed to overlook both of those. Shame on me
Hello there, long time lurker, Ariadna loyalist, one of the many people that are chomping at the bit for TAK. I want to toss my hat into the ring for the speculation thread, as some google translate has lots of people tossing around the question of a potential TAK box, and what the big guy would be for it. Something you hear a lot is, "that's too much like _____" sectoral. Which is why people are sort of on the fence about a kazak biker or kazak devil dog equivalent. But something I want to put forward as a potential "big guy" for a kazak box that still could feel different, besides another antipode/doggo. Spoiler: Image The adorable Muls, in a ton of the speculation threads we have Arianda finally getting a tag, and every flavor of dog and bike discussed to death. But lets not forget these humble comrades. Despite being in every sectoral, the name and badge is Russian. Maybe there could be the possibility of a new variant of these guys, change out the turret for a loadout more suited to the midfield as a fire support/ARO bot versus a spec fire artillery piece. A quick edit: The reason I bring this up, it seems that links with remotes are kosher now that NA2 is a thing... just saying Ariadna might get some of that love.
I like the idea. We could have two possible option : mul inside a core (line kazak) representing the support drone following the main team of soldier and a special harris with muls and dozers representing an Ariadna artillery battery, operated by its controler. It would be fun without being OP (our drones have crappy BS after all)
Not to mention there are way that this mul could get around it having crappy BS for a fire support bot, besides line kazaks being an easy way to get a full 5 man fireteam. It could be more utility, featuring a smoke grenade launcher and a heavy flamethrower for flushing things out midfield. Or it could feature the total reaction of the uragan featuring something like a molotok or a HMG to give a line kazak fireteam a good ARO peice.