Let's brainstorm new skill ideas!

Discussion in 'Access Guide to the Human Sphere' started by Hecaton, Feb 22, 2018.

  1. Sabin76

    Sabin76 Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Joke's on you. Every hacking program is a skill!! :P
    Hecaton likes this.
  2. Arloid

    Arloid Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Ambush lv 1
    > You're opponent must have the first turn.​
    > Once per game, during the first turn of the game, at the start of the turn, but after the impetrous phase the user may imediatly spend a single order as if it was the users own turn.
    > This skill may generate ARO's as if it was you're own turn.
    Ambush lv 2
    > You're opponent must have the first turn.​
    > Once per game, during the first turn of the game, but after the impetrous phase the user may spend a single order imediatly after the impetrous phase or any order after the impetrous during the opponents turn as if it was the users own turn.
    > This skill may generate ARO's as if it was you're own turn.
    Ambush lv X
    > The user may start the game in Suppressive Fire.​
  3. Jassal2.0

    Jassal2.0 Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    I really like Blink!

    I have an idea for equipment/weapon:


    Indirect, Targetless, Non-Lethal, Template Circle

    Creates a Saturation Area (Infinite Height) that lasts for one player turn. In addition, template weapons have a -6 MOD to Damage when any part of the template touches the bubble.

    Designed as an answer to the proliferation of weapons such as the chain rifle and anti-personnel mines, the nanobubble uses existing technologies to provide light forces with greater survivability against such weapons

    Short-lived, autonomous nanites work in conjunction with discrete sensors to detect incoming munitions and nullify them.
    emperorsaistone likes this.
  4. meikyoushisui

    meikyoushisui Competitor for Most Ignored User

    Nov 28, 2017
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    I was thinking yesterday about what would happen if the strategic command token to reduce an order pool was changed to allow the player going second to "borrow" two orders from his first turn order pool. Allows repositioning if you can't quite make it to a sniper perch, or dropping a forward deployed unit into suppressive.
    T. Rex Pushups and Stiopa like this.
  5. Barrogh

    Barrogh Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    Just make sure that doesn't use any of your not yet existing orders from the following turn without proper clauses being included :P
  6. Solar

    Solar Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2017
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    It occurs to me that a combat drug injector skill would be cool. Activate it at the beginning of the turn to get Extremely Impetuous, V: Dogged, and Hyperdynamics L1.
    Zewrath, Hecaton, Herr Hörn and 2 others like this.
  7. Del S

    Del S Tunguskaball

    Dec 11, 2017
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    Had a few ideas for in-between/lower-powered variants of existing skills.

    V:Stubborn: In-between Dogged and NWI. Take last wound, works like Dogged, but you only go unconscious, not dead. One use per game to ensure it's got some limitations.

    Rallying Leadership: Inspiring Leadership without the training characteristic thing.

    Inspiring Tactics: Inspiring Leadership without the V:Courage thing.
  8. Barrogh

    Barrogh Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    You forgot Rallying Tactics :P
    But frankly, if you have to practice combinatorics during rule writing, it means you'd better split the rule in separate ones, describing one effect each.

    I would instantly pay for that on Muybs to get some synergy with their own docs.
    But then again, at some point it was pretty deliberate design philosophy of Infinity that you can't have cake and eat it too. Doesn't seem to be the case with some of the newer units, which is worrying.
  9. emperorsaistone

    emperorsaistone Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2017
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    You wanna tell me now, that a 2 Wound HI with NWI, Akbar Doctor and a Cube would be overpowered? You sir must be joking for sure;)

    Oh, and to be sure, add Regeneration. Just in case someone has Shock.
    #49 emperorsaistone, Mar 20, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2018
  10. Barrogh

    Barrogh Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    I mostly say that some of the recent profiles have almost all of their fat trimmed and most of their features can be stacked for a particular purpose. This is the opposite of (still) common philosophy that every option is a tradeoff.

    Muyibs is one example, you get a good doctor but you can't benefit from both him and your V: Dogged, you have to choose. Or, say, Wallace. No matter how you deploy him or what you do with him, you aren't going to use all his features at once, and at the same time being in position to get better mileage means higher chances of being shot. But you can go from one mode to another, of course, Infinity isn't all about strategy, after all.

    At other times, pricing simply means a tax on a tool in the faction that has complimentary tools for cheap (say, like djans in Haqq who are bloated but it's okay because there are Ghazis, Yuans and Kum). Or because it's not supposed to be that faction's cookie-cutter (pun not intended), but that doesn't man it's not viable.

    Of course, that means you pay for everything while using only something, but order system of Infinity means that it's viable for unit to be a toolbox because either way you're only playing for a warm body and an order once, and you can always direct orders where they are most needed. What would be terrible in a wargame with classic activation system (say, LR Godhammer in 40k which either wastes its transport capacity or his weaponry every turn, whereas if it shoots it either wastes bolters or lascanons, for the most part) is supposed to work in Infinity.

    Aaaand when I see releases like B&K, Kerr-Nau, Hakim loadouts (filled with hideously undercosted or just cheap-ish guns on a unit that isn't expected to get into combat a lot, I presume) as advertised right now, I'm starting to doubt the design team is the same that worked on this game... When was the time right before N3 dropped, 4 or 5 years ago?..

    It's interesting that you've mentioned HI and Akbar specifically because one of the challenges I was going to try and complete is to figure out how to use something horribly expensive and blo multi-purpose like Al-Fasid HMG efficiently in the modern Infinity where chaff and cheap specialized units look so much more tempting. And of course, completing that challenge means considering Akbars...
  11. Superfluid

    Superfluid Welcome to Svalarheima

    Nov 27, 2017
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    I suspect the designers making units are putting too much faith in the points calculator being balanced, and assuming whatever they make will be fair. When really the points calculator has always been a bit shoddy and has required units to have bloat stats to keep them from being too efficient.

    I would argue that some units should allowed to be min maxxed but that the points calculator should be adjusted to be able to cost them fairly.
    Barrogh likes this.
  12. emperorsaistone

    emperorsaistone Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2017
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    I just wanted to make a bad joke, but since you answered with such an elaborate post, you deserve a proper answer.

    In general I concur with what you said. Concerning the new optimised releases also a Su Jian (has the best of both Worlds from HI and REM aswell as a weapon for every occasion), Danavas (awesomely optimised towards its main job) and Posthumans are to be added to that list too. I have to say, that these profiles are very, very good by themselves but in the greater scheme of things, it still works out between factions overall. Those profile seem to have been added, because they were needed with that level of optimisation.
    CA and Onyx werent doing to well I suppose, and so they got thes two awsome profiles. About the Hakim, we dont know enough yet, but I guess he is designed this way, to make such an elite but most likely fragile faction like RTF viable.

    Fassy is really good, because his rules allow him to survive against a big threat for his type of profile far easier, namely camoed CC specialists. No -6 for Surprise Attack and the Mine either prevents them from attacking you in the first place or takes them out, if they try to.
    His weaponry allows him to have always the good rangeband (especialy in ARO) and to fulfill multiple roles at once. You dont need another smokethrower, you have an answer against Link teams with optical modifiers, you can try speculative kill that Lieutanant on the rooftop or the TR bot. He can really almost always do something worth an order spent on him.

    Having an Akbar backing him up is securing your big investment, having a negative psychological impact on your opponents when he is getting back up with full wounds and absolutely a match winner in zone controlling missions.

    Having such abig investment in two models (or three if you like another heavy), is a bit against Haqqs strenghts, but its a totally viable playstyle once you figure it out.
  13. Barrogh

    Barrogh Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    To be fair, I was never at the level to comment on this game's balance, I just wanted to share my concern because when designers must make such profiles to make forces more competitive, that also affects everyone else and how they are going to compete in the future. While being possibly warranted, such approach can raise some alarm flags for power creep.

    Then again, sometimes expressing concerns is a way to have them dismantled :)

    That's fair, I guess. Perhaps that can be taken as a sign that I was reaching with that argument, after all.

    Thanks. I guess I'm starting to realize his potential purpose in Ramah, which is what was giving me headaches in the first place, moreso than vanilla considerations due to sectorial list limitations in terms of protecting such pieces and some competition with fireteams in certain roles.
  14. emperorsaistone

    emperorsaistone Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2017
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    Believe me, I am not to happy with some of these profiles like many others. I guess they are some kind of bandaid for N3 and will hopefully see some changes in N4 and therfore get the internal balance shifted to more equal choices.
  15. Zewrath

    Zewrath Elitist Jerk

    Nov 28, 2017
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    OMG that's an awesome idea!
    Jassal2.0 likes this.
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