I know current rule says isolated trooper still gains hacking area ARO through repeater. However, I think isolated hackers should lose hacking area through repeaters. This is more in-line with the fluff. This will increase the cost of hackers+pitchers when they fail as they can't reset for just random troop walking inside their repeater. They can reset when they are target of hacking attack, so they are not helpless against incoming hacking attacks. Just one line of "Restriction: A trooper in Isolated State have reduced hacking area to their zone of control." will do this.
I think for a hacker that is isolated, all comms equipment are disabled. So it cannot use any programs during active turn and ARO, until it cancels the isolated state.
They cannot hack but they are still hackers (as hacker skill does not have comms label and does not turn off when isolated), have their repeater network as their hacking area, and therefore can reset or dodge when someone without stealth activates within their repeater network.
Yes, that is correct. What is the idea you want to put forward and why? Is it because you still want an active hacker even in isolated state? I think this would favour hackers still and make them useful. Not a good idea in my opinion. A player can still push forward the isolated hacker if they have orders. Or, are you wanting isolated hackers to not have a means to reset during ARO in their hacking network, keeping them isolated for longer?
Yes, this is my intention. Let's say player A's repeater have troopers of player B in its zone of control. Even player B isolates player A's every hackers, player B still have to remove the repeater or risk player A's hackers resetting if player B want to spend an order with the troopers in the repeater range. My suggestion changes nothing about current restrictions of isolated state. So isolated hackers will still unable to use hacking programs. Nothing makes hackers more useful.