Well, no more beaks, no more braids. The Crane becoming just a faceless dude feels like a perfect metaphor for my overal feelings of what we've seen here. I think I'm going to have to change my ITS name, because ISS looks to be moving in an aesthetic direction that sterilizes much of the personality that drew me to the faction when I got back into Infinity back in N3, and it's definitely not moving for me. Everything there looks fine. Celestial Guard have never looked better, and I actually like the look of the parachutist remote (maybe a bit iffy on the wings). But it's not the ISS I fell in love with originally. Hate the new Crane and Wu Ming.
The shoulderpads are MASSIVE compared to the old sculpt, and the head used to be a bald one with the bottom of the helmet, now it's a bottom plus extra "implants" creeping up that look like stud services. Was I too subtle? Should I have mentioned the Yellow SM from GW directly? It's quite likely several of the existing profiles will get a rework, there's no discoballers for example in the current lineup.
I'm sad to hear that. But I understand too. Right now I'm liking the new look. I miss the que but that's been gone for a very long time now. I don't even remember the last figure to have it.
I thought you were talking a video game. You can say space marines and I don't see it myself. Well we see that the Crane has an HMG. We do have a DB with Adil but that's it so far. There could be more changes to come. I'm also disappointed the Long Wang doesn't come with his little buddy Shangdiao.
The Infinity website has also been updated. https://infinityuniverse.com/en/factions/yu-jing/imperial-service Here's some better pics.
And little "fluff" A small army formed by tactical units of Judicial and Military Police, criminal regiments, units transferred as reinforcements by the StateEmpire Army, and special troops in direct service to the Emperor. The fundamental mission of this force is to preserve the rule of Law and Order, as well as to defend Yu Jing from any internal or external enemy. The reinforcement from the Army is new. I wonder if it will be straight same units shared with other sectorials (like Hac Tao, Tian Gou...) or if it will be a fluff thing with "this unit was working for the Army but now it's working for the Imperial Service only". The phrase seems to tend to the second option, but we will see. And also little "gameplay" synopsis - combinaison of infiltrated troops, camouflage markers and MSV - balance between assault unit and CC specialists - camouflage and concealed deployment devices
I liked synopsis idea. so maybe new camo units are coming. because i can remember only ninja maybe major.
Agreed. I hope so too. There's currently 3. Major Lunah, Kunai, Ninja. We don't know yet if Koga Ninja is in addition or replacing the regular Ninja.
Not hating the new designs for the most part, except the lack of the the queue and beak on the Imperial agents. Not sure I get the design references or style of the new helmets but eh. Still love the design of the old Wu Ming and don't understand why they needed a resculpt. Adore the combat chicken and robo guardian. Slightly bemused by the playstyle description. I won't say no to more camo and concealed deployment, but it all sounds like it better describes WBA playstyle than traditional ISS police enforcement.
I like the new models. Not sure about the resculpts. What's wrong with the current set of Cranes, Pheasants, and Wu Ming? Anyway, I'm just happy that ISS finally gets some love. It's my favorite sectorial even though I can't explain why.
I have mixed feeling about this action pack: Celestial Guards - while its a nice resculpt it feels not necessary. With the current rules you will rarley use three CG with combis. While I think the MMR is hold back for sale seperatly (or their will be a loadout change again) the could add the BSG which is the FO. Missed opportuity for variance for the customer. Crane Rank - no more iconic armoured braid. The resculpt is a step back to generic HI also the switch to the HMG (we will loose the Spitire and therefore one of the coolest and most bad ass iconic cranes we ever had) will it make boring streamlined. The only HI in YJ with an alternate high burst assault weapon are the Jujaks now. Pheasant Rank - same here. I like the former lady more then batman here. Taken for itself its not a bad miniature, but it feel unneccessary. Stylwise it fits the new apperance - but I see now reason for a replace. Wu Ming. The look is good, but same as before. The former ones where very good sclupts already. They took away the Panzerfaust and now give us the SMG which we have already with the no more Chainrifle. At least both SMG profiles are very usable. Koga Ninja - probably a new unit and another flavor of Ninja. It looks fantastic.Though it may be not everyones darling. We will see, if he replaces the old Ninja or is an addition. Bayara is the most beautiful miniature in the whole pack. I am not a big fan of guard-units but this one will be taken by the look alone. Eager to finde out the rules. Jinyao Dropunit - ugly? akward? hard to see which side should point to the enemy? I did not like the position of the arms. It strongly depends on the rules to juse this one. I think it will replace the Garuda and I hope we loose not so much or all Aleph loans. Longwang - a bit bulky, the arm with the Jotum shield looks a bit displaced but overall a good bulky look Dragonlord - a cool iconic miniature - the look is definitv HVT, but they say it will have gaming rules, maybe Taowu style .... I whished they put a Bao inside instead of the Pheasant or some variants of the CG. So for me the box is only 60-70 % usful. Still eager to see what they will do ruleswise.
Eh... Who besides new players need another CG anyway. For me, the best CG sculpts are the N2 era ones- so much more characterful and dynamic. In this box I would proxy them as Gudans. Wuming doesn't need re-scuplt, the old ones are just fine. Same with Pheasant. Cranes lost all the characteristics that made them cool- the braids and the beak. I wasn't a big fan of the rage fist Crane but the new one is so dull and generic. I do like the new ninja, Bayara, and robot chicken. The robot chicken is weird enough to be unique, but not to the extremes of Long Ya. Dragon Lord is really nice. I might get the box just to get this guy. He would make a good proxy for Sun Tse or even Tao Wu.
I like this new set and the fact, that ISS would get a rework. Even if some visual design choices look strange for me. For example making thinner legs of some units. Like celestial guards in some moments... May be it would be different if to see it personally. And very thin handle of the sword of crane agent. I am worried, it could break. Wings of new robot need rework. Good thing is that we can do it by ourselves And wu ming. Not it looks really like some kind of cyberpunk character with lots of chrome in it. Almost construct, not a person. Good try, but I am not sure I like it. Other things are from fine.
I’d like to see in the story that there’s some consequences for Uprising. The ISS F’ed up in a big way! Not only did they not see it coming but they may have contributed to it happening in the first place. You don’t turn people into human bombs and not expect some family and friends wanting revenge. I personally think the Kuang Shi could be changed to remotes. Essentially the same thing but Structure instead of Vita. I can see how the ISS has changed in the last few years since Uprising. New troop types, new weapons, new way tactics. I think the reason for new look is “just because”. The sculptor just wanted to. But also new sells better than old. As far as Wu Ming go, if you look at the old box, two of the 4 no longer exist. The LSG/Panzer and Chain Rifle. The chain rifle I think could be a proxy for a E/Marat. I think that green thing on the end of the SMG is the E/Mitter but not sure. Even the HRL used to have a LSG and now it’s EM carbine. I’m trying to think of what I can use the Celestials for. Other than Celestials. The only CG I’ve been putting into lists is Hacker, SGL, and sometimes a Lt. I think it’s possible with some sculpting to turn one into a hacker and maybe a barrel or a SGL. The Lt. is pretty good and cheap. Along with another combi as a decoy they are pretty good and cheap at 26pts. the next cheapest Lt. is the Deva at 20pts. The new Crane seems to have something new under its tabard (No not the Long Wang! ). But you can see some tech. I’m guessing he’s getting Albedo. It seems to be going around. Right now, the only Albedo in ISS is the Bao with -3. The Crane was almost the equivalent to the KoJ before and now the Curx Father-Knight who has Albedo -6. Other than the Crux, I don’t see any other HI that have Albedo. I’m liking the weirdness of the Jinyo more than before. I’m mainly worried about putting it together and hoping the wings stay on or be balanced. It’s just waiting for easy knock over and wings to fall off. I think if you don’t like the wings it will still look ok without them. I hoping it’s more than a replacement for the Garuda. Since they brought up info war, I’m hoping it’s a repeater like the Meteor Zond. The Bayara looks cooler every time I see it! I'm not a big fan of Guard units but this just looks too cool to not get to paint. I'm still liking the Long Wang but so far I've heard in use he's pretty dull. His only unique thing is the BS Attack (-3). It's also expensive in an expensive faction. BTW the queue supposedly was a thing forced on men by the Manchu dynasty. Of course, those in support of the Manchus made it a positive thing. Later on they were forced to have short hair by the Communists. Anyway, it was something for the lower class. Not someone high-class like a Crane. While I think it’s cool, it’s also stupid to give something for the enemy to grab ahold of in a fight. It’s like basic self-defense 101 to grab things like that, ears, fingers, clothes. It’s hard for me to think the tabard is ok lol.
Sometime it looks like the diced the weapon options. Many minis get shelved if you like to play at least most of the time wysiwig (like I and a couple of friends do). I have all generations of Wu Ming. With the current box the old ones loose the LRL wich you can easily prox as PF or even HRL (but compared to the new one it just looked too small). With N5 the Combi/E-Mitter is also gone (can used as SMG/EM) while the Multi/GL still exist. As you pointed out, the chain rifle is now my E-Marat. The new one is not a great addion for me, it seems to be SMG/EM. I like the current edition of Wu Ming and I mourn the loss of PF/LSG guy. I do not realy understand why its gone. Maybe he will be to cheap now? LRL is still in playable shape, she has her LSG on the backpack, easily count as the EM Carb. Playwise she is now able to cover all usual ranges. Maybe we will see some more changes with the new ISS in Army. I will use my old Celestials (the first) as Brawlers for Ikari. The perfect proxy would be KTS but I have the old sculpts also ... I will not replace my newer ones and wait until new ISS is in Army to see if there will be any more changes and then decide what to do with the SWC ones. So the new ones will just be dead wight. Maybe I build them (the female look nice), but will never realy use them. Albedo would be realy useful. A BS13 HI will be a real thread to MSV AROs and it would give us counter msv/MMS and counter mimetism with Hsien. I dislike the HMG though. The tabard you mentioned is not a tabard. He has a long cloth thing (maybe also called tabard) on his upper back. As akward as it is. I will wait what it gives in terms of gameplay. BSG is not the best weapon for a AD troop. The wings suggest also superjump. I depends on what it can do also: Repeater would be great, specialst also. If it get more loadouts (it will, I guess) we have to wait unitl the next update for a second model (Greetings from Liu Xing!).
Regarding the Queue, Its's not unheard of for a culture to take a former symbol of oppression and make it a positive symbol. Just look at the modern Scottish Kilt. What many (even those wearing them) may not realise is that that was the invention of an English Factory owner because the clothing that was worn by his Scottish factory workers was getting caught in the machines. Now to most it is regarded as a symbol of Scottish independence.
Has anybody noticed that the new Dossiers don't match the weapon options for the units in N5? Spoiler: Pictures