Not sure if this belongs here or in the ITS forum, since it applies to both. From the ITS document: "JOURNALIST During this season any Trooper with the Journalist Special Skill are considered Specialist Troops." The Tohaa Diplomatic Delegate has the Journalist L1 (+3) rule. Does that mean that as a Specialist, she gets +3 on her rolls for mission objectives, pushing button etc.?
If the mission says Doctors get a +3. In this case, Journalist itself refers to a rule from way back in the N2 Paradiso book. Whether it works for mission objectives I've no idea and something to explain how it works from CB would be nice.
No, the +3 mod of Journalist(+3) applies when the user uses the "Journalist" skill. Skills for ITS mission objects are usually not "Journalist" skill, so they don't apply. Same for the Haqq doctors with doctor(+3), they only apply when they use doctor skill, not ITS mission skills like "activate console".
Right, but that's my point. Having Doctor (+3) doesn't give you +3 to perform scenario-specific skills. Some missions give Doctors a bonus to perform scenario-specific skills, but having a pre-existing MOD to Doctor doesn't factor in. That's because you're not using the Doctor skill to perform the scenario-specific skill, the Doctor skill just meets the requirements to count as a Specialist Troop, and being a Specialist Troop is required to perform scenario-specific skills. So you're not using the Journalist L1 (+3) skill to perform scenario-specific skills, it just lets you count as a Specialist Troop, which is required to perform scenario-specific skills. For example, you're not performing Journalist L1 or Specialist Troop on a Tech Coffin in Supplies, you're performing Extract Supply Boxes, which requires you to be a Specialist Troop.
It does make you wonder why they bothered to bring the +3 over to the N5 profile when it has no N5 application.