Hey everyone, new year, new project! I'm finally getting to another idea I had for a long time, which is to paint up a Yu Jing force in the color scheme of the Kunai Solutions Ninja. Only difference to my other projects ist that this time, the army is not for myself, but a friend of mine. Because let's be honest, I don't need yet another faction :D To start off, I practiced the color scheme on the original model itself, the regular release Kunai:
Thank you! Your wish shall be granted :) Here's the first actual YJ mini for my friend – the Daoying:
Looks great actually, do you think adding violet to the under parts of the hips armour/ skirt would give it a better differentiation?
It probably would. I just stuck to the studio scheme for where to place colors, which has the skirt and the leg in the same colors too. And I actually like the effect it creates :) Here's another one that keeps (mostly) to the studio scheme, just with different colors:
Thanks! Yeah, never seen purple YJ myself before, which is why I wanted to try it out so badly :) Thank you! Next up in that scheme: The Guijia Pilot, who will probably also double as a Warcor:
I could pretend I did it first but it won't be true. Purple was only the second color in my painting scheme. I think such color is pretty tricky to use as the main one but you nailed it.