Do we have a list of errors or couriositys in the N5 rulebook? Here are some: S. 109 6th Sense - the exceptions list both IMM states and the isolated stated ... that looks like they forgot targeted (-3) but maybe its intentional. S. 121 - last bullet point MSV3 - did they realy mean all attacks? That would include comm attacks / hacking. S. 140 - Visibilty Conditions: First textblock ist spanish S. 141 - Scenery Structures: Last block spanish again S. 182-183 - Crazy Koals and some others have stats listed, Pandas and Madtraps for example did not S. 188 - Reference Sheet: Stun Ammo requireds 2 saving rolls (its changed to only one).
I would add the FTF MSV1 vs. MSV1 ARO through smoke to this list: Trooper A with MSV1 moves past enemy Trooper B with MSV1 - between them is a Smoke template (NVZ). A shoots at B with -6, ARO B is at -3. BUT: A also gets shot through smoke (ARO from B) - does that reduce the malus of Trooper A to -3 because he is shot at (B's ARO) through smoke??
Medikits (Pg 120) and Gizmokits (Pg 119) don't actually specify that they affect only troopers with VITA or STR respectively. Gizmokit has a bullet point about its interaction with Remote Presence, but that's about it. I think each one is supposed to have the Target (VITA/STR) trait, accordingly. Also they have the Spanish spelling of "Non-Lethal" in Equipment section entries.
Shouldn´t they apply -3 both? Page 140 So the -6 for zero is now poor so -3 because, page 121: Both are the "target of a BS Attack".
By the way, there's a mistake on page 117: they've written “Artillery Turrets” instead of Armed Turret or simply Turret.
P. 50: The profile of the Breaker Combi that's shown has Arm/2 as the Saving Roll Attribute. Army Builder: The Shasvastii Gwailos has "Immunity (Shock)" despite having VITA 2.
Actually, several two VITA profiles in the Army Builder have "Immunity (Shock)" I just saw that the Azrail and the Al Fased have it as well. I'm sure there are others.
Page 140: The "requirements" headline for Difficult Terrain is in Spanish. Page 140: Visibility Conditions, the first paragraph is in Spanish.
Serious error spotted by xagroth between english and spanish version about deactivator rule.
The translation could be better, I agree; the most egregious differences I see are in the Restrictions part: 1) The biggest offender, in Spanish it states that the Trooper must end their movement the closest possible to the Enemy's DZ. 2) In Spanish this part forbidding to go prone at the end of the movement isn't there (I checked the Prone state in both versions and they both agree you can go Prone at the start or the end of the Movement). 3) My OCT forces me to suggest a change into "or any other States that specify so".
P. 141. The paragraph being in Spanish has been mentioned so I'll just mention a general thing. Rewrite the rules for access points so there's no reference to N4, that's just more confusing than helpful.
It's just straight up different. They removed one line from N4 priorities, but each language removed a different line. English kept the one that made impetuous movement go off in a straight line sideways if any form of obstacle was in the way.
I think Decoy and Holoecho states should have marker label. They have a model on the table, but those states accompany markers and enables surprise attack.