...or, Screaming Into the Void, by TheDiceAbide A Bit of Background I want to start off by saying, I usually hate these kinds of articles or forum posts. I am very much someone who enjoys working with what they’ve got, and figuring out interesting ways to solve problems. With that said, the game itself has changed dramatically since USARF came out, and the army has remained static… it is an army made for an entirely different game than Infinity N5. I’ve been playing USARF since they first came out, they’re the army that got me into the game, and odds are, if you’ve ever wanted to read about them, you’ve read an article written by me. When USARF came out, the game was very different. There was no cap of 15 models, and despite this, most armies in the game were around 12-16 models (12 was often considered the sweet spot, since you still had 10 after having 2 removed turn 1). Usually Ariadna lists, especially USARF and CHA lists, would end up between 16-20. This meant a CHA/USARF player had about 4-6 orders more than their opponent. These orders were important so that Ariadna could use less efficient methods of handling enemy threats. Coordinated orders, sacrificing a model to let 3 other models shoot unopposed, at a Total Reaction bot is a good example (not order inefficient, but it did expend a trooper). Another is using speculative fire against Mim (-6) models, or setting up Intuitive Attacks with flamethrowers through smoke. Fire based attacks used to permanently (until engineered) remove Mimetism, so you could burn a target, then coordinate more powerful attacks against it. Since then, point costs across the game have been driven downward, while a cap of 15 models was placed. This means that Ariadna, and especially USAriadna, no longer has extra bodies to sacrifice, but also no longer have an advantage on Orders either. Ariadna overall is very much on the low side of NCO options and Tactical Awareness, if not the lowest, depending on sectorial (though some NA2 are in the same boat). Compared to N3, USAriadna has fewer tools, less orders, and the game has added more threats that they lack counters to. It’s also worth pointing out that Ariadna was always also the one-wound faction, dogs being the notable exception. This is another concept that worked fine when you could have more bodies than other factions to compensate. Now that isn’t the case, so it really needs to be reconsidered. I’m not going to say that we should uncap the model count (though I do think it could help), because the lower cost of models across the game has also made it so other armies would be able to take advantage. Even my old N3 army list with 19 models, is now about 30 points cheaper! I’m not sure you can put the genie back in the bottle, so instead, factions need to get updated with consideration for the 15 model cap, and the new order structure, and the expected power level of units. Ariadna (and Haqq) can’t play the game of outnumbering and sacrificing troops to win, Infinity does not support that play style anymore. I’m going to only really talk about this in the context of USARF, because it’s the army I know the best, and it’s the army that has had the least attention paid to it since release. You can go back and find the old N3 profiles, and aside from Ohio being changed in the totally wrong direction, Rosie being added, and the Unknown Ranger being buffed, you can see that there have been almost no changes to the faction, and none at all that help them with the 15 model limit. Given USARF hasn’t had a meaningful update since launch, they are now listed as out of catalogue, and I’ve been advocating for fixing them for years… I’m not very optimistic that anything will happen. But who knows, maybe we’ll get lucky this time and they’ll finally give them some proper attention before sending them off into the sunset. USAriadna Army Concepts The USARF units can broadly be broken down into two parts: Tough troopers and light skirmishers, or Hunters and Hounds. For a long time they were the only Ariadna with bikes, and the only army with 2 different bike units. Similarly, they were often characterized as slow and heavily armored. I think leaning into those two aspects, without having to change a single model, could make USARF a far more interesting army. Using fast units, and infiltrators, they chase enemies out of cover, into the firing lines of the heavily armed and armored main forces. When I wrote these changes, I thought about where they could live in this context. Some units squarely tough firepower units (Ohio, Grunts, Blackjacks), others are flushing enemies out of cover (Mavericks, Desperados, Hardcases), and some are a bit of both (Marauders). Army Changes They were also the first army outside of Haqqislam to have Haris fireteams, so give them Haris 2, not that it is a big deal in N4 with the fireteam changes. Make the Commlink models usable outside of Escalation games, and make it Commlink (+3)... +2 could help a bit, but 3 gets spicy (means it's more models than orders you can have denied with command token usage). Profile Changes Ohio Minutemen Change: CC 17 WIP 13 Arm 4 Remove: CC Attack (-3) Combat Instinct Add: BS Attack (-3) No Wound Incap. (or Regen) Number 2 X-Visor Warhorse Courage NCO to all profiles (maybe, I go back and forth on this one) Add Profiles: T2 shotgun, Grenades, Paramedic. Anyone with an Ohio HMG also has an Ohio with Shotgun, there is no need to remove them from the game. Ohio Minutemen need the most help, so I’m starting with them. The changes that they’ve received have been extremely unfocused, and nothing they’ve gained has actually helped them in any meaningful way on the table, or helped solidify their role. They’ve always just felt like an over priced grunt. Including some way to represent the medical bags sculpted onto every model would be cool. Giving them medikits could be interesting, but changes their role too much IMO. Regen was a thought, but too unreliable for a single wound model of that cost, so I opted for NWI. Maybe that medical kit is how they have NWI, just a bunch of stimulants to keep them going. Regardless, the goal is to drive their points and effectiveness up. Yes they’ve been given a lot, but USARF needs more expensive tools. They have had no meaningful changes since the 15 model cap, and are probably the worst affected by it, due to poor distribution of mid-to-high cost units. This also puts them into an interesting place compared to other Ariadna HI units, with some unique capabilities. Marauders Replace Heavy Pistols with Silenced Pistols Add Combat Instinct (or Sixth Sense) Add Tac Aware to Shotgun profile If any unit should get CC20 and MA1 (or CC Attack [-3]), it's Marauders. They operate deep in enemy lines, stalking the jungles, combat instinct seems important for hunting antipodes. Mimetism (-3) if you want to get spicy. Silenced Pistols seem fun for ambushing, and works with their Stealth to make it a bit more interesting and fun. I don't think they need their points driven up, they're in a good spot for list building now, but could some more thematic choices (instead of just being a Grunt +1) Blackjack MOV 4-2 Arm 6 BS Attack (AP), BS Attack (+1SD), or both? Immune (Arm) Transmutation (2) Dogged Super tough walking tanks, when they go down, they go down, and there is no bringing them back. Transmutation (2) means they only use the weaker profile when Dogged. This feels befitting of their enormity, and mentality of the operator, just continuing to pull the trigger while the systems are failing, alerts going off and the whole rig is falling apart around him. I think +SD would be more interesting than +B here due to working in ARO, BS Attack (-3) could also work, but that’s been given out too much already, and I prefer it for the Ohio Minutemen. If this sounds like a bit much, then I’m doing it right… I want to push the points and effectiveness up to high 40s, maybe even low 50s. They should at least be on par with a Vet Kazak, and visually they’re closer to TAGs. Blackjacks get extra pitiful when compared to other HI with HMGs in their current points level, check out the Azra’il, the Penitent Observant AP Spitfire, even the Mobile Brigada HMG. If B4 AP HMG with a +2SD is too OP in a fireteam, just get rid of their fireteam option… Grunts Add profile with Light Grenade Launcher, Smoke Grenade Launcher, NCO Grunts are fine, just bring back LGL profile… anyone that bought the Grunt box, has the model. Make the grenade launcher NCO instead of Lieutenant, and maybe give it a smoke grenade launcher too. Basically like the Ghulam. Grunt infiltrator nerf is annoying, but I can live with it. Maybe give them Infiltrate (PH=0) if you want to keep them from deploying on the enemy table side, but still let them deploy half way up? I always hated to roll to infiltrate (anecdotal, but I basically never made that roll, I’ve failed every roll in a tournament using 4 each game… I hated it, haha). But honestly, they’re still fine as it is. Airborne Rangers Add Engineer profile, people have been asking for it forever, and an airborne demolition specialist is cool. Add Shock Mines or Grenades to BSG profile, losing its template took away some of its utility, but grenades or mines could make it more interesting. Bring rifle + assault pistol profile back, give it NCO. This was probably my favorite profile, even if it was too expensive. Perhaps NCO could keep it at a higher cost, but just fix the points if that was the only reason nobody took it. Stats are fine, it just needs some profile love. Unknown Ranger W2, Remove NWI NCO Chain of Command Martial Arts 2 Nanoscreen, No Cover (or Arm 5?) Add profile with T2 Rifle I get the nerf, even if I don’t agree with it. The shield as a Nanoscreen would just be kind of fun, but I don’t think it’s necessary. NCO + Chain of Command, he's the super soldier, listens to orders and ready to step up and take command when things look dire. Bring back the Rifle as T2, discontinuing the LE model is lame. Van Zant MOV 6-2 Berserk (+3) CC Attack (T2) Van Zant doesn't need a ton, but he has definitely lost his pizzazz. I’m not sure the Chain-Colt (+1B) is a step in the right direction when he’s so fragile, you don’t want to be trading pieces when you cost 35 points. Higher movement and Berserk (+3) give him some tools for running around in the back axing things. Maybe Dodge (+3). I could also see trading Dogged for NWI, but not having Immune (Shock). Hardcase Add Minelayer profile with PARA mines. Makes them a bit more into antipode hunters living on the fringes. Setting up decoys and snares to trap antipodes. Desperados Add Mine Dispensers with PARA Mines to all profiles. Similar to the Hardcase, these are the cowboys using space lassos to take down fleeing antipodes. This will help both the Hardcase and the Desperado feel a bit more interesting, without just giving them more damage output. Mavericks Add a Lieutenant profile. Doesn't help anything, but it would be super cool. Vystrel Mobile Artillery Regiment Add AVA1 to USARF. Keep AVA 2 in TAK, since they made it first. Most other factions share the attack remotes within their sectorials, such as the Vostok in Nomads, or Peacemakers and Bulleteers in PanO. I could see not wanting one in space though (nobody wants holes in their station).
I started in N3 as Yu Jing and I was brought into the game by my friend who plays Ariadna & Haqq. I concur that N4 & N5 really benefited me given all my tactical awareness & NCO options, while his two armies got hamstringed a bit. He often played 16-18 models, very rarely did he hit 20 and only memed me once with +20. Everything you said about how Ariadna made do with those few extra orders and guys to get some advantage really hit home in my play experience with my friend. If the model cap can't be raised to 20 and under, then definitely Ariadna & Haqq need some re-evaluating. Sadly for my friend who played CHA sectorial the most and he really, really dislikes Kosmoflot, he's resigned to only playing Haqq in N5. These numbers based armies had a themed gimmick, and it's disapointing seeing it curtailed and forcing them into a playstyle that factions dominate like Yu Jing who I've always found doing well at 10-15 units.
For sure, I expand on that a bit more in my other post: https://forum.corvusbelli.com/threads/updating-ariadna-for-n5.43327/
I agree with all of this but would personally tweak a few of them. Ohio Minutemen Make all their rifles AP+T2 (PS=6). Making the rifle AP+T2 instead of giving the unit BS Attack (AP) avoids giving AP to the flamethrowers. Make APHMG PS=4 Mormaers had an even greater damage output, with BS Attack (AP) and BS Attack (+2DMG), so this isn't unprecedented. Tac Aware to Forward Observer Tac aware to proposed Paramedic profile, Grenades (Continuous) Blackjack Would only add BS Attack (AP) to the T2 sniper since AP to the whole unit doesn't benefit the APHMG profile at all. Give T2 profile +1B, not strictly necessary but would make it scary. Give APHMG BS Attack (-3) Give both profiles BS Attack (SR-1) Unknown Ranger Return him to PH13 Add Warhorse Change the T2 CCW to AP+T2 CCW and give the proposed T2 rifle profile at AP+T2 rifle. Rosie Replace Specialist Operative with Engineer Add Tac Aware She's described as a Combat Engineer in her lore, she should really get the skill. To really emphasize her love of explosives, give her an Minelayer profile with AP Mines PS=6 Hardcase Add a profile with an AP Marksman rifle with BS Attack (+2) to represent the hardcases that have honed their skills through hunting. Not actually necessary, but it would be thematic. Foxtrots Make the sniper profile an AP Sniper Rifle and maybe give it BS Attack (+2) Add a minelayer profile with E/M mines. Add a profile with Rifle, E/M mines and a jammer. We can’t hack, but give us a way to counter opposing HI and TAGs that isn’t just shoot them to death. Devil Dogs Add Grenades to all profiles Add Martial Arts L1 or NBW, I waffle on which seems more appropriate for them. Change to regular Devil Dogs are professional troops and fall under the regular chain of command. It really doesn’t make sense to have them as irregular, they are not an undisciplined mob that.
I would suggest avoiding overlaps with TAK, if scouts have E/M mines, give foxtrots something else, same for the sniper and AP. It would be great if both sectorials end up feeling a lot different with well defined gameplay styles.
Unfortunately, there's not a lot in the way of other options for e/m that could give an opponent pause in aro, besides an e/marat. Our available tools are very restricted. I'd love to see USARF and TAK differentiated more, but that doesn't appear to be in the cards since they just gave TAK Grunts with the Barsuk.
Yeah, I agree here, I do like the idea of them using different tools to accomplish similar jobs. An E/Marat, Jammer, or even E/Mitter has to be respected, even if it's less ideal than an E/M Minelayer.
Solid ideas, really appreciate the thread being made. Fingers crossed someone important reads it. While I'm here I cant help myself but want to "help" by adding even more ideas to the pot til it spills all over the floor. I'd like to see USA thematically become a fireteam faction, after the fireteam nerfs. Full core bonuses were one of the only ways for USA to compete in F2F rolls so losing them has really hurt - they could gain them back in a few ways and become the faction that uses old world military tactics to overcome their technological deficits. Their fireteams should go tall using a narrow focus of models, differentiating from morats whose fireteam theme goes wide with lots of options. Give minutemen a new skill: "Fireteam Spotter: While part of a 5 unit fireteam, all units in the fireteam gain BS attack (+3)." This is potentially weaker than the new BS attack (-3), having costly requirements to use and being disabled when even a single fireteam member is killed. So it shouldn't up the cost of the underpowered minuteman, and it shouldn't be given to any already powerful factions. This skill would obviously go against what CB wanted for fireteams in N5 so it only works in the context of giving a weak faction some power along with identity. Then I'd use the 2022 fireteam skills that got scrapped after giving a few morats the amazing terrain (jungle) skill... Give the Grunts fireteam: "When this fireteam comprises exclusively Grunts, 3+ member fireteams gain +3ARM and BS attack (-1SR)". USA has abysmal ARO potential at the moment with the loss of good fireteam bonuses and template weapons. Access to the vystrel would definitely help. This could give back some capability to field grunt sniper nests, though I honestly don't think this would be enough to make that good again. It leaves fair counterplay to your opponent, rewarding them more for bringing over a BTS weapon to slaughter these grunts, Give the Mavericks fireteam: "Members of this fireteam ignore the Limited Cover rule.". This partially brings back the short-lived rule that let us swap impetuous for partial cover. It's still slightly worse since you cant use this on a lone maverick or desperado in suppressive fire, but it's something. Mavericks are the only model in the faction other than UKR that actually have any skills to help them win F2F BS attacks. Losing cover means their mimetism doesn't even bring them above a line troopers shooting capability. Give the Blackjack fireteam: "Blackjacks in this fireteam gain NWI.". Blackjacks are just so easily dealt with for their cost, and the minus SIX Ph means you can't even spend orders to medikit them anymore. Spending at least 64 points on a fireteam should provide a bit more staying power. None of this will happen, but I'd like these changes on top of this threads suggestions. USA is in such a weak place right now, they need an enormous lift to compete reasonably. While I'm here I also want to vent into the void about the only real buff we got for N5 - T2 on the minuteman rifles. This is such a bad buff, I think paying points for the T2 here might actually be worse than not having it. T2 ammo only grants any benefit if you can land a wound, and rifle minutemen have zero synergy with that. They don't have a single quality that helps them to cause wounds. They have no skills that help them win a F2F BS attack Their rifle is mediocre damage, mediocre burst, narrow range bands and no bonus damage It's a win-more effect on a profile that has no way to win often. Even when it does get a chance to have an effect, 50% of the time it's hitting a 1 wound unit and is equivalent to shock - a much cheaper ammo type. The other half of the time it's either hitting a 1 wound REM with remote presence and having no impact, or it's hitting a multi-wound model where it would help - but honestly how often are people happy to pay army points and orders to throw a mediocre shooter with a rifle up against an expensive, high ARM, probably good at BS attacks multi wound model? There's a very niche narrow range of cheap, otherwise soft 2 wound models where this T2 ammo even stands a small chance of being beneficial.
While I don't play USARF, only against them, I too was surprised by how little they got changed. But my surprise was actually that they didn't get defensive upgrades, to emphasize their history of holding the Wall or against antipode assaults. This would be equipment like the new deployable cover and armed turrets, including some of it deployed pregame with the minelayer skill. So my changes would be some Grunt Profiles get a Deployable Cover + Minelayer option, and another profile with an armed turret. Minutemen get a deployable cover option, marauders get an armed turret (maybe with a flamethrower instead of the rifle). Rosie also gets a USARF only deployable profile. Just stuff from the new rules that are "low tech" (no discoball, albedo, etc) but still help bleed orders and shore up the defenses of the USARF fireteams.
Making USARF defense focused would be a good way to distinguish it from TAK if it were ever expanded. Sapper would also be a good option since Zouaves are no longer a thing.
This is definitely a huge issue with Ohio. I don't like the T2 bandaid for all the reasons you mentioned... I'd actually rather have AP, which I think may be a cheaper rule, so that if we do hit, we might have a chance of applying some damage. Ohio are supposed to be known for dishing out a ton of firepower, let's see something that shows it! I really like the idea of some non-rifle based turrets. Flamethrowers, adhesive launchers, light rockets... there is a lot more room to explore that space for sure. Totally agree. USARF is supposed to be the high armor sectorial. I think improving armor on Ohio will help, but also making the Blackjack into a walking slab of armor, could really emphasize that... plus the model looks like it is.
Since we’re talking about USARF updates, here’s my take on a new unit I think would be fun and would definitely use. It will not be to everyone’s taste, especially being one wound. I would love to hear any suggestions for changes, just please make them specific so that they’re helpful. The Raiders specialize in forward operations and sneaking up on their enemies before going loud and neutralizing them. They are therefore equipped with short and medium range weaponry and explosives to enable them to locate, close with and destroy the enemy.
Some great ideas here! I've played some games with USAriadna in N4 and some in N5. I really like their concept of a "weaker" army trying to compete with superior opponents using outdated weapons and equipment, but also discipline, tactics and training, so I'd build profiles around this core idea. The changes I personally would love to see are: Wild Bill - gets really well with the grunts. Maybe he served himself?? Gets back counts as (Grunt) 'Rosie' Munroe - she comes from the family of 'riveters' and got some real combat engineer training. Switch Specialist Operative to Engineer Gets Deployable Cover Gets counts as (USARF) Marauders - The Guys. Just need a little bit of balancing. Marauder AP spitfire price drop to 25 Marauder Sniper Rifle price drop to 26 Maverick - well trained and disciplined soldiers. We've got Desperados if we need impetuous riders! Remove Limited Cover Blackjack - won't go down before the mission goals are achieved. Gets Dogged Minuteman - the Unit definitely needs some work to be done to live up to its legacy. Gets X Visor for all profiles Gets Regeneration (God (and TheDiceAbide) I just LOVE the idea of Regeneration for these guys! It's like that rule was created for this unit specifically) Gets T2 boarding shotgun for 24 points Gets Warhorse Loses CC Attack (-3) Hardcase - he'll give you a choice. Gets Chain-colt for all profiles Devil Dog - he is the Marine. He is the epitome of the professional soldier. Becomes Regular Gets Dodge (+1") Loses Impetuous Loses No Cover AVA goes down to 2 (shared with Marine Raiders :P) Also hortanium I LOVE the idea of adding Marine Raiders to the mix. But I believe for the price you've set these guys should be Forward Deployment (+8), Mimetism (-3), Camouflage (1 Use) Devil Dogs with Chain Rifles. I believe the idea of special links for USAriadna is also brilliant but I'll need some more time to think about how I'd implement that.
I would suggest not caring what overlaps with TAK. TAK overlapped with everything else to begin with, once the Sectorial dropped. Foxtrots with E/M mines works just fine. USARF was supposed to be the "higher tech" Ariadna faction early on. It would be nice for them to just fix their screw-ups with TAK and get Ariadna back into an identifiable groove.
The Devil Dog moniker for them wasn't because they were "marines", but because it was intended as a derogatory term for the Dogface and its K9. USAriadna was unique in that we had a breakdown of the cultural, ethnic, and even service branches that consisted of their initial colony group. Primarily Latin and Afro-American military service members, almost exclusively from the US Army not the Marines. Hence the "Ranger" moniker being so prevalent. The science branch from NASA was primarily Caucasian and Asian-American. It's why the Desperadoes and Hardcases have never made sense, alongside a lot of the more Americana aspects of the background. There was a huge missed opportunity for USAriadna to have actually been the more "harmonious" faction tied to the native populace, given the colonialism aspect.
The sad part is the Vystrel lines up with something I pitched for USARF back in the early days of that sectorial. There literally was a mention in the lore book for the army set of unmanned drones that escort the supply convoys across the USAriadna terrain. But like all the good ideas, they just shovel it into TAK.
Except the Devil Dogs are Marines. And there were Marines as part of the initial effort, even if CB had no understanding how the USMC numbers its regiments and divisions. Regarding the ethnic breakdown of the military forces that were sent from the US, I honestly ignore CB’s lore as it is rather far from reality, especially for the Rangers. The whole sectorial was made as a massive cliché, which probably surprises no one.