Lost their beliefs while being chased away in disgrace from their positions as personal bodyguards of the Sultan?
I always assumed the were not religious because "They seen too much" as the former Jamdariyah, the Sultan’s personal guard.
Well, the next step will be the actual profiles. But so far, we seem to have made it through the Churn (to borrow a The Expanse expression) with minimal losses. Which is really good when you are dealing with the Churn.
As we hopefully count down the final hours, my last N5 wishes: Daylami minelayer profile to replace the Liberto. More Al'hawwa or Farzan AVA in Vanilla. Revised Hazfas with leadership options Revised Khawarijs. Let's Go N5!
Well, 3/4 is not bad! Love that we have a more Al'hawwa and that their is a Hazfa CoC profile. Khawarijis thankfully still hit hard, but will continue to be a finesse piece. Fidays got cheaper, but also weaker as the Impersonation penalty dropped to -3 and Biovisors now skip the Impersonation-2 state. They also were hurt by the global shotgun change (no template) and smoke grenade change (no +3 range). It also looks like I was right that CB doesn't want Ghulams to be 10 points. But the basic Ghulam (11 pts) looks so weird against the update Naffatuns: which dropped all profiles to 11pts in exchange for a -1 PH. There is little way that the N5 light shotgun is worth the same as a Heavy Flamethrower and +3 BTS. Something is off. Ramah got a Hunzakut! That combined with the Beasthunter, Tuaregs, and Sunduqbut gives them some camo games. The Tuaregs and Hortlaks got very nice glow ups. Nahabs got decoy (2), Bangbombs, and Immunity (ARM) which gives a little survivability. The Shakush HMG got Continuous Damage and the Maggie is much cheaper. But in my opinion, the biggest update is the wonderful Fireteam changes! You can duo Ghulams, Naffatûn, and Zhayedan together! Burkuts are pure with Jannisaries! Some Hassassins units got some nice changes. Shujae has uses with Hidden Deployment and being able to deploy with two shock or E/M Mines. Govads got BS 13 and Combat Instinct. Lasiqs got Marksmanship and are now pure with Govads and Muyibs. Muyibs got cheaper, gained Immunity (BTS) and are one of the few units that can use their Pistols in CC. Ayyar are better in all ways. Didn't really go through QK. What is everyone else's thoughts? EDIT: After some thought, I think Khawarijs have at least two unique things going for them: PS 5 AP Spitfire They are really fricking fast. They can "bunny-hop" (Jump-Jump) 8" + 8". That is crazy on a S2 platform. I think a lone AP Spitfire or the Mk12 could be useful in Vanilla I want to try a Duo (Gunner with Doctor) in RTF as well. But, man are they expensive.
As a Main Hassassin Bahram player, I am loving all these changes: Govads: Definitely have a better role now, with MSV 1, Warhorse and COmbat insticnt they are now immune to BS-3, Surprise attack, and Mim -3. They are now very good as ARO piece or even as an aggressive pointman in a small duo/haris. Different role to Muyibs Muyibs: Bioimmunity gone and now Immunity BTS, it only seems to work mainly against breaker and viral ammo since states and comms attack do go through this immunity but its better than before, they are now flat armor 3 and BTS 3, dogged, number 2 and all the usual stuff, they were good, they are still good and slightly cheaper for it. Lasiqs: I am in love once again, they now all have X-visor, slightly funny on the sniper but at least no bad range. they have MARKSMANSHIP, thank god, finally something to help the Lasiq be the sniper/aro shooter they are supposed to be and to top this off they now count as pure links in hassassin bahram, so you can Duo a Lasiq Sniper with a Govad Missile launcher and put some very good AROs on the table. OR use the Marksman viral rifle profile with x-visor as a more aggressive midfield option with a muyib spitfire tac aware or similar. Love it. Ayyar: They have som any different things I will need to play before I say anything but i like the potential, Triangulated fire is now a flat BS roll, so if you pop out of hiding or holoechos with it you can hit anything on the table on BS13. imposing a -6 surprise attack, breaker rifle or AP marksman so youre not killin a TAG but you can definitely take out important pieces blocking your paths to victory. Shujae: He is very different, minelayer (2) is tasty, and now he wont be killed by templates turn 1 if you dont go first. Bunch of other sutff but these are top of my head, lots of things cheaper and fun, will need to play a lot now and see what comes out ahead.
I'm feeling it now! I almost skipped N4... Didn't like the restrictions on troop number, and only got to play on season 15 onwards. And oh boy looks like QK has gotten some love! Some stuff I really liked: Bashi Bazouk with BS attack (AP) and T2 shotgun. Crazy armor hunter! Hafza CoC (about time!) and lots of Keywords for FT composition. Notably not Djanbazans. Leila, getting carbonite, firewall is now a more flexible hacker. Combat instinct is nice also. Laxmee, as an wildcard with keyword odalisque. If SD aplly to pitcher this can be a very interesting pairing. Djanbazan get warhorse and a little discount. Maybe it's not time to retire them yet. Jannisaries look a lot more solid now. But the comparison with AzRail is kinda weird... The fist is better at winning ftf be the latter hits harder. Sure, the Janni has different roles. But the silly reason I'm excited about QK is making a Core Fire team with 5 tags
You forgot about the Korsans and Samsa: Korsan Parachutist (Deployment Zone) is one of the highlights in new QK for me. With all the point reductions I can switch a YuanYuan to that Korsan Profile and go Cheerleader hunting Samsa adds another Infiltrator to QK, equipped with a PlasmaRifle, formidable BS13 and Specialist + D-Charges for doing Objectives.
Here's a post for indexing preliminary reaction articles and video, to the N5 version of the generalist and its sectorial armies. Articles : Generalist & haqqislamites changes N4 -> N5 https://www.bureau-aegis.org/forum/index.php?topic=17683.0 Secorials Ramah changes N4 -> N5 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1f5IAP0nYHgBK9wqvFJWl0x50YviDVFaFm0WcRMN0Ui8/edit?pli=1&tab=t.0 Videos : Generalist - Sectorial - Tier list global with a chapter on this faction - Infinity N5 All Factions Tier List - Deranged, Two Days Since Release, Hot Take Edition - Episode 132 - N5 Faction Tierlist - Épisode 130 - the MEGASODE of the N5 release https://lossoflieutenant.podbean.com/e/episode-130-n5-release-megasode/
I will be using at least one true Janissarie plus the little cousing. I will share the experience on Sunday, once I arrive at home.