Look, nobody here is anti YJ. Most just don't like the whining. The last thing a dignified YJ army hears should NOT be crying manchilds. Step it up, get a backbone, fight your way back to the Pinnacle of power. Who needs oniwaban anyways?
I'll be entirely honest, it seems like CB is doing their best to make sure people who play YJ feel like suckers. There's stoicism, and then there's sycophantic submissiveness....
Do I really need to say again things about behaviour? guys I know I am quite tolerant, given your emotions running (understandably) high about the situation but please tone it down to a more manageable level. There are levels I can ignore and it constantly goes above those levels, I understand but please again tone it down if it needs to read before you post what you just wrote and then rewrite it please do that. You are all intelligent and capable individuals you can say what you say in a more civil, even polite way.
I'm not a Yu Jing player, but I really feel with you guys right now. I'm not into sports but many of my friends are and there is one thing I've always felt really envious about. I've always felt jealous of the guys who stayed true to their team through really dark times just to see them winning again big time one day. I really like Yu Jing as a faction and I'm positive brighter days are ahead for them. Though no one can be sure and that's exactly the point I guess. But maybe in 2019 or 2020 you guys will be having conversations at tournaments and someone will ask „Where were you in 2018 when things looked really grim?" And there will people who've stuck to their team and there will be people who switched factions for the current season because they read on the internet that White Banner is really strong right now. And one of those groups will feel really good about themselves. I hope this doesn't sound condescending to anyone, just a positive thought with the deepest of sympathies.
On the global campaign being connected to Uprising, it really does look like the events of the rebellion will be set out in the book rather than the campaign. But, the JSA box terrain (and probably a few scenarios in the book) present us Kurage Station, former Yu Jing orbital which went to the Japanese in the secession. I thought it was mentioned somewhere that station is in orbit of Dawn? If so, that will hardly be a coincidence.
"Yes, when the sun rises we launch the attack at Dawn!" "Where are we attacking?" "Dawn!" "That's when, where are we attacking!" "We're attacking Dawn!" "Yes, I get WHEN we attack, but WHERE." "We attack the planet Dawn!" "Wait, it's a planet? It's always dawn somewhere at some time on most planets, and if we're making a landing why not attack at night?" "We attack at Dawn, ON dawn!" "This is very confusing."
Yeah, some people spend too much time posting in character. OK, I do need to address one point. I'm not comparing CB's actions to war crimes. I am saying that CB is describing war crimes in their setting. And I find that a bit disturbing, since I play vanilla YJ, JSA, and Imperial Service. I'm expecting a lot of those missions in the book. Thematic missions, definitely. I'm assuming that we will see several missions to re-fight the biggest part of the Secession, like Campaign: Paradiso. Going to tag @Bostria and @Interruptor to read this, because I guess Warren from Beasts of War hasn't registered an account on the this forum. We really need to get these ideas into the summer campaign. You *are* the non-human invaders, and the only reason you haven't steamrolled us is the limited numbers you can stuff through that wormhole. Here's my problem. I love this game, this setting. It was not grimdark, it wasn't cartoony. The various factions all have realistic motivations. Yes, the Japanese were never really a good fit with the rest of Yu Jing, and there was always some major hate and discontent because of it. Yeah, YJ had a darker tone to it than PanO, Asian cultures are generally more comfortable with the idea of an extremely controlling government than Western cultures. But these new changes are breaking my suspension of disbelief. The descendant of the country that literally wrote the book on winning an insurgency is playing right into the hands of the insurgents. The timing of the Secession is horrible, for humanity as a whole. Had the secession gone down before the arrival of the Combined Army, no problem. But this is just weakening the second-greatest power in the Sphere. The flufftext is alluding to war crimes. One of the units in the Japanese Secessionist Army is not only named for a bunch of Class A War Criminals, it's described as performing the same actions as the historical source of the name. I'm so concerned that I may actually bail out of the game entirely. And this game is something that I've been a part of, something that's been a part of my life, since 2006. Since the game came out.
With any luck, Uprising will actually contain all the greyscale pragmatic nuanced storytelling that we're all after.
I'm personally not. But only having the Uprising book in hand will tell us which of our personal opinions is right. I genuinely hope you are.
We find out about that in a few days. The book is for sale at Adepticon, starting this Thursday. I suspect a few WarCors will be... Oh my, there's actually a mod warning about what I intended to type, Lol... and a few regular sorts will at least post some information of value. The rest of us will have to wait until mid-April for our copies. I do hope the art is up to the usual high standards. I'm certain it will. The LE brawler is much nicer than many of the previous offerings. All of the previous offerings, actually, except the Druze Hacker. Hey, any truth to the rumor that Qapu Khalqi is going to be split from Haqq and placed into the NAA in order to make room for the RTF and the Khanate, er, because the fluff demands that the most mercenary of sectorials is in fact in the mercenary faction? Or will the Ariadnans get it next? Shall we start a pool?
Well, the pre-order at the Warstore said Mar23 when I placed my order, though now it says April 27. So I guess *I* won't be able to see much until sometime in early May. [ much profanity deleted ]
Not sure about what you guys think, but all the writing on the wall indicates that the IA is next in line for release. Postponing of the campaign being the biggest. I wouldn't worry too much, but actually be excited. I feel this is a great move for the game, making the stakes higher and more real. My community was never more into Infinity than now, with all the exciting things happening. Very bold but great move by CB. Although, I do understand vanilla lost some tactical depth with oniwabans, motorbike specialists and cheaper cheerleaders, lets wait and see what does the IA bring. I hope it will help define JuYing into a bit more solid place, from gameplay perspective. The only reasonable thing to be salty about imho is the shikami release. On one hand I understand they need to release things for the JSA, but the shouldnt have removed them from the Vanilla couple of months after the release. It should've been a JSA-only model from day 1. That one is indeed on them.
I must have seriously missed something...where are you getting this from? The only writing on any wall about IA I saw so far is the leaked artwork, and the fact that it's much needed...besides that, I don't know of anything, and there's even info that suggests otherwise (mainly Bostrias own words saying it'll be a tough year...) Also what's this about the campaign getting postponed, where's that from? (Sorry if I simply missed it somewhere...)
Warstore is a garbage monster. Order from GameNerdz or Miniature Market in the future. Better prices. Maybe you wait a few days more for the pre-order items. Meh.
The postponing of the campaign I got from the videos. IIRC, campaign was planned around this time in the picture from gencon, while in the latest rumble video was moved to after the second N. I might be mistaking, but it does seem as a reasonable speculation to think JY won't be going into a campaign with one sectorial and a vanilla army. Also, the JuYing fluff teaser text in this release seems to suggest JY will deploy the IA to counter this secession. Its purely my speculation from what I've seen and what I think would be a logical progression of the narrative, no hidden info or anything clandestine like that. :D