To me it looks like being in a fireteam no longer cancels Impetuous states. N4 had a specific entry for this on page 8 of the annex. N5 does not have this. A troop that is a part of a fireteam, that is or becomes impetuous, stays a part of the team and will only leave if it uses its Impetuous order. However, being in a fireteam no longer cancels being Impetuous. Impetuous no longer takes away cover. The troop will specifically have the skill No Cover or Limited Cover. Frenzy states that when cause an enemy to enter dead state, in the states phase, they become Impetuous and have Limited Cover. The troop can stay a part of the FT but will leave it if it uses its Imp order. But that troop will still have Limited Cover. Limited Cover Attacks against this Trooper do not apply the -3 BS MOD for Partial Cover. But I think they still get the +3 for Saving Rolls. No Cover Takes away all partial cover bonuses. For example my Lawkeeper is Impetuous with limited cover. He can be in a duo with Roadbot. But he still has limited cover. Is this correct?
I think it depends on how you look at it. Many would see this as a buff to frenzy and impetuous. They will already have the cover limitation applied to their profile. But you will generate your impetuous orders always even if they're in a FT. You won’t have to break to team to get that order. Which means if later you want to break them out and use that order you can. I think this is a really nice balance actually.
I don't really think it can be seen as a buff considering that most interactions in this game are firefights where cover is a critical factor. It's a huge nerf to units that have frenzy or impetuous. I was excited about some of the changes in N5, but I play MO and seeing this is discouraging.
Realistically, negating impetuous by being in a fireteam was a cheat, since all those units took a heavy discount because of that skill, and got to ignore it for free. So now this works as intended first time in Infinity history.
Having the skill that gives you a downside in exchange for a points discount have an actual downside is not a nerf, it's balance
It's not a buff as the OP had put in his post, that's not open for discussion. The unit is in a worse state than it was before, therefore it's a nerf. Whether that nerf is a product of trying to balance the rule or not is not something I've discussed in my post. I'm looking at the current situation versus the previous one.