With a bit of luck they just forgot about it and we will never again have to worry about that mess ;)
Oh, hey, that's Schlock on your avatar!!!! I'd rather see them fix it than forget it, to be honest. But both are an option.
Yes it is :) I've been using it for 10+ years in various forums, You are the first person to notice! Regarding reinforcements: in my humble opinion for them to work they would have to figure out a way for them not to demolish the balance of more then half of the ITS scenarios (this applies mostly to player who went second dropping reinforcements in 3 turn and taking objectives with almost no way for the first player to counteract). Maybe one day they will figure out a way around that.
I'd love to see a functional reinforcements mode, where using reinforcements was an option for either player at list construction time. Hey Schlock! The Maxims all apply wonderfully in Infinity. PanO: There is no "overkill." There is only "open fire" and "reload." YJ: It's only too many weapons if they're pointing in the wrong direction. Ariadna: If you're leaving tracks, you're being followed. Haqq: A little trust goes a long way. The less you use, the further you'll go. Nomads: Mockery and derision have their place. Usually, it's on the far side of the airlock. CA: Necessity is the mother of deception. Aleph: "Mad Science" means never stopping to ask "what's the worst thing that could happen?" JSA: Only cheaters prosper.
Rework implies it was finished, IMO. There was still a big chunk of stuff missing or never made available in a reasonable format. The writing was on the wall for USARF for some time, it felt like. Those starters/army sets really sat around.
I agree and I own whole of USARF range minus Beasthunters. It was on the wall. Rangers were good, but not great, and apealed mostly to tactic-cool lovers - the niche covered in spades by TAK. Also having not great, but good rules, helped. They were the one sectorial in Ariadna which had little camo and flamethrowers in spades. I imagine they just never sold extremely great. Which is baffling to me, but from 93 players in my local chat, I am the only one who owns USARF. There are several TAK players and a dozen Kosmo players. Even several Caledonia ones.
TAK was always the most complete Ariadna sectorial, with Kosmo being second, despite being a real kitchen sink of an army. USAr felt like it was abandoned halfway, right during the transition from older, smaller and more restricted sectorial, to newer, more expansive ones.
TAK was complete before they even made TAK. Once TAK dropped, USARF was kinda/sorta exposed for what it was: TAK's Beta Testing.
Scots are objectively the coolest Ariadna sectorial. All that wool and kilts. Dogs in kilts! Come on!
thedicegodswg has made a video for N5 : Infinity N5 first impressions – changes, new skills, equipment and more! And CB has made some videos tutos for N5 : Learn to play Infinity - Essentials
USARF was a faction that had the opportunity for great visual design stemming not from the models themselves, but the painters. The choice to make the models extremely closed in prevented that.
I’d like USARF if it had more of a GI Joe feel. Right now, they just need more troops. SK: Snake Eyes: Ninja, duh. ? Scarlet: tacbow infiltrator HI Roadblock: HMG and Imm (ARM) HQ Flint: Chain of Command, Stratego, etc. Support Mainframe: Hacker/Engineer
I doubt CB rotates sectorials from OOP to live status looking at seniority, but prospective sales. Anyways, I sincerely doubt it would be an intelligent movement in their project to get into the american market while axing USARiadna, so... I think it will be re-launched in feb/march 2025. Of course, they may do a crazy corvus and release something completely new and superfluous, or launch first IS... Anyways my point is that USARiadna is a spearpoint for sales in America, anything else would be secondary. Reskin TAK as USARiadna, many would not accept even that. The same may be said about other sectorials based more on looks and background than rules, like Caledonia.
If USAriadna were a spearpoint for sales in the USA (America is a continent) it wouldn't have been abandoned halfway and it wouldn't be canned. Last time they got a release was, what, 2018? Do you think CB would have ignored it this much it if sold?
They did with JSA. I know it's been a big seller for a long time but they did very little with it after Uprising. But for the most part I agree. I don't think it's as popular in the US as people think.
Happy day! I just found out, even though Bears now have BTS3, they are NOT Immunity (BTS)! So my O12 actually has a chance to Isolate and they can immobilize but with PH of 16, that's not a great option. I'm finally looking beyond my own factions lol.