Yes. IF you have the Jump (8"). Then it's 8+4". But you must have that extra to do it. Most buildings I encounter are only about 8" tall. This rule doesn’t say anything about partial cover but that could change. This will be great for my Ye Mao with Bixie, and now Lei Gong as well.
super jump allows you to jump jump so 8" twice if you have jump 8" presumably. although you wouldn't be able to use this to cover a gap over 8"
That's not the say I take it. You have the long skill Jump skill which is up to 6". Super-Jump turns it into a short skill but it's still 6". If you use it as a long skill, you add 4". Both are modified if you have a skill Jump (x"). Then you would move that number instead of 6". It could actually be used to give some a crappy jump. Like Jump (2") because it's really heavy or something. The Feiquan has the skill Jump (8"). this allows it do the Long skill Jump longer than the 6". Lei Gong has the skill Super-Jump (8"). This lets him do a Short skill jump 8" and then shoot or something. Or Long skill Jump of 8+4". I'm wondering if just Jump on the Feiquan is wrong because it also has the Super Jump (Jet propulsion) skill.
If Super-Jump turns Jump into a short movement skill, what prevents you from declaring two short movement skills? Aka two times Super-Jump, aka 16" of movement?
You can’t do two short skills for one order. If you use two orders then yes you can move 16”. Or two long super jumps for 24”. This is why they need to specify if you get cover or not. If I do get cover, why would I ever use my regular 4” move for the Ye Mao when I could do 6” move and another 4”.
Also Super Jumping is a Short Skill not Movement Skill. So no jumping and shooting with the same order, even for super jumpers.
Basic Short Skill seems to be the new terminology for the old "Short Movement Skill," because that always got a bit awkward with Discover being labeled as a "Short Movement Skill" but not counting as a "Movement Skill." So yes, with Super Jump you can Jump + Jump, or Jump + BS Attack. Also: for those of you who remember IJW, he actually popped into the Discord briefly to clarify if Jump (8") mean that you could now jump 8" as a short skill: Which does then beg the question "What's the difference between a model with Super-Jump (8") and a model that has Super-Jump and Jump (8"), because it certainly seems like they do the exact same thing. Personally, I think it's an example of CB not having the templating finalized before they started releasing profiles, and they'll clean it up by release (give or take 6 extra months).
I don't think that's the case. It's not saying in the text shown but I'm willing to bet, it's still a Short Movement Skill. Then you can do a jump+shoot.
They have changed short movement skill to short basic skill. You can do a short basic skill and a short skill or a short basic skill and a short basic skill move is a short basic skill and super jump changes jump into a short basic skill.
Super jump skill changes the way the Jump skill works but you are still performing the Jump skill. I do wish CB had taken this opportunity to distinguish skills that take an action from those that do not.
Until proven othervise, it looks like you can jump and jump with superjump, especially if you have jet propulsion and can do some nasty tricks while jumping. This will make all the flyers and all the troopers with superjump extremely mobile and will allow them unexpected angles, which finally turns the game from mostly 2d plane, with ocasionnal bit of verticality, into proper 3d. Now I can SJ (with jet propulsion) from out of the building, rat-a-ta-tat you and place myself back behind the same building, in loving embrace of an engineer, who will then fix me up from all the nasty flack I will get. To name the simpliest of manoeuvers. Also, overlapping fields of fire and TRbots become much more important. You can not guard two only corridors with hrl's. Also, 360 visor and sixth sence goes up. It is all pure speculation still, but aye, n5 looks like mobility edition from the short and sweet we were shown so far.
What worries me is alpha stiking, cause how brtual and strong some new profiles are. ATM most of the time going first is the way to go. TAGS and flyers moving 16" with heavy weapons. Core links nerfed and so on...
That's an incredibly good LT. They really want to force me buying some Shindenbutai (not available in Vanilla :( )...