New Tunguska Action Pack?

Discussion in 'Nomads' started by eyalswalrus, Nov 19, 2024.

  1. eyalswalrus

    eyalswalrus Active Member

    Aug 1, 2022
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    looking at the plan for the essentials line, both Nomads and Yu-Jing are going to get an action pack as a part of the line.
    looking at the units available to Vanilla as displayed in the book and the nomads video, no current Nomads action pack is fully compatible with Vanilla (the Corregidor pack has a Wildcat, Tomcat and Sombra and the Bakunin pack has... everything but the Sin-Eater)
    because it seems that CB has set to give some love to Tunguska in the near future, it seems plausible that they repack the existing starter and various units that have been re-released in the code one pack and give Tunguska a proper action pack (like they have done withe Invincible Army)
    considering this possibility, how do you think this possible action pack will look like?

    Units I see having a high possibility of being in this action pack:
    • Everything from the Tunguska starter (minus the Hollow man, as he is not available in vanilla)
    • Operation Icestorm's Grenzer, Spektr, or Kriza Borac
    • Perseus
    • Mary Problems
    • Securitate with Feuerbach
    • Heckler with Jammer
    Units I see as possible but much less likely:
    • Puppetica
    • Interventors
    • Wolfgang
    • Fiddler
    • Kulaks
    • Rounders
    What do you guys think?
    #1 eyalswalrus, Nov 19, 2024
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2024
  2. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    If they do, I don't want YJ to be a part of it. Just because they are going to get an Essentials box doesn't mean they are going to get a 2 player set. I want ISS to get a focused release like MO, Morats, etc. ISS has been waiting a lot longer for a redux than Tunguska. The next one that could be good is QK. The mob vs. pirates could be fun.
  3. eyalswalrus

    eyalswalrus Active Member

    Aug 1, 2022
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    The video that CB released for the essentials line shows Nomads and Yu Jing both getting action packs, while Pano and JSA get the 3 vs 3 box and an army box each (which looks to be smaller than an action pack at 7 models)
    this can change of course but that is the info that we have from CB so far.
    it is entirely possible that Yu Jing will get a new action pack for ISS, but it has been the stated intention of CB to use existing models in the essentials line to keep the cost at a minimum, so it would go against that goal, and make getting into Yu Jing more expensive compared to other factions as a new player.
  4. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    I gotta admit I’d be a bit irked if Tunguska got something so soon after Bakunin. Last year Nomads got a record number of 43 new figures. Yu Jing got 10, and that’s only because of REF box.
  5. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    We have been trough this before, not all players are either generic or play all sectorials, for somebody who plays only Tunguska, Bakunin is a non release.

    Yes, for some all these are "Nomad releases" for others they are not.
    A Mão Esquerda likes this.
  6. archon

    archon Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    I mean a Tunguska action pack is for the sectorial, so it contains units that are not available in vanilla. Otherwise it would be a Nomad action pack.

    Its Feuer :point_up_2:
    chromedog likes this.
  7. eyalswalrus

    eyalswalrus Active Member

    Aug 1, 2022
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    well the action pack that is going to be released will be called the Nomads action pack, but it can also double as the Tunguska action pack (like how the Corregidor action pack was the Nomad action pack in the code one line)
    either way, the action pack that will be released as a part of the essentials line will have to be compatible with vanilla.
  8. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    It doesn't' matter to me. Vanilla and Bakunin both got way more than any other faction has gotten in years. I'll be pissed. It will feel like nothing more than a money grab. Nomads are the Space Marine of Infinity. CB needs money? Just put out more Nomads. I understand Tunguska needs some refreshing but then so do others that have needed it longer.
    Quiet Professional likes this.
  9. Benkei

    Benkei Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2017
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    Maybe you "have been through this before", but no matter how much you repeat it "Nomad sectorial is not a Nomad release" is still false
    csjarrat likes this.
  10. Child9

    Child9 Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2018
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    Ah, the classic "I don't agree with you so it's false"...

    psychoticstorm is factually right, period. I only play Corregidor. I thus could not care less about any Nomad release that only goes in Tungunska, Bakunin or Vanilla. It's not that hard to understand.This single example (and I'm not single) proves you wrong.

    And if Nomads sell so well, it's because a lot of players like them. CB would be stupid to stop making a product that sells well. It makes a lot of people happy, and CB makes money. It's not about "who is the one which got an update the longer ago". It never was. Also not very hard to understand.
  11. Sell-sword

    Sell-sword Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2020
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    Why so aggressive?

    I'm not saying, for your example, that you're wrong—but it's worth noting that up until N5 (read: still today) 99% of sectorial releases are also vanilla faction releases. You might not want to play Bakunin or Tunguska profiles, but you still have an N4 vanilla Nomads army. Also, I have no numbers to back this up, but knowing the Pokemon-nature (gotta catch them all) of gamers (myself included) I don't think most gamers collect exclusively one sectorial without dipping into another one that's faction adjacent.

    My point is ... can we deal with less binary thought? The situation is more nuanced than that. I don't mean to call you out, but I've noticed that you often reply to other posters expressing (not always constructively) frustration in an attempt to shut down their expression. The pattern seems to be: 1. Someone reacts to CB news negatively (and possibly hyperbolically) 2. You aggressively shame them for disagreeing 3. Threads devolve into pages of unconstructive and boring 'yes/no' ad hominem laden vitriol.

    While negative feedback from some users can be frustrating. I think it's worth noting that that level of engagement is indicative of a love for this game. Not everyone processes change the same way (or well, at all). Can we offer our fellow lovers of this game a little more grace? If certain users are that annoying to you, can you just ignore them?

    All of this is said with the utmost respect. I understand that any disagreement takes two parties. This is something that has been weighing on me as I've perused the forums for a while recently. Your reply just happens to be the most recent. : )

    <</soap box mode disabled>>
  12. Child9

    Child9 Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2018
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    Let's say that's my baseline level of agressiveness when talking to people who have a long history of constant bad faith, negativity and/or toxicity... For them, I stopped being kind or caring a while ago, as I perfectly know where it's going anyway :)

    That's the point, if you're not playing Vanilla, you don't care that 99% of sectorial release are also Vanilla. I only play Corregidor, why would I care about Tungunska or Bakunin stuff? The new Go-Pod vehicule is only Vanilla, Bakunin and Tungunska available, it's a no-release for me. It doesn't exist for me.
    I'm not a Nomad player, I'm a Corregidor player. I'm not a Haqqislam player, I'm an Hassassin player. And I know tons of people focusing on only one sectorial from a faction (and just as much liking to collect, I don't deny that), precisely because they don't like these "Pokemon-Nature" and prefer to focus to a more reasonnable amount of models to paint and play.

    Oh, I'm all for nuance and constructive talks. But this is something that is nearly impossible on these forums as, again, they are swarmed with a bunch of people not interested in that, who just want to complain and dismiss anything CB says or does.
    When one says that a Nomad player may not be interested in most of the Nomad release, Benkei peremptory claims that a Nomad release is a Nomad and that it is false. What am I supposed to answer to that?
    The pattern is more 1. Some usual suspect reacts to CB news negatively (most of the time in bad faith/toxic way/etc...) 2. I aggressively shame them for being unecessarily negative and toxic 3. Threads devolve into pages of unconstructive and boring 'yes/no' ad hominem laden vitriol

    Oh, I'm all for negative feedback. Check some of my posting history, I'm not defending CB at all cost and for everything, I strongly disagree with them on some aspects (terrible communication, shameful Siocast crap, powercreep in new sectorials, stupid and out-of-topic references/plagiarism everywhere, bloating/useless complexity/heterogeneity of the ruleset, etc...). Constructive negative feedback is key and is supposed to help the company to better itself (if listened to, of course). But what these people are bringing to the table is not constructive negative feedback. It's just toxic useless background noise. I mean, it's so loud that CB staff (and most users) just disappeared from their own forums... And I totally understand them.

    No offense taken ;)
    And be sure that it weights on most of the users, who would prefer calm and constructive debates.
    #12 Child9, Nov 26, 2024
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2024
    Quiet Professional likes this.
  13. archon

    archon Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    I started with CJC and stayed a long time just with them until the Tunguska Starter was released. One of the most beautiful starters ever IMHO. But I never delved deep into Tunguska and as I am prefer to play painted had not much successful games with them. Anyway very cool models.
    In a moment of weakness I also bougth the Bakunin Uptdate box - unfortunatly the dwell in black primer shame since today ... I should have stayed strong and Corregidor only :muscle: but most of the Nomads minis are very nice to have :sunglasses:

    So yeah if you ask me: A Nomad release is a Nomad release no matter what sectorial and in N4 there was no Vanilla exclusive. And I doubt we will see it in N5.
  14. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    @eyalswalrus my apologies for twisting this up.

    On topic, I think Tunguska will likely get all new troops if they did something new. That just seems to be what they do. New things sell better than re-sculpts.
  15. eyalswalrus

    eyalswalrus Active Member

    Aug 1, 2022
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    I am not talking about getting resculpts of existing units, I am talking about repackaging existing models as a Tunguska action pack, like what CB did with Invincible army by adding a few units to their starter set.
    the fact of the matter is that Nomads will get a new action pack, because they need one for the essentials line, and none of the existing action packs can be used there because they have some units that don't exist in vanilla.
    so what CB can do is either do a generic Nomads action pack with a mixture of profiles from all 3 sectorials, or create a Nomads action pack that is also secretly a Tunguska action pack, like how the Corregidor one was in N4. and the latter sounds more likely to me than the former.
  16. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    It is possible, but we have no info about such a combo pack at the moment.
  17. crouchingotter

    crouchingotter Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2018
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    I’d expect a Nomads vs Yu Jing Essentials box to have something like 2x Alguacils, 1x Mobile Brigarda, 2x Zhanshi and 1x Hsien.

    Then the Operations box will be full of new and updated Tunguska and Imperial Service models.
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