September>December 2024: Nuclear winter has struck, leaving room for the N5

Discussion in 'News' started by Wizzy, Aug 12, 2024.

  1. fari


    Feb 21, 2017
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    To indicate you count as X
  2. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    maybe we are saying the same thing? Yes. to count as that troop. For example, in a Fennec team, only the Fusiliers and Griffin count as Fennec. The rest do not.
    Bignoob likes this.
  3. fari


    Feb 21, 2017
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    Maybe, but in the case of 1 fennec and 2 AIRs, i believe that it purity 2
  4. Azakel

    Azakel Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2017
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    Thinking about it... Kestrel for example:

    Number of Duos (excluding cores and haris)

    Only Label Purity = 3 (Firefly, Magistrate, Jackal)
    Same Troop Purity = 6 (Griffin, Firefly, Magistrate, Jackal, Tikbalang, Squalo)

    If Vanilla are going to be more restricted in Duos number (as Bostria said) "Only Label Purity" has no sense... how many Duo options are there going to be in Vanilla? 1? No sense.
  5. UpirLihi

    UpirLihi Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2021
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    The artwork video was as good as always. CB obviously puts a great deal of thought in the design concepts and Bostria being artist himself means he can comment on various details that would otherwise be missed.

    Even if I did not like some of the models, like the scarecrow, I can appreciate the explanation of how and why everything got together.

    Admitting their inspiration and homages freely, as with the corsair (captain Harlock, if someone missed it) is also very welcome.

    And yes, CB should release an art book and they should also bring back bootleg for diorama pieces. Maybe with a tad bit less pinup although we heard about Chester Ocampo's strong sides...
    Cadwallon, Daireann and Brokenwolf like this.
  6. Wizzy

    Wizzy Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2018
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    While waiting for them to do an artbook one day, I've saved on the French forum the beginning of the making-off artbook that Robert had started before stopping with the AI crisis.
    Saveguard making-off planches from Roberto Zoreda : here
    Daireann and UpirLihi like this.
  7. archon

    archon Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    I would say no, because the AIR are 0-2 and can not start the fireteam. So they are just supporters that will benefit form the Fennec units in the team.

    I the case of Kestrel I agree. Without taking the number of (the same) troops the fireteam would be very restricted*). All three can start the team. So 3 Griffons will be lvl 3 while a mix of all three should be level 2 (one troop + one with the keyword and one without). Which leads us to: Two Tiks are lvl 2 while one Tik and Maxi are lvl 1 and when Maxi had the keyword (armoured) it would be 2 again. Just assuming :nerd_face:

    *) Kestrel with keywords only (my first guess) will be only pure with Fireflys and /or the Kestrel labeled wildcards.

    The render. The wulf looks horrible. It may be the perspective or the unpainted details. Or the pose which let him look like more than a cyber orang utan than a wulf. The artwork on the other hand is amazing. Same goes for the Firebat. The artwork is dope and the render of the bike just looks - meh. I know - most of the time the finished mini, nicely painted is better though.
    LaughinGod likes this.
  8. Brokenwolf

    Brokenwolf Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2019
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    Beauty is certainly in the eye of the beholder. I love the details on the render and the stiffness of the pose helps sell it as a robotic monstrosity to me.
    Errhile and Abrilete like this.
  9. archon

    archon Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    True :-) Enjoy your monstrosity. I only have to shoot it in a game ;-)
    Errhile and Brokenwolf like this.
  10. Nimlothautle

    Nimlothautle Well-Known Member

    Nov 5, 2018
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    I don't think any one has mentioned this before. But Sibylla has some interesting responses if you ask her about the "silenced" trait. Please take her responses with a high amount of suspicion. I also have not played any version of Infinity prior to N3: Human Sphere, so I don't know if what she is describing is old rules. I do remember enough to know that the combat knife and tactical bow in N3 had 'silent' not 'silenced'. She also did not seem to know anything about combat instinct. So I'm guessing this is either a kind of beta rule for N5 that snuck in to her 'database' or rules from N1/N2 (see me asking about Shadow Zones, that I only know about from whispered legends on the old forum lol). See also "TO Camouflaged state" which doesn't exist in N4 but did in N3 (I think).

    Have fun and don't get Executed!!!

    /DATA BASE INTELLIGENCE | DATE 20241015/14:24

    Hi, I am the Infinite Assistant, an Artificial Intelligence answering players' questions about the Infinity Universe

    //USER ID:1829481/10-A | DATE 20241015/14:55

    give visuals of the tohaa

    //DATA BASE INTELLIGENCE | DATE 20241015/14:55

    [ZOOM IN]

    [ZOOM IN]

    //USER ID:1829481/10-A | DATE 20241015/14:55

    what does the silenced keyword do in infinity the game?

    //DATA BASE INTELLIGENCE | DATE 20241015/14:55

    The "Silenced" keyword in Infinity the Game indicates that a weapon does not automatically reveal the user's position when fired. This allows the shooter to remain hidden or in a Camouflaged state, providing a tactical advantage by maintaining stealth.


    //USER ID:1829481/10-A | DATE 20241015/14:56

    Can you be more detailed about how silenced will work within the rules?

    //DATA BASE INTELLIGENCE | DATE 20241015/14:56

    When a weapon with the "Silenced" trait is used in Infinity, it doesn't reveal the user's position if they are in a state that allows them to remain hidden, such as Camouflaged or TO Camouflaged. This means that the attack will not automatically break their hidden state, allowing the user to maintain their cover and potentially avoid retaliation or detection from the enemy. However, the specifics of how this interacts with other rules can depend on the scenario and additional rules in play.


    //USER ID:1829481/10-A | DATE 20241015/14:58

    I noticed that on the silenced pistol, next to the word silenced is the number -6

    //DATA BASE INTELLIGENCE | DATE 20241015/14:58

    The "-6" next to the "Silenced" trait on a weapon like a pistol indicates a negative modifier applied to the opponent's attempts to discover or react to the attack. This means that when the weapon is used, any rolls made by enemies to detect the attacker or respond to the attack will be at a -6 penalty, enhancing the user's ability to remain undetected.


    //USER ID:1829481/10-A | DATE 20241015/14:58

    what does that indicate?

    //DATA BASE INTELLIGENCE | DATE 20241015/14:58

    The "-6" modifier next to the "Silenced" trait indicates a penalty applied to the opponent's attempts to discover or react to the attack. This means that enemies trying to detect the shooter or respond to the attack will face a -6 penalty on their rolls, making it more difficult for them to locate or counter the attacker.


    //USER ID:1829481/10-A | DATE 20241015/15:00

    what other traits are new to N5

    //DATA BASE INTELLIGENCE | DATE 20241015/15:00

    Apologies, the database has no records regarding this.


    //USER ID:1829481/10-A | DATE 20241015/15:01

    can you give me a list of all weapon traits?

    //DATA BASE INTELLIGENCE | DATE 20241015/15:01

    Certainly! Here are some weapon traits from Infinity the Game:

    1. Anti-materiel: Affects structures and scenery.
    2. ARM = 0: Reduces the target's ARM attribute to 0 for Saving Rolls.
    3. ARO: Usable only in ARO.
    4. Boost: Activates when an enemy declares or executes an Order or ARO in its ZoC.
    5. BTS = 0: Reduces the target's BTS attribute to 0 for Saving Rolls.
    6. Burst (B): Indicates the number of dice to roll when using the weapon.
    7. Burst: Single Target: Can only target a single target for all shots.
    8. CC: Usable in close combat attacks.
    9. Concealed: Uses Camouflage effects; has a Silhouette value of 2.
    10. Continuous Damage: Target keeps making Saving Rolls until a success or Dead State.
    11. Deployable: Can be deployed on the battlefield independently.
    12. Direct Template: Uses the Direct Template rules for firing.
    13. Disposable: Limited uses; expends one use per declaration.
    14. Double Shot: Can apply a +1 Burst MOD in Active Turn.
    15. Impact Template: Places a template on the point of impact.
    16. Indiscriminate: Usable even if no valid target is present.
    17. Intuitive Attack: Allows Intuitive Attacks.
    18. Non-Lethal: Does not inflict lethal damage.
    These traits influence how weapons can be used and their effects in the game.


    //USER ID:1829481/10-A | DATE 20241015/15:02

    is that all the traits?

    //DATA BASE INTELLIGENCE | DATE 20241015/15:02

    Apologies, the database has no records regarding this.


    //USER ID:1829481/10-A | DATE 20241015/15:03

    can you give me an example of the ways a unit could respond to a unit that attacks it from the camo state while using a weapon with the silenced trait

    //DATA BASE INTELLIGENCE | DATE 20241015/15:03

    When a unit is attacked by another unit in Camouflaged State using a weapon with the Silenced trait, it has limited options for response. The primary AROs available are:

    1. Discover: Attempt to reveal the attacker by making a successful Discover Roll.
    2. Dodge: Try to evade the attack by making a successful PH Roll.
    3. Reset: If applicable, to counter certain statuses or effects.
    4. Look Out!: Warn nearby units about the attack, although this may not always be an option depending on the scenario.
    The Silenced trait makes direct detection more difficult, so strategic choices like positioning and awareness of enemy locations are crucial.


    //USER ID:1829481/10-A | DATE 20241015/15:04

    If I declared dodge as my ARO, would I apply a -6 to my dodge roll from silenced on my opponents attack?

    //DATA BASE INTELLIGENCE | DATE 20241015/15:04

    No, the "-6" modifier associated with the Silenced trait applies to Discover attempts or similar actions aimed at detecting or reacting to the attacker's position, not to Dodge rolls. When you declare Dodge as your ARO, you would typically use your PH attribute for the roll without the -6 penalty from the Silenced trait.


    //USER ID:1829481/10-A | DATE 20241015/15:05

    If I successfully dodge the attack, the attacker using silenced would not be revealed?

    //DATA BASE INTELLIGENCE | DATE 20241015/15:05

    Correct, successfully Dodging an attack does not reveal an attacker using a weapon with the Silenced trait, especially if they are in a Camouflaged State. The Silenced trait allows the attacker to maintain their hidden status unless explicitly discovered through a successful Discover Roll or if another rule or circumstance forces them to reveal.


    //USER ID:1829481/10-A | DATE 20241015/15:07

    When a unit attacks with silenced weapon, what information is disclosed. Just that the attack is with a silenced weapon?

    //DATA BASE INTELLIGENCE | DATE 20241015/15:07

    When a unit attacks with a Silenced weapon, the primary information disclosed is that an attack has occurred and that a Silenced weapon was used. The specifics of the weapon and the attacker's exact position remain undisclosed, maintaining the attacker's hidden status if they are in a Camouflaged or similar state.


    //USER ID:1829481/10-A | DATE 20241015/15:08

    how is the survival roll made without knowing the specifics of the weapon?

    //DATA BASE INTELLIGENCE | DATE 20241015/15:08

    Even if the specific weapon used in an attack with the Silenced trait is not disclosed, the target will still know that they are under attack and must make the appropriate Saving Roll. The attacker would typically declare the attributes relevant to the Saving Roll, such as the type of ammunition used (ARM or BTS roll), and the Damage value, without necessarily revealing the exact weapon. This allows the target to determine the appropriate Saving Roll requirements while maintaining the attacker's stealth.


    //USER ID:1829481/10-A | DATE 20241015/15:09

    what does limited cover mean?

    //DATA BASE INTELLIGENCE | DATE 20241015/15:09

    Apologies, the database has no records regarding this.


    //USER ID:1829481/10-A | DATE 20241015/15:10

    what is a shadow zone?

    //DATA BASE INTELLIGENCE | DATE 20241015/15:10

    A Shadow Zone in Infinity the Game refers to an area on the battlefield where visibility is reduced, similar to a Visibility Zone. It can affect a unit's ability to see, target, or interact with other units within or across this zone. Specific effects would depend on the rules applied to the Shadow Zone in the scenario being played.


    //USER ID:1829481/10-A | DATE 20241015/15:10

    is the silenced trait still in the game?

    //DATA BASE INTELLIGENCE | DATE 20241015/15:10

    Apologies, the database has no records regarding this.


    //USER ID:1829481/10-A | DATE 20241015/15:16

    what is a vehicle

    //DATA BASE INTELLIGENCE | DATE 20241015/15:16

    In the HumanSphere universe, a vehicle typically refers to a mode of transportation or machinery used to facilitate movement or perform specific functions. Vehicles can vary widely, including ground transportation, aircraft, or spacecraft. They may be equipped with advanced technology, weapons, or other enhancements to suit their purpose within the HumanSphere.


    //USER ID:1829481/10-A | DATE 20241015/15:17

    what is a grenzer

    //DATA BASE INTELLIGENCE | DATE 20241015/15:17

    Grenzers, or the Grenz Security Team, are a specialized unit in the HumanSphere universe, particularly within the Nomad Military Force. Originating from a tradition of Croatian mercenaries, they are tasked with handling threats beyond the capabilities of conventional security forces. Operating under the Dragnet Special Actions Department, they are skilled in tackling super-spies and elite miscreants, acting as a kind of border patrol with significant autonomy and authority. Their role is to keep places like Tunguska safe from covert threats.


    //USER ID:1829481/10-A | DATE 20241015/15:19

    can you talk about pheroware?

    //DATA BASE INTELLIGENCE | DATE 20241015/15:19

    Pheroware in the HumanSphere universe refers to a set of pheromone-based technologies utilized primarily by the Tohaa. These technologies allow for the control of bioengineered organisms and can have both benign civilian uses and devastating military applications. PheroTactics, a subset of Pheroware, are pheromone-based strategies that can influence the battlefield, often delivered via devices like SymbioBombs. Practitioners of the Corahtar Discipline, such as Tohaa diplomats, are trained in these tactics, which require specific actions and conditions to be effective in combat.


    //USER ID:1829481/10-A | DATE 20241015/15:21

    what is the kibervolk

    //DATA BASE INTELLIGENCE | DATE 20241015/15:21

    Apologies, the database has no records regarding this.


    //USER ID:1829481/10-A | DATE 20241015/15:21

    what is the silent trait

    //DATA BASE INTELLIGENCE | DATE 20241015/15:21

    The silent trait in the HumanSphere universe refers to a weapon characteristic that reduces or eliminates the noise produced when the weapon is fired. This allows the user to maintain stealth, as firing the weapon does not reveal their position. It is particularly useful in covert operations or when engaging the enemy without alerting other nearby opponents.


    //USER ID:1829481/10-A | DATE 20241015/15:22

    what are some weapons with this trait

    //DATA BASE INTELLIGENCE | DATE 20241015/15:22

    Weapons with the Silent trait in the HumanSphere universe typically include those designed for stealth and covert operations. An example is the Viral Tactical Bow, which uses Viral Special Ammunition and is known for its silent operation. Such weapons are favored in missions requiring discretion and surprise, allowing operators to attack without revealing their position.


    //USER ID:1829481/10-A | DATE 20241015/15:22

    what other weapons

    //DATA BASE INTELLIGENCE | DATE 20241015/15:22

    Apologies, the database has no records regarding this.


    //USER ID:1829481/10-A | DATE 20241015/15:22

    what weapons have the silenced trait

    //DATA BASE INTELLIGENCE | DATE 20241015/15:22

    Apologies, the database has no records regarding this.


    //USER ID:1829481/10-A | DATE 20241015/15:25

    If I declare Discover as my ARO in response to an attack with a silenced weapon, is the roll made face to face against the attackers BS attack roll?

    //DATA BASE INTELLIGENCE | DATE 20241015/15:25

    No, if you declare Discover as your ARO in response to an attack with a Silenced weapon, the Discover Roll is typically not a Face to Face Roll against the attacker's BS roll. Instead, it is usually a Normal Roll, as the attack does not directly oppose the Discover attempt in terms of game mechanics. The attacker remains in a stealth state unless successfully discovered by meeting or beating the target number for your Discover Roll.


    //USER ID:1829481/10-A | DATE 20241015/15:25

    would it be best for only models not attacked by the silenced weapon to declare discover then?

    //DATA BASE INTELLIGENCE | DATE 20241015/15:25

    Yes, it would be strategic for models not directly targeted by the Silenced weapon to declare a Discover ARO. This is because they are not involved in a Face to Face Roll with the attacker, and their Discover attempts aren't affected by the attack targeting them. This allows those models the chance to reveal the attacker without the complication of opposing rolls.


    //USER ID:1829481/10-A | DATE 20241015/15:26

    If a model is not directly attacked by a silenced weapon, then is it affected by the -6 mod of a silenced pistol?

    //DATA BASE INTELLIGENCE | DATE 20241015/15:26

    Yes, the -6 modifier associated with the Silenced trait would apply to Discover attempts, even for models not directly attacked. This penalty makes it more difficult for units to successfully reveal the attacker, regardless of whether they are the direct target of the attack or not. The intent of the Silenced trait is to enhance the stealth capabilities of the attacker.


    //USER ID:1829481/10-A | DATE 20241015/15:27

    what are some units in infinity with silenced weapons

    //DATA BASE INTELLIGENCE | DATE 20241015/15:27

    Apologies, the database has no records regarding this.


    //USER ID:1829481/10-A | DATE 20241015/15:34

    what does the combat instinct skill do?

    //DATA BASE INTELLIGENCE | DATE 20241015/15:34

    Apologies, the database has no records regarding this.

    Child9, Brokenwolf and Delta57Dash like this.
  11. fari


    Feb 21, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Wow, that's... too difficult. You have to check the keywords, you have to check who allows the formation of the fireteam... And CB want to simplify the game. So i still believe the bonuses will go simply by numbers.

    I still believe that in the Kestrel FT, if you put 3 Griffins, it will be pure and gain lvl 3, but at the moment you slap a firefly in the fireteam to get it cheaper, you break the pureness and you go dow to lvl 2, because 2 Griffs+1 Firefly
    Abrilete, Azakel and Stiopa like this.
  12. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    It’s that way now. In White Banner, with a Ye Mao haris, if I want benefits of a pure haris I need three YM. But as soon as I add Bixie to it, it ruins the Pure haris. The same with adding a YM to a Shang Ji haris/core. The Ye Mao does not count as a Jujak or Shang Ji for the purpose of determining what is Pure or not. I can get the +1 burst but loose the +3 discover.

    with this new system it at least no longer has the two columns to figure out.
  13. Brokenwolf

    Brokenwolf Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2019
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    Great work, but I don't want to imagine a world where Dart can run rampant killings things still in camo. That would be horrifying, even with only burst 1.
    LaughinGod likes this.
  14. Child9

    Child9 Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2018
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    That would explain Disposable 2 though.
    Brokenwolf likes this.
  15. Brokenwolf

    Brokenwolf Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2019
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    But it definitely would make Bows an actually viable weapon, if you are willing to spend the orders.
    Child9 likes this.
  16. Leviathan

    Leviathan Hungry Caliban

    Feb 6, 2018
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    Honestly kinda hope its true, it would definitely add more layers of tactical flexibility and even maybe change how we use marker states.
    Stiopa likes this.
  17. Bignoob

    Bignoob Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2022
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    Suppose you have a 5 FT core.

    - 2 fusiliers (fennec)
    - Griffin (fennec)
    - 2 BAIR

    What is the purity?
    - I have 2 BAIR so that’s a level 2
    - but I have 3 fennecs, so it’s actually a level 3

    Then you lose a Griffin and a fusilier
    - I have 2 BAIR now and 1 fusilier
    - so now the FT lead goes to the BAIR so it’s a level 2

    You basically have to take whatever is higher between the unit brackets and the unit names. It’s a 3 step process: Verify A (tags), verify B (units), take whichever is higher

    Is it really that simpler than actually simply looking at “how many troopers have Fennec tag?” Which is a 1 step process?

    I’m 99% convinced that brackets is the only thing that define level :) really looking forward for CB clarification and who is right ;)
    #1177 Bignoob, Oct 16, 2024 at 7:15 AM
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2024 at 8:05 AM
  • About Us

    We are a company founded in 2001 in Cangas (Spain), and devoted to design and manufacture games and figures. Our main product, Infinity the Game, was born with the ambition to satisfy the most demanding audience, offering the best quality.


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