That is a real bastard; 50% of the armies I play just got wiped: Spiral, NCA, CHA and Foreign Company. O12, White Banner, Shasvaasti and Onyx made it out the fire. All fully painted, all pretty much complete collections, many painstakingly modded. The ouch is real. I'm not picking up my pitchfork yet, but I really hope CB haven't gone full GW in tbeir implementation here.
I feel you and understand it's not a perfect solution, but they will most probably remain totally playable... Just not supported and updated on a regular basis. Unfortunately, it was becoming impossible to maintain so many sectorials, it's not like they really have a choice here I think.
I had the feeling it would happen a will just play Kestrel by using my Varuna miniatures as proxies and buy whatever tickles my fancy of the new stuff
Yeah, I feel you. I lost varuna, nca and acon. I think that the na2 armies are being added back later? I am still hoping that the rest of the old sectorials will be added as playable but out of catalouge in army. Doesn't look good though...
Lost 3 out of 4 of my sectorials. CB just lost a buyer. Not planning to buy a single model from now on. Will proxy everything.
Feeling for you, man. I'm waving goodbye to one of mine (StarCo - but most of them, I expect to remain useful in Corregidor. We'll see about the rest of them) myself.
I hope we can still play with those armies even if they are not fully supported. My son plays a fully painted Acon list which he loves. I'm not sure how to explain to him that his army has completely disappeared from the game because of too many sectorials...
In some cases the fold-in works, and you can pick up the relevant vanilla army instead, or you already play em. But that's not really the case for Spiral (I don't want to play Tohaa, I want to play cool cross-species mercs), CHA (nor Ariadna). Some FoCo models will survive in some form I'm guessing. NCA ... I guess I could go vanilla Pano? But the thing is I don't really want to, my mate plays them as his main. I just don't think CB have really thought this through. This has the potential to put anything GW have done in the last five years totally in the shade in terms of anti-player behaviour. That was well over £1000 of minis, and probably 400+ hours of painting, that they just nuked, and that's just me on my lonesome. As for the 'oh, you can't expect them to run so many sectorials' argument: yes, I can: they chose to create them and sell them. They've been doing it for years. They've also just spun up three new ones! It looks like they made a decision to wipe sectorials instead of reboot them, for whatever reason, and that is so much less player-friendly. And finally, this isn't the kind of genie you can put back in the lamp: once you've proven that your product has intentional and inbuilt obsolescence, buyers beware.
I think people need to take a moment and consider that while Sectorials have disappeared thr units from within those sectorials may not have gone and may show up in other sectorials. Also the proxy rules being as generous as they are, a mini who's lost its profile can quite happily proxy as its nearest equivalent.
Soo... Emily Hendelman dead? Hannibal team too? Thanks CB, I can finally throw half of my minis into a trash can.
Again, stuff that isn't in the Generic Army Lists might show up in sectorials, we'll find out when Army updates in November.
You still own the minis, they are still painted and you will still be able to play with them. Saying that this was all nuked is not really accurate. But again, I feel you. Well, in a perfect magical world, yes they could. Except it's the real world. CB needs to have some new stuff out, including new sectorials, because they survive by selling minis. At the same time, they don't have infinite human ressources and to properly support the game, you cannot have like 50 armies to update, maintain, etc... The turnover is understandable. Sad but true.[/QUOTE] How about we wait for the full thing before jumping to hasty and possibly wrong conclusions?
You lose the flavour, and that isn't so easy to replace. Not to mention you might not have a reasonable thing to proxy as... If I get a game of N5, my NCA Squalo will need to be a Vanilla Cutter, as nearly every TAG in PanO got cut down to S6 for some inane reason. And I really can't afford to run one of my beloved double TAG lists if I'm shelling out for a bloody Cutter.
You're telling me that the past ten years I've played the game have been a perfect magic world, but 2024 onwards is the "real world"? I'm disinclined to agree with that I'm afraid. Spin it how you want, N5 represents a sea change for CB's business model: previously they re-released units, updating and strenghtening unit options for players' armies. We've just entered new, and depressingly familiar, territory, where armies have a shelf-life, sometimes a pretty short one (Spiral). I don't think this is a parochial concern, it impacts the whole player base. If you don't see it yet, might I perhaps suggest that this has something to do with the fact you haven't just lost four armies?
for some reason, i only lost 1 of 7, CHA (i was expecting to lose Dashat and Ikari too) But it was my only 100% complete no proxy sectorial and fully painted that i could bring to big tournaments, and the one i really liked to play and dragged me into the game. But, let's wait to this afternoon video for the full picture and hope Bostria sais that all OOP sectorial will arrive later or a Tournament extra that allosw people to play N4 sectorials if they want (and i hope EVERY TO put this extra by default in every tournament they organize)
And we have little to no knowledge of what remains in most of them? Three entire factions don't even have unit listings for anything, either.
Let's be real, rules maintenance isn't exactly hard. "Life support" is an exaggeration for minimum-effort translations to keep the rules compatible with the current edition; we're playing with dice and a document here, and CB don't make wild balance changes. I could probably translate NCA to N5 myself if necessary.