September>December 2024: Nuclear winter has struck, leaving room for the N5

Discussion in 'News' started by Wizzy, Aug 12, 2024.

  1. Stiopa

    Stiopa Trust The Fuckhead

    Feb 21, 2017
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    Nah, definitely looks like a TAG, maybe S6 one
    Delta57Dash and Brokenwolf like this.
  2. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    Why would Yu Jing have a master slave system in their S5 HI? more importantly, it has the chest sensor array TAGs tend to have.
    Brokenwolf likes this.
  3. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    Yeah pretty positive it's a TAG. But it IS hard to tell the size by the image. We can see it has an HMG.

    Brokenwolf likes this.
  4. archon

    archon Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    I never played him and never paid great attetion to the character. But just from the mini the old one looks better. The new one is bland. And somehow looks a bit female on the first sight (the chin beard could be just a shadow). I also do not think that his rules will change significantly so I might not buy him at all for my JSA.

    I am actually think that I am not going to buy this book.

    The way the write is not a pleasure to read over a whole book.
    Especialy Uprising with the repeated parts was hard to read and the story itself not entertaining from more than one perspective.
    The story about the new planetes and new war of resources seem to be good.
    The weird story about Achilles is not very amazing form my viewpoint.
    I don´t need bloating painting tutorials in a lorebook for estimated 50,- €

    But I like that they include a campaign. If this is in the vain of paradiso I am very interested. And I hope its not third reheating of said paradiso with the same errors like before.
  5. Wizzy

    Wizzy Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2018
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    Interview with bostria and recap by four.

    Carlos talks Infinity N5 – Fireteams, new weapons, which sectorials are out…

    Recap by four (in three/four posts because too long):

    .Doc from four, he is working currently, so possibly of changes, not hesite to read her link.

    -warcrow is out of pre production hence n5 -profiles, left up to the devvs and the devs are involved in tournament play
    -company widely is more about distribution
    -code 1 is considered a success for its entry level starter, and helped getting stores to buy starter boxes for the game.
    -company is not thinking about just the game but about macro issues, number of armies, packaging, distribution, removing rules exceptions that come with time
    -pan-o has 6 sects with min 25 units and vanilla has every single one, vanilla is going to be exploitable and it doesn't make sense, they decided to make vanilla have decisive lists no longer every model.
    -issues with knowledge checks when it comes to van
    -oop vanilla models
    -comparison to mtg vintage format indirectly
    -emphasis on sku bloat reduction.
    -mentioned cannot keep selling metal maghariba guard,, going to be a new one, what plastic? Big decisions like this. Has to plan much more ahead, is the profile going to change?
    -same people since the beginning. -they're aware of the issues, people from outside the company(implied other games companies) aren't going to fix it, they know the problems.
    -units compared from first infinity book vs human sphere, human sphere was much more conscious of how infinity was being played. Efficiency creep. Math around the game changes with limited insertion(big factions too good). 15 models and mission changes affected everything.
    -the game is dense. Due to how it's order generation. It is a house of cards, certain unit combinations they'll be in tournaments and complained about. 90 minute t1's was an issue with 25~ model lists
    -at first they said, well, if someone wants to buy 20 dogs, we'll let them, but as that became something that happened in tournaments wasn't great.
    -tournament play polishes the diamond.
    -no one is smarter than 10k people playing the game competitively, big emphasis on the feedback to the devs.
    -crazy ideas on the table like full simplification. Go to standards of scifi games. Our competitive players are op because infinity is complex. Decided not taking this route was the best option, game good.
    -fire teams are going to change. Gml just needs small adjustments, changing fire teams affects the whole game. Fire teams are being nerfed. Power balance of factions will change dramatically
    -fire teams will be more streamlined "less power, more game
    -composition will be more important. Wild teams will have no bonuses, 5 guys will have bonuses

    NOTE: Sixth sense was not mentioned but implied based on the cutter mention to be still in fire teams. To what extent is currently unclear

    -(morats), (fusilier) will still exist.
    -having op core guys felt like cheating (n3 kamau implied and pure core sheskin directly mentioned)
    .-bonuses for pure are being REDONE
    -5 levels of purity
    -duos and Harris become better, cores become worse. -ONLY SOME VANILLAS ARE GETTING HARRISES
    -synergistic vanilla design is in mind -morats have decided to change things up is the Yaogat, don't want unshiftable cores fuck you rito grrls, power capping cores.
    -most of the sectorials, army compositions will change when it comes to castle cores.
    -keeping MOST of the sectorials
    -saving who's staying and going later -pdf and army will update at the same time, at the very latest that is when what armies will make it to n5
    -Ammo info will be in the weapons chart
    -combi is possibility of survival 7
    -weapons may shift due to pipeline models -rules for skills and equipment will change x
    -new rules, and reworks to underused rules will be reworked(nanoscreen implied)
    -YJ,CA,Shinbutai, and KCF are noted as getting some of these new and reworked rules
    -no cover means no cover
    -nanoscreen is not cover, you just have the modifiers and benefits from nanoscreen.
    -trying to be careful about stacking nanoscreen(implied that it can stack but no cover is designed to keep it from being abusable
    -limited cover will exist, no bs modifiers, only armor.
    -personal favorite change, he loves the fire team change. Will be outrage about the fire teams, then you think about it, he read it again driving home, and it clicked.
    -what about casual players?: sounds like unnesting is helpful for new players? yes it is,
    -considered dice with symbols, -had a room where all ideas are valid but, decided market trends<what's good and works. If the players are 40-50, so be it.
    -Basic and Advanced rule videos will come on tiktok and youtube. Advanced rules will cover topics like impersonation.
    -The rules team is considering rules like mim 4 or 5, and units with mim 3 and HD thanks to denesting.
    -Small game team came to CB in the past asking to make a game for them with funding, that fell through, feels confident in the animation studio because of their portfolio.
    -Cutter is why they gave ft's sixth because of its impact in first ed. Mentioned the difficulty between bridging the fluff power and in game power.

    -1:02 features a brief shot on the right side of the screen of the KCF roster list.
    -More videos akin to the team achilles announcement will appear showing what sectorials will be included and vanilla rosters going forward.
    -They do note that some things in van will be powerful and those synergies are being kept in mind.
    -KCF video will come in the next few days and will resemble the team achilles video.
    -NA2 will continue to exist in some capacity, in addition to some mercs being merged with sectorials(Starco into nomads) , some mercs will merge with each other given the fluff is reasonable and lots for that.
    -vCA will have two duos and one harris
    -Tohaa will continue to exist, spiral corps is being discontinued.
    -A new weapon with burst two, hmg bands, normal ammo, cheap, damage 14 and costing no swc known as the "thunderbolt" will be featured on Samurai, such as in sandtrap.
    -PDF's will continue to exist for discontinued armies with their n4 profiling.
    -The tikbalang is now considered a KCF unit, heavily implied shock will go, and that pan-o will be affected by sectorials going the most.
    -CB has a lot of card game players, some of the ideas from rotation and legacy were in consideration when deciding on the pdf format.
    -Infinity Army will be updated mid november. Date TBA.
    -Pandora confirmed to no longer be in SP, Achilles (No word on vanilla), CA will be doing a goodwill campaign with humanity.
    #645 Wizzy, Sep 27, 2024
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2024
  6. Gwynbleidd

    Gwynbleidd Non asto coram malo

    Sep 18, 2021
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    Wizzy, I applaud your usefulness and general helpful nature to these forums. Such a synopsis is very helpful. Many thanks.

    Some very intriguing and also confusing things appear to be about to happen. It will be interesting to see how it all unfolds.
  7. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    Always appreciated!
  8. archon

    archon Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    What about making things more easy? Nowadays it is already not easy to keep an eye on every detail for a FT. I seen people playing illegal ones an I myself also fall to a trap. I hope this will be kept easy to remember.
    Quiet Professional likes this.
  9. Brokenwolf

    Brokenwolf Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2019
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    Note Carlos also mentioned that Vanilla CA will have 2 Duos and 1 Haris. Glimpse of Vanilla PanO is shown at 01:02:35. NA2 is still apart of N5, some groups are merging.


    PanO will definitely lose some sectorial someday. Currently have six and the ideal is three. Shock Army is on the chopping block.

    New Weapon, Thunderbolt: No SWC weapon with HMG-like rangebands. Burst 2, PS 6. Cheap long range weapon. Example was a Japanese Samurai Unit (did not get the name) that will have the option.

    Theme week coming Mid-October.
    #649 Brokenwolf, Sep 27, 2024
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2024
  10. Wizzy

    Wizzy Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2018
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  11. SpectralOwl

    Oct 5, 2018
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    Managed to pull a partial list of the centre and right columns by comparing logos and squinting at my screen. Ones I couldn't guess, I put a dash over. Let me know if anyone recognises one I missed!

    ORC Troopers-Cutter Dronbot
    Teutonic Knights-Fugazi Dronbot
    Swiss Guard-Armbot Bulleteer
    Aquila Guard-Armbot Peacemaker
    (KCF HI/TAG)-Palbots
    (KCF TAG/HI, probably a Knight)-(Unknown KCF REM!?)
    (KCF SK, probably Scarecrow)-Patsy Garnet
    Croc Men-(KCF Indigo)
    Locust-Jeanne d'Arc
    Helot Militia-(KCF Character)
    Pathfinder Dronbot-Maximus
    Sierra Dronbot
    Edit; Formatting. Forum does not like tab.
    #651 SpectralOwl, Sep 27, 2024
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2024
  12. Koin-Koin

    Koin-Koin Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    There's a size reference with the pilot arm.
    Looks between a Wolf and a Guyja.
  13. SpectralOwl

    Oct 5, 2018
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    Interestingly, I believe this means PanO may wind up slightly smaller than CA- three columns of 16 with one missing at the end vs. three columns of 18 with two missing at the end. We've also got five Characters, to CA's eleven, and our only mercenary appears to be the trusty Warcor. Since CB tend to organise their unit lists by category then age, and the venerable Heavy Infantry ORC heads the second column, that implies that a full column of 16 units is composed of generic Light and Medium Infantry. It's going to be interesting to see how the new designs shake out, as weaker Fireteams are going to hurt less durable units a lot since they're often reliant on never losing a FTF roll for survival. Depending on specifics from CB's designers, this rework could be the last nail in PanO's coffin or the breath of life it needs.
    injenegr and Brokenwolf like this.
  14. LaughinGod

    LaughinGod Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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    I am disappointed that ( from what I understood) no cover is actually part of nanoscreen rule ( to help clarify you can't get both nanoscreen and cover bonuses stacking ) and not of Frenzy. Meaning that 13 skill JSA troop, first unit profile they chose to show us for N5, is the one that cheats their own rules. As I understand since nanoscreen doesn't give cover, just the bonuses for one, he will permanently be in cover even though he has Frenzy. So both a Frenzy discount and no drawbacks for having it. He gets even better once he goes into Frenzy as he gets a free order. So why is Frenzy a discount there ? It is literally Tactical Awareness that not only costs nothing, it gives you a discount lol.
    Edit: and that image clearly shows a TAG IMO, you can see pilot arms are low like on a TAG, if it was S5 HI arms would be higher.
    Benkei likes this.
  15. SpectralOwl

    Oct 5, 2018
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    From what I've seen HI are a little cheaper than they used to be across the board, which could go partway to explaining the difference. A formula that taxes elite troops a bit less for the sake of having a full spread of fun units instead of three superheroes and twelve recon bots or Fusiliers could work, we'll just have to see if they actually did that or if they're just handing out bespoke discounts by abusing their formula- I don't necessarily hate the idea of an Imperial Guard being able to be freely positioned regardless of terrain, it actually seems rather fluffy, I just hope it's being done honestly.
  16. Child9

    Child9 Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2018
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    Would you mind sharing with us that nice N5 point formula that you used to calculate the discount on the Hatamoto? I'd also like to know the name of the unblurring AI tool that you used to see the hidden special rule, looks super useful! You took it into account for the calculation, right? What's the rule btw? Thanks!
    #656 Child9, Sep 27, 2024
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2024
  17. Gwynbleidd

    Gwynbleidd Non asto coram malo

    Sep 18, 2021
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    Apologies, but as with statements of a historical and archaeological nature, I also cannot let slide statements of a technological one. No offence is meant here but you absolutely can use AI engines such as ChatGPT among others to un-blur documents with alarming accuracy. We’ve done studies on it at the university of wales, Swansea and I can attest that it can even solve codes hidden in fractal patterns with frightening speed. I think we’ve got one student currently doing a PhD on it. Nothing blurred or hidden in fractal patterns or tags (not the infinity kind) is very safe these days. It’s quite worrying.

    I apologise again, the remainder of your statement is not something I can question but this is something I needed to address as @LaughinGod could indeed have used an AI engine to unblur the file in question.
    UpirLihi, Stiopa and Abrilete like this.
  18. Brokenwolf

    Brokenwolf Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2019
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    From the interview, they seem like they are changing fireteams dramatically. That and the de-nesting of rules, there is a possibility that the way Impetuous/Frenzy interacts with Fireteams is changing. Like, what if Fireteam suppress Impetuous, but you still gain the No Cover rule? One example he gave was with de-nesting, you can have hidden deployment Mimetism- 3.

    So I would wait for the final rules.
    Phototoxin and Gwynbleidd like this.
  19. LaughinGod

    LaughinGod Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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    I dunno why are you being dumb on purpose, Frenzy gives discount since I started playing 10 years ago. I am sure it will continue to do so in N5 as it is generally a negative skill. Hidden rules is irrelevant I never mentioned it, you are just trying to make me look stupid for things I never said. Stop being so cancerous, I am reading these forums regularly and I don't know where do you get you will to be such an ass to everyone with any criticism of CB, regardless how valid or mild it is.
    emperorsaistone and Abrilete like this.
  20. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    In general PanO and most of its sectorials does quite well, the player base that takes them to tournaments is small but their success rate is quite good, I am not saying PanO (and sectorials) is an easy faction to play but they are far from "waiting the last nail"

    That is highly interesting, can they also decipher the text written over text?
    Gwynbleidd likes this.
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