It may be fun to play 25 minis. Not for the dude on the other side of the table, though... And it's better when the fun is shared. I find that 15 minis (which means often 20 orders) is already quite high for a game like Infinity, I would say it's the maximum limit before it becomes too cumbersome and not fun for someone.
Just an idle thought but what if the 15 trooper cap only related to regular orders and you could include 2 complete groups by including 5 irregular orders? Would that be an interesting middle ground?
I think this still has the probability of bogging down play. 20+ order even if balanced is still more time to execute each order and aro triggers. My local groups ITS scene tried to do a 3 games an event at 2 hours a game and with the current rules and player skill it already breaks past 2 hours for most games.
I would say no, it doesn't change anything that the order is regular or not. And then, when you add the LT order (+1 sometimes...), Impetuous, Tactical Awareness, etc... you end up with 25 orders or more. It slows down everything (including deployment, decision making, ARO to check), in addition of crowding the table. Infinity is much more fitted for 20 minis on the board (10 for each player) than 40. I don't want Infinity to follow the path of W40k, Warmachine, Confrontation, etc... All these games were perfectly fine with a limited number of minis and turned to shit, partly because the number of minis increased a lot.
How ? I recently ran a 3 round tournament with 2 hour rounds and only 1 pair didn't finish in time ( last round ). At Interplanetary rounds were 1h50m and I managed to finish all games with 5-10 minutes spare. I will admit at 1h50m ilI feel like I have to hurry all the time, but at 2h or 2h15m there is plenty of time to finish the game.
Newer players plus too much casual convo. It's not really every table but at least every round we have a few stragglers when time is called. Lunch for each even cuts pretty close too sometimes.
Guys, we've already been there and done that - back in N2. Trust me, the 15-model limit is there for a reason. ...or don't trust me, and spend a year or so playing with Infinity with two full groups per side (sometimes more than 2 groups). Ot two groups for one player and just a single one for the other. Then come back and tell how it was. Your choice... but @Child9 listed most of the problems already (one thing I'd add - 20 models able to ARO your moves also slow down the game. By cluttering the table with possible AROs everywhere).
Ask anyone about the 37-something model Bakunin list that won the 2018 Krug if that was fun (the winner didn't accept his prizes and instead gave them to his last round opponent). It was done to show the game did need a limit on how many troops you could field.
Exactly. Then again, the Free Game Extra is there for a reason, even in tournament rules. Come on, guys. Set up some games with no model limit. 20, 30, 40... Allow NA2 mercs. Get yourself SpecOps with gazilion XP each. Play huge games - 400pts, 500pts, heck, 5000pts. Use larger tables (4x6, 4x8, heck, 40x40 if you can rent floor in a gym, or have a lawn big enough!) Be wild. Experiment. Have fun doing it. No-one's going to stop you. Just make sure whoever is participating in that experimentation with you knows what they are getting into. And after that, sit down and consider - was it fun, and would it be somethign you'd like to repeat every Wednesday evening, for example. Or do in a limited time in a tourney.
Yeah, kurwaspam is bad, but you ruined an entire faction identity with the 15 figs cap. It's curious that in past editions Ariadna always was a top faction and since N4, she dissapeared
I won't dare to say that the 2nd biggest win ratio in satellites during ITS 15 have disappeared. And in case you wonder, "ok, what about ALL tournaments"? They're in 10th place.
Simply put no, the N3 tournament army that cemented that order and models cap needs to be enforced was a 40 (something) models Bakunin list comprising mostly of Morloks and a few moderators. It was there to make and prove a point and it did.
Beyond unlimited extra been not a popular modifier for tournaments, 15 models creates an even and equal design parameters for all factions.
10th is not TOP, when in the past Ariadna almost never were below top 5nad were present everywhere. Now only veteran players get good results with Ariadna, like with Qapu, but, oh, surprise, the most recent faction is the best overall. I dont know in your sphere, but here, except one or two top players that always played Ariadna like Odez or Melmak, no one plays them in competitive PS: Kosmoflot is the only sectorial "N4 Ready", the rest are badly patched, and many Ariadna players consider that Kosmo is not real Ariadna
no it not, when some armies can bring 20 orders thx to Tac Awareness, NCO, LT + orders or strategos. Or all that at once. Me bringing 12 orders because i have hidden dep or AD troops and none ob the above mentioned skills and my opponent bringing 17 orders, also with AD troops, is that an "even and equal desing parameters for all factions"??