N5 Wish List

Discussion in 'Nomads' started by karush, Aug 3, 2024.

  1. iKon

    iKon Not Very Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2018
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    oh is we are adding app functionality wish lists then can we have Camo tokens and better integration of Holoecho/mask on the courtesy lists please?
    karush, Brokenwolf and AlphaStrike like this.
  2. Jim the third

    Jim the third Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2022
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    Haha, good one
  3. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    Camouflage markers on courtesy list has been a suggestion for a long time, minelayer creates an issue with that, but I do think it could be resolved.

    I think ARM will be like any other uncontested rolls, equal or under, its the only way the PS formula retains the same chances of survival.

    Bostria said in a review I have seen that NA2 may not be present initially (or not all of them) and come up later, or, something to that effect, this will probably be clarified as we get sooner to the release window.
  4. split-infinity

    Jan 31, 2018
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    Yes, I can confirm both these things. Carlos talked about NA2 at GenCon and they were doing demos using the new weapon damage and ARM save system.

    Pictures I took of the cards on the con floor at demo booth.

    Attached Files:

    Brokenwolf likes this.
  5. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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  6. superfurrymaniac

    Mar 9, 2018
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    Caveat before I start that I've barely played any N4 so not based on experience.

    I'd like to see a solid balancing of profiles, although people always say it's not your list (and I do understand this to a point) there are very clearly optimal profiles and it would be great in my opinion if this wasn't the case.

    I also really like certain things being unique to sectorials, the stuff that's only in Bakunin for example and not available to vanilla is nice from a theme perspective and also reduces bloat in vanilla. Although I expect I may be in the minority.

    And finally, again I expect I'm in a minority but I think some profiles should disappear. I've collected most of Corregidor and Bakunin and barely used any, so would be a definite loss. But it feels like there are too many pretty much obsolete options. Although this could be resolved with a rebalancing anyway
    karush and Space Ranger like this.
  7. redeemer

    redeemer Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2017
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    new catgirl doktari mini
    new gecko minis and more profiles for the geckos ML and flame thrower ones are a must heavy shotgun would be nice too if possible a set with multiple arms to make all weapon combinations
    Brokenwolf likes this.
  8. Gunmage

    Gunmage General Contact Unit

    Dec 4, 2017
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    I'd like to see the "In the Initiative Roll, the WIP Attribute of the Lieutenant is Open Information" line removed from the rules. It sucks having the enemy know for sure my Interventor is the Lt every time instead of only when I roll a 15...

    Edit: Also, make Biometric Visor discover Impersonation-1 straight to model. Or, if that's too much, at least allow its user to retry discover against Impersonators in the same round after failure. For a piece of equipment with such a narrow focus, it's kinda inadequate to its role.
    #28 Gunmage, Aug 14, 2024
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2024
  9. burlesford

    burlesford Sheet guy

    Apr 14, 2020
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    I find it kinda scary/funny how some people's wishlists for Nomads are just more straight buffs. It's not like Nomads aren't already really strong across all sectorials. So here's my wishlist:
    • Trim down profiles in vanilla and Bakunin. Especially the latter has too much redundant stuff now. Things Bakunin doesn't need: Fiddler (it has Zoe), Uhahu (also Zoe), Zellenkrieger (it has Morlocks), the Vostok (it has other great Gunfighters) Rounders (same), and Chaksa Longarms (because they're useless). For vanilla, remove most of the mercs and units that no one is playing in vanilla anyway, like Grenzers, Wildcats etc.
    • Corregidor: agreed on removing the Alguacile Lt's SWC cost. It's ridiculous. Maybe also give it one more interesting Lt choice, like Lobos. Remove either Diggers or Diablos. I'd prefer Diggers to go to keep the faction more thematic. Revisit Lobos so they're actually useful. Fix the Iguana and give the Mk12 Gecko something interesting so it actually competes with his MMR brother.
    • Bakunin: On top of the thinning mentioned above, give Marksmanship to all Sineater loadouts. Right now the sniper is the only viable choice. Make Reverend Healers 10pts cheaper. Make Zoe FTO linkable with Riot Grrls as a substitute for Fiddler, but not pure.
    • Tunguska: Make Cheerkillers cheaper so they can compete with Rounders and Zellenkrieger. Make the Extreme Zellenkrieger 8pts like the rest – he's not actually an upgrade. Make Grenzers cheaper so the non-sniper loadouts become interesting. Let the Clockmaker link pure with Hollowmen or give Hollowmen an engineer loadout. Make the Kriza cheaper or give him back BS Attack (-3). Give Miranda Ashcroft and ABHs an interesting role. Right now they have none. Either give them better link options or fix their profiles. Or remove them. Let Daktari link or remove them. Remove the Red Fury Puppetbot (no one ever plays him) and increase the cost of the other two by 2pts.
  10. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Dunno. Corregidor has so many strengths I really dig their command structure (not really Chain of Command, limited - and limiting - Lt choices, few NCOs, one - and rather odd - Veteran unit) as a conscious design choices. After all, for example, there's no longer an Intruder Lt. option.
    Alguacile Lt. at 1 SWC was there since N1.
    Maybe I simply got used to it.

    Also, since we're at that - I'd tone down the Gator. Start with trimming the NCO off.
  11. tacos

    tacos Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2022
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    Nomads does have some stuff that is very vulnerable to IMPs (mostly their hackers), but they also have units that give them some incredible IMP defense (Morlocks, UFK, Puppetbots, Morans with their Koalas).

    But even leaving the factional stuff aside, I'm kinda not onboard with buffing BMV to work in it's niche better, mostly for two reasons:
    - If it's anything less than just an extreme buff that makes BMV hard counter IMPs, it won't do anything since discovering is not the best way to deal with IMPs in active or reactive, even assuming you'll pass every discover. The correct answer is body blocking with cheap DTWs and markers.
    - If it is an extreme buff that makes BMV hard counter IMP, it becomes a weird counterpick equipment that won't do anything for you against all but the four factions with access to IMP-1, and is a hard counter to a unit archetype that aside from Jaan Star, isn't especially problematic in my eyes (and even vs Jaan Star it won't do anything since Jaan Star is IMP-2, and often forgoes the marker state to access bomb and mate). My experience with top players is that they are universally pretty good at disarming the offensive power of IMPs through good deployment for the most part. It's not uncommon to see vCA lists that leave the Speculo at home to save on points and SWC, while vHaqq and especially HB need the Fiday to help solve problems that their mediocre gunfighting cannot. Idk enough about Shas to say much about the Speculo there though.

    I'd rather see BMV reworked into something that is more universal in it's applicability and less targeted, or just entirely cut from the game.
  12. Gunmage

    Gunmage General Contact Unit

    Dec 4, 2017
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    This would also be a good solution.

    I'm not arguing that there's a problem with balance of impersonators; but I also don't see the "hard counter" concept as problematic - at least as long we are speaking about something as rare as BV. It's like Sensor - that's a hard counter to Camo, yet it hardly invalidates its strengths - both because it is rather rare, and because it leaves enough space to play around it. I also like how well (in my opinion) gameplay blends into narration in Infinity, and I feel that the situation where a bunch of Morlocks are better Imp-finders (both statistically and points-wise) than the specifically-equipped for it Grenzer is supposed to be an error, not the norm.
  13. Brokenwolf

    Brokenwolf Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2019
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    I hope that BV remove the IMP penalty and get the general rule of Discover (Reroll). Even with a price increase, that might make them more used.
    Quiet Professional likes this.
  14. Tristan228

    Tristan228 Bakunin's best Morlock trainer

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I took the freedom to put all in a neat list because that makes it easier to answer (also keep in mind that as a 10+ year Bakunin fanboy/player I'll be biased)
    1. Fiddler and Zoe are both Engineers, that's the only redundancy both are creating. Their roles are completely different: Zoe is more a back guard supporter whilst Fiddler will be present in the middle of the table doinf Mission related stuff and sweeping rooms with her Jackbots.
    2. Same for Uhahu vs. Zoe, both are Hackers. But obe has White Noise whilst the other has the egoistic Zero Pain program. Yet both are closer together in their niches than Fiddler and Zoe. Actually opposing Uhahu to the Rev. Custodier would be a stronger talking point because those two have way more overlaps in their roles (and I'd happily see the Custodier gone, she's about 11 Points too expensive. Also I wished for Uhahu to become a Bakunian since her first arrival in the game, plz don't take her away again:sob:)
    3. Getting rid of the Morlocks' total availability and letting them share AVA 4 would solve this issue nicely.
    4. Hmmm... the only other gunfighter will be Kusanagi and there are 4 S4 profiles that could be culled without much repercussions: Tsyklons and Lunokhods.
    5. Yep, Rounders can go and watch Casino doors, no need for them.
    6. Again 100% on your page.
    1. So you don't want no straight buffs for Nomads but here you want all Profiles showered with Marksmanship... thus the HMG Sinnie will come with a base of BS 16 B 4 PS 5 and you could use three of them. I'd rather leave the HMG profile untouched whilst the Mk12 profile could also profit from different skills than Marksmanship.
    2. Absolutely on your side here, Rev. Healers need to be cheaper, the Orphan or Initiated price range would be a good level for them.
    3. Ok, assuming fireeam bonuses will remain the same in thecupcoming edition that wouldn't make Zoe a substitute but rather an ersatz (in the anglophone sense), Zoe is worse in survival than Avicenna thus a weakspot for the team, in particular because Hackers in Fireteams can be exploited to desintegrate said teams faster. Additionally downgrading the Fireteam's bonus performance would result in just a new "codex corpse"
    AlphaStrike and burlesford like this.
  15. AlphaStrike

    AlphaStrike Well-Known Member

    Nov 22, 2022
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    Mostly agree, granted I think that the sin eaters could use that buff, as mathematically the sniper is better in all instances. But I completely see that stuff should not be unnecessarily removed from factions, especially since people have invested in them to this point.
  16. iKon

    iKon Not Very Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2018
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    Can Super Jump become a Short skill MOVE so you can use it in a link team without the rest of the team having to Idle? Climbing plus works that way so why doesn't super jump?
  17. LaughinGod

    LaughinGod Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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    Literally no one chooses their LT because of their WIP for the initiative roll. We might as we stop doing LT WIP rolls and just do a roll off, like basically every other game in existence.

    Biometric visor just needs to be deleted from the game, you don't need a specific equipment to counter a skill present on 6 models in the game.

    When will CB start with building hype for N5?
    They could ( should ) do a weekly post about a new rule of interaction or just even some profile updates for units. That would take maybe 20 minutes from someones time to do.
    burlesford likes this.
  18. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    I know plenty of people who choose their LT for the WIP, if not purely for it at least among other reasons.

    Also you had your weekly information about N5 two days ago.
    WarHound likes this.
  19. Child9

    Child9 Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2018
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    Then they are probably not very good players because the LT WIP is nearly useless in a game.
    Tristan228, Modock and LaughinGod like this.
  20. LaughinGod

    LaughinGod Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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    This is simply not true, for start you have factions like Corregidor where all LT options have the same WIP so it is not even an issue, or you have someone like Kosmoflot where all are 13 except Wallace and you are not taking Wallace to be your LT just because of WIP 15, if he did what he does without being a LT you would never take the LT option. Then plenty of factions where WIP difference is within 1 WIP and that 1 point of WIP will never be a tiebreaker in your decision on which LT to take. You are talking against common sense, like usual.
    @Child9 and if I am not mistaken he and his group are playtesters for this game, which explains a lot.
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