TabletopBuffoonsW has published a TOP of the best Melee troops. TabletopBuffoonsW Who's the Best Melee Unit in Infinity? A personal ranking of the deadliest models in Infinity, what unit can dish out the most consistent damage. Powerpoint:
Very cool Don't know if this is addressed in video (haven't had a chance to watch yet), but were any of the "challengers" paired against each other? How does an Uberfall do against Nourkias, say...? Also funny that the three "vs." models were not actually in the top 10... surprised Diggers didn't make the list.. but then that might need to include cost (which you specifically left out)
I think the YJ beasthunter would be a runner up. +1B EXP CCW with NBW is devastating. Then has camo and forward deployment.
By their criteria he's only: CC 26 --- less than all of the top 10 but Tyrok and Denma, -3 to opponent (all have that or better) B1 --- really hurts against top 10, only a few have B1, top half all have B2+ Dam 18 AP+DA --- damage is on the high end, but only gives him only 2 saves, which is again low against the top 10 McMurrough feels more like a toolkit fighter w/ berserk and double chain rifles. He has a lot of forking potential (oh you shoot, then I CC... oh you're good in CC, I'll just 2xchain rifle you... or you're good at both? I'll just spec grenades at you on 10s...). But straight up stats... CC26 isn't THAT special, B1 can't get any worse, Dam is good but doesn't help if you roll a 1 on your CC... Really, not having NBW is probably the biggest hit compared to the top 10. All of them have OVER THE TOP stats in CC, or NBW... or both. I mean, I was laughing that Achilles didn't make the list, but same kind of problem... he's only B1 and that's a big blow to the statistics
I thought Zuleyka should've gotten a mention for her B3 with breaker pistol, or B2 with EXP CCW, but her numbers don't pan out all that well. Similar to the bearpode. But, she's fast, has smoke, and is cheap. And she doesn't require extra models to give her the Burst bonus, nor suffer from an enemy's NBW, so she's still got a lot going for her.
I think they should have also done a Cost vs. Effectiveness. It's the primary reason the Chimera is so good! It's very cheap for what it can do.