Hi all, i am looking at getting back into the game after a couple of years, and decided to go for WB, since i always loved their lore. Are there any "must haves" from the new units that i should get? The Reinforcement pack alpha looks to contain a bunch of models that i don't own, and looking at their profiles they seem to fill some gaps?
I'd suggest a different approach altogether: use whatever models you have. also, use proxies for whatever you don't have. This way, you'll find which of the new units / profiles does work for you, and which doesn't. Once you know, you can spend money on the actual models :) Of course, having a word from the WB players as to what is worth checking first wouldn't harm. Not being a WB player myself, I can't sadly, help you out with that.
Yaofangs are amazing. Monks with Liang Kai, shang ji with hmg and hrl, couple of zhanshis, standard remotes, guilang bsg and hacker, Tiger soldier, reinforcement box for hwarangs, sulyong and dokkaebi. Maybe a jujak or 2.
I haven't used the REF troops yet but they seem fantastic. My buy list would be: Monks with Liang Kai Long Ya Jujak REF Guilang Some sort of proxy to be a beasthunter
Must haves, not really, good to have are a lot, I would go with what you like as a model or profile first, Long Ya and Shaolins are among the most popular options personally I love Ye Mao with Bixie.
I played WB before reinforcements so can only speak to the less new models. Definitely proxy and see what units you like. For example, as much as I like Ye Mao I find I rarely run them. Liang Kai harris with monks is practically a staple for me, but overall I like to run a 5 man heavy pain train with Shang-jesus, another Shang-Ji or two, and the rest Jujacks. Sometimes I make the team mostly HI named guys if I want more orders than the tact aware brings. Either way, usually a very expensive but tough core of 2w, with Guilang Lt if not trying to do Capt + Bixie NCO for more core orders, and Liang Kai Harris + Long Ya's for extra orders or flanks. More often than not, my HI core can use all the extra tact aware and/or NCO orders to position where ever they want, and usually I can just reset from guided missle with guys usually only suffering one wound, so the train just keeps going.
Always; Monks Jujak Long Ya Beasthunter Shang Ji Liang Kai Often; Haetae Dokkaebi Tiger Soldier Guilang Sometimes; Bixie Adil Memut Tian Gao Daofei probably less often than I should; Hundun Ye mao Jing Qo Blue Wolf
Blue wolf is an interesting unit, there are so many people who praise it, I have yet to make it work for me.
I think part of the reason it has so much praise is that it does very favourably being compared to the Guija.
As a collector, donĀ“t ask me - I would recommand nearly everything the sectorial has to offer ;-) Monks, Liang, Shangs, Jujaks, Jing Qo, Blue Wolf, Lang Yas, Beasthunter, Guilang - try out what you want to do with WB. A camo list could also be done with Vanilla, HI is probably better with IA. WB is a good mix. Same, but different!
I see, I have no issue with Guijia, probably because Superjump is an ability I have an affinity with, Ill probably need to look more into it and find a duo that clicks for me, so far the best I have done is a Tian Gou FTO killer hacker holomasking as a Shang Ji hacker.
I play WB quite a lot these days, and from the reinforcements box I'd say Dokkaebi is a nailed-on star, but eaily proxyable. I actually use the guard bot from O12's Alpha sculpt as the basis for my Dok. You can run it in a doorkicking haris (fun), a sixth-sense core (meh, leans towards guided and dep rep play), and you can run it solo with a Mk12 and marksmanship (yay!), which is probably my fave way of using it, as it allows for cyber masking and works nicely as a late-game gun. The big choice is 25pt version for hacking threat and pitchers, or 30pt version for mr-do-it-all. You also need a Hatae, or another S6 model as proxy, as the HRL loadout pairs really nicely with the Dok. After that, you're through to optional imo: Sulyong is a nice unit to access cheap nco Hwarang is a cheap filler for a non-pure HI link (although I love pure for WB, to offset their lacklustre msv coverage with brute BS16 shooting) Sulsa is a cool dude but has some problems, feels like a love/hate unit to me.