I agree with Zanzerkers interpretation. I also find peculiar that the same translator gives so many varied translations...
Welcome to Japanese language and the funny ways to translate it in romanji when you don't have the original writing and pronunciation. Basicaly, "soko" is "found" (the other "soko" in know is "there"). But the thing is, it's not "soko" but "sōkō" (soukou, with long "o"). Depending how you write it (and pronunce it) "sōkō" can be : 奏功 : success, accomplishment 草稿 : rought draft, outline 操行 : behavior 装甲 : armor When you throw "rentai" with it : 連帯 : solidarity 連隊 or 聯隊 : regiment So, yeah, the translation can be funny with just the romanji I'm less familiar with Korean or Chinese but I think it's the same king of troubles.
Thanks! The work is appreciated. So "Armor Regiment". It could be anything from HI to TAG. I can see them getting a more "shooty" HI. Right now most of their HI are close combat and short ranged. However, the Mechazoid part is the most intriguing. I think it's a take on Megazoid. Which was a giant robot toy in Japan. And I think the name of the combined giant robot in one of the Power Rangers. But there's also just Zoids. Or Technozoids. Bio-Mechanical creatures. So what I totally think it could be, is another size 8 TAG! They can do so much easier now with siocast (or other).
I think TAG is more likely, CB are pretty consistent with using "Armoured Regiment/unit" to refer to TAGs as the successors of modern armoured (tank) regiments, who in turn are descended historical cavalry regiments. It's why PanO TAGs are Hussars and Dragons, and why the O-Yoroi is named after a suit of armour most commonly used by cavalry.
It could also be a play on Megazord, the giant robot from Power Rangers, that is usually made out of at least 5 smaller giant robots combining.
Don't get too hyped guys, it'll most likely be made from SioCast. So the more you'll ne hyped now the more you'll hate it afterwards
I'm interested to see their progression with the material. The feedback seems to be improving, although I still see lots of the same old gnarly issues with the material and its rather puzzling mechanical qualities are not going to change.
It has been hit-and-miss for me. Some models were actually fine (I can defintiely point towards the 2gen Marut). Some were... worse than I'm used to.
from render to painted art and the Juying remotes still had the wrong weapons... And yesterday Infinity social media put focus in the Massai blisters with the old koalas, wich is not in production... No one cares about the products at this point in the sales dept.
So far my experience with the polyamide miniatures is overwhelmingly positive - which can mean I was extremely lucky - because all of the miniatures had on average a better cast quality than the metal miniatures delivered within the same timeframe. Thus I don't mind the siocast at all, it's rather that alone from the name "Mechazoid Sokorentai" and the "something big" announcement I get a very bad feeling we bow entered the icky realm of 90ies action toys, just with rules. I guess if the mistake happened before they got to the painting studio there's now just a very high hurdle to chop up the painted mini just to swap some weapons. And sending new ones to the painter might just be too expensive for a swapped weapon to justify that expense.
Some stuff today. A video review for releases of June by Zombie. In the google news I saw the first armed remote bot, and curiously it bounces off some discussions about gun design... The chinese army have stuck with a simple gun with the normal magazine rather than a belt-fed supply. So does this mean that CB's design is legit? Spoiler: +
New Tikbalang is promising. Maybe we will get the second tag in MO after all? Here is to hoping. Overall, everything is fine, just not the armies I am interested in. My hope is that we finally can be done with Kosmoflot for a good long while.
Kosmoflot has been done for a good long while. Last Kosmo-specific thing they got was the Support pack last September. The Cateran in January was as much a CHA resculpt as a Kosmo one.
There's a new faction week operation, this time on nomads. https://store.corvusbelli.com/en/deals#themed-days