Somehow I read KoJ not KoS, anyway KoS have dodge +1" specialization in Zero G and potentially the 360 visor also could be interpreted as been extra systems that drain the armour resources. Not that is does matter.
Karakuri had Total Immunity in N3, it worked slightly differently as it combined the effect of the current Immunity (Total) and Bioimmunity making even better than now. They also had 2 STR + Dogged which was changed to 3 STR in N4. I do think that Karakuri is different from other HIs, it's for all intent and purpose a REM similar to Dakini/Unidron/Sekudroid that for some reason is classified as a HI instead.
Well, the good of it is you can't boost them with EVO Repeater or REM Driver - since they are classified as HI, not REMs.
I'll just remind you your original claim about this: There is no such consistency when it comes to BS, regardless of whether you're using unit type or unit classification.
Correct, because even if we go by lore or whatever the 3rd Highlander Grey Rifles exist and they have MOC 6-2 despite being Aridna and one of the arguments people use is that it's a recent development. Also, if people use lore they run into another issue, if lore was the deciding factor then everyone else would try to retro engineer the KoJ armour since it by stats is by far the superior power armour within its size. Even if it was too expensive to mass-produce there would still be individual parts that could be used in other designs. Ah. Now that you mention it Immunity (Total) also did nothing against hacking programs since they had no formal AP/DA/EM designation. I think to reduce the power of Immunity (Total) would be to make hacking programs unaffected by it. That would only count as an argument if a unit like Echo Bravo was considered a line trooper for PanO, instead, it's a veteran unit that uses LI. Their ISC classification is even Spec. Trained Troops which implies that they're veterans. In my original claim vets had +1 BS, and they have +1 BS over the line trooper.
If anyone would reverse engineer a power armour it would be from Yu Jing, not PanOceania, they have the best Power Armour in the human sphere.
Since any hacking program is a Comms Attack, Inmunity (Total) does NOTHING to any hacking attack. In fact hacking has always been the easiest way to deal with any Inmunity (Total) Heavy Infantry.
They absolutely would, everyone who regularly deals in power armour would. Even if to just know how it works and they just sit on the technology, especially in a place such as Praxis and the Nomad nation, Tunguska absolutely would retro-engineer it. Yu Jing is just the faction most likely to use it. All the factions who use a lot of power a lot would probably just incorporate bits and bops. That's how capitalism works. There's a reason companies in the real world are paranoid about getting their IP stolen. That makes it easier to deal with, especially now that HD has default access to Oblivion. Thanks.
Yes, show me enough examples within a faction to show it's a systemic inconsistency rather than a few individuals who show the exception- I'll repeat, you have to show enough examples WITHIN THE SAME FACTION rather than across all factions. The latter would be too easy.
Gladly. Just so happens I work as a research analyst, here's a quick pivot table for BS distribution in Yu Jing: I've used only native YJ units, so no Mercs. As you can see there's quite a lot of exceptions here ;)
It seems @Stiopa did the job faster than me, thanks! :) Now, can we finally agree that this "rule" of yours doesn't reflect any reality in the game and move on? I really think you should play the game more and post less suggestion topics...
The BS distribution in Haqqislam is even crazier. I get that you want to improve some HI profiles, but a blanket 6-2 wouldn't solve things. It didn't help ORCs and it wouldn't help Jannisaries.
Now do it again without reading into my argument that I said LI/MI/HI because I said Line Trooper/Veteran/Elite/Highly Elite. There are few to no exceptions to this as some veterans are I or HI, instead of, MI. Some Elite are MI, and a few go into LI. A few highly elite are HI rather than TAGs. I think a vast minority is LI or MI, though those instances are so few I generally miss them. Read the actual words used rather than those you imagine are used.
Like him you seem to believe that I used LI/MI/HI. I used Line Trooper/Veteran/Elite/Highly Elite and afaik that has nothing to do with the armour they wear.
Namurr (elite) and Mukhtar (veteran) both have BS13. Janissaries, Hortlak Janns and Al Fasid are all veteran troops, but Janissaries have BS14 while the others are BS13. Nahabs are also veteran troops but have BS12. This is a nonsense theory. Also highly elite doesn't exist as a troop category (unless you are referring to characters, TAGs and Headquarter Troops, but that's also some hot nonsense). What's your actual system of categorization here, because as you've stated it's not based on LI/MI/HI, but it's also obviously not based on the status of a troop as a veteran/elite/line/spec. trained and so on.
@quaade I know exactly what words you've used, that's why the table is organised first by Unit Classification, and only then by Unit Type. Look closer, it's a very simple data table. I do understand that you're about to move goalposts again, and claim that your definition of Line/Veteran/Elite has nothing to do with the classification already existing in game, but in this case you might've at least admit that it's simply your headcanon.
Karakuri had Total Immunity in N3. They gained a third wound in N4 and dropped Dogged, they also technically lost 3 ARM in N4 because of how the changes with TI for N4 worked out.
I already said that it was outsidethe ISC, it's simply by the rules. I did look at it again and every category looks like a bell curve to me, which is how it should be in a game like this when it comes to distribution. Every faction that I know of has this sort of bell curve in the distribution of BS. The same afaik lacks when it comes to MOV distribution as it seems utterly arbitrary. ORC should be lower on the totem pole than the named factions. Especially an order as esteemed by the KoS who fulfills an important role whereas the ORC armour is mass-produced, or what goes for it in that classification. As I see it both the ORC and the Mobile Brigada are the McHI of power armour, yet they're somewhat better than armours that should be better.