I'm not so happy for what concerns JSA, 'cause I expected Invincible Army for this month, YJ style and miniature are amazing and I like them more than the japanese ones, the Oniwaban is wonderful but the others are not so irresistible. Besides I already have Steel Phalanx and Military Order and this new/old army seems a mix between these two factions, so doesn't attract me, the only thing I can do is to wait before starting a fourth army, sad but true xD.
You clearly fail to understand the concepts of "right" and "wrong' on a fundamental level. Your argument would suppose that opposition to tyranny, for example, was pointless, because the tyrant is the "final word" on his subjects' lives. Obviously we're dealing with a commercially produced sci-fi wargame, so lower stakes, but the same principle applies. I get the feeling that perhaps the reason why the blog post by Interruptor was so tone-deaf to the actual complaints it was supposed to address is that CB has surrounded themselves with yes-men like @A Mão Esquerda and those warcors who would say it was the best thing ever if CB pissed in their breakfast cereal.
The fact you compare what a group of people do with their own fictional IP and how it affects customers with a dictator and their subjects probably accurately depicts how you really need to get some perspective on this whole thing. Here's some for free. You haven't actually lost your JSA units in your army, officially yet. Its all just fluff, so you got an article talking about the fluff. You're free to lose your shit when the army actually does drop and CB still don't talk about actual mechanical changes.
Right, wrong, opposition to tyranny... Are we really comparing here the opposition to fascism, for example, with being unnecessarily rude in the forums over a decision of a company about their own I.P. and model line? Yes, this is being unnecessarily rude. CB may have communication issues (I do think that they could have explained things better, to ease the transition and answer the obvious doubts that the change may create) and some people like @A Mão Esquerda may be less worried about it/be more understanding with the company/have more faith in the company/whatever you want. It's perfectly understandable that you may not share their point of view, but name-saying and CB pissing on cereals won't solve the issue (and makes the forums a very unpleasant place)
Well, the analogy works. The point was made that right and wrong don't matter because CB is the ultimate authority on the issue - I pointed out why that's baseless. Considering the opposing viewpoint is that you cannot criticize a company for making what we perceive to be bad decisions, that's a pretty reasonable response. Saying that CB is beyond criticism, as @A Mão Esquerda was, is just idiotic.
It is rude, but necessarily so. The shilling is out of control. You say you think that CB could have explained things better - @A Mão Esquerda 's position is that you should shut up and sit down about the issue. C̶S̶U̶'̶s̶ WarCors on various other platforms have been telling people, first, that CB wasn't going to take anything away, and second that what they're taking away from Yu Jing players doesn't matter, and calling them entitled. It's not an opinion that I can really respect, since it isn't really an opinion; it's just whatever's most convenient for CB in their eyes. And then there's people like @Teslarod who are motivated by spite - they see people upset, and just want them to suffer. For them, CB taking things away from these people, creating a worse play experience, is a *positive*.
Nothing about that sort of rudeness is necessary, @Hecaton. It may help illustrate a point, it may not, but it' ccertainly not necessary. There are other ways to make the point and, even if there weren't, it is not necessary that the point be made. As far as the actual changes, we simply don't know enough to say long term. If Yu Jing remains unchanged, losing only JSA, this would be a negative change. On the other hand, as they get a new sectorial and profiles they may be able to move into interesting design spaces that had been previously choked off by JSA units. This move, if nothing else, does give YJ some new flexibility and design space. Where it ends up has yet to be seen. I know that it is a pain to buy models you cannot play, but that is unfortunately just part of the experience sometimes. To get my Al Fasid, I had to buy Yu Jing models that I didn't want. I could either sell them off or build a YJ force. You have the same choice now with JSA. It may not be ideal, but both options exist.
I see you've fallen for the meme. Why does Yu Jing need to be dropped down to 1 sectorial to avoid bloat when other factions have three? Oh yeah, it's just an empty platitude.
I do suspect that the split is primarily there to accomodate the overall narrative. Freeing up potential design space in JSA and Yu Jing respectively, seems like a nice side effect at this point. On the business side of things, this will incentivise new purchases, which is pretty much a no-brainer.
@Hecaton You clearly are too emotional about this. Take a break. 1.) I did not say YJ needed this space when others didn't. I simply said that it is objectively true that this move opens up design space. It's telling that you respond to something I did not say, rather than the unquoted portions of my post. As a matter of fact, I think that MO should follow suit and become a NA faction. This would allow CB to give them smoke without giving it to Nisse or Aquila. 2.) The concern is not bloat, but identity. Sectorials used to be a way to play a unusual faction list (MO vs PanO, Steel Phalanx vs Aleph). But now sectorials are evolving. They are factions themselves. Splitting up sectorials like this allows more game wide variety, although at the cost of individual faction variety. Look at Ariadna for the best example of this. Do we really need virtually identical LI for each subfaction?
There is more urine in this thread than a Donald Trump hotel room. I know telling people to calm down is counterproductive but seriously look up from the screen of the expensive device you are reading this on and realise it really doesnt matter that much. Your getting personally emotional over what amounts to discretionary income spent on entertainment. Go ahead and figure out the cost/hour you have gotten out of your models and compare it to seeing a movie. Want to keep playing JSA great get your NA2 list written. Want to play Yj, great work with whats there now snd bask in the knowledge that new shinies will come. Had enough of both factions, great there are no shortages of 2nd hand marketplaces where you can recoup your investment and further improve the cost/hour ratio. But seriously comparing all this drama to irl suffering at the hands of dictators like the children starving to death in Douma is just disgusting and you should feel ashamed.
What prevents giving MO access to smoke in unit profiles that vanilla PanO doesn't have access to? The idea that sectorials limit the design space of their parent faction is strange and arbitrary.
You would tell me I should be "ashamed" regardless of the veracity of my analogy in this case; your goal isn't to get to the truth of the issue but rather to issue apologetics for CB. The crux of the analogy remains - just because someone has the power to make a decision unilaterally, doesn't mean those decisions are necessarily good, unless you're a subservient personality type who instinctively loves those who have power over them.
Tbh it's funny that YJ player were always saying "we pay many point on useless CC on models" And now they are whining on these same models. Guys, I'm sure that you'll receive new profiles to close those holes. The fact that bostria said "no release for YJ this year" does not remove this possibility
If you believe that a toy company messing around with their product is comparable to people dying, I have pity for your inability to feel compassion. I guess by the arguments you have been making you and CB are exactly alike, neither has compassion for the other, and both feel completely justified in there actions and statement. I am not a CB apologist, I criticized along with many of the Tohaa are sectoral statement, especially after I brought the new druze expecting Triumvirate. But I don't think that in sense of everything else around me it matters all that much. May I suggest you sit and reflect on why this game REALLY means that much for you?
See, here you're just trying to insult me. You don't actually believe that - you know what this is about and you're trying to deflect. The point remains - just because CB is capable of making decisions unilaterally about Infinity, doesn't mean their decisions shouldn't be criticized. If you're arguing against me, you're arguing against that point - I used a very extreme example to illustrate that the point that @A Mão Esquerda made was simply wrong.