Not even thinking about statistics - I just like this concept and I'm always happy for another sweet Haqq mini ;) With BS and/or SMG he can be interesting, and maybe even cheaper than Ghulam Doc(!) :D If he'd have Akbar doc it would be grrrreat - I liked playing with our fatties A-Guys, and having them standing up with 2W would be awesome :) PozdRawiam / Greetings
Do not wonder...he will bring something special. They dont produce a new miniature and introduce a new profile, if there wasnt something special going on. Ahhh yes, the look on you opponents face, when after spending a load of orders to take Fassy out, he suddenly gets up again with full wounds. Priceless....and a bit expensive on the points side. But as you say yourself, that issue could been be a thing of the past;)
We don't, but I would be quite surprised if we did. The RTF is supposed to be the elite forces of the Caliphate, not the mercenaries of the QK fleet.
maybe from Aleph, like Pano and YJ do... but I'm not sure fluffwise... I think RTF will be pure haqq high tech power
Look all I really want is at least 1 msv 2 unit. Like djanbazan or something. Beyond that whatever is good.
It was a discussion on how Ramah could be released. Ideas were being thrown around on wacky ways to release Ramah, among them 300 points boxes with new things in them. Actually, with Hakims being shown in the last seminars I'm going to bet that Ramah is going to be the next sectorial to be released.
Oh, nothing of interest. I was just saying that hypothetical 300 pts box would be a better deal than all that supposedly available to Ramah stuff I'm currently buying box by box. It'd be nice if I don't mess unit accessibility in the process.
If Ramah gets released next I'll be pretty pumped. Nomads are my 1st love, but I am growing more and more fond of a polyamorous relationship with Haqq too, and if RTF turns out to be the high-tech, enlightened, super-slick Haqqislamite force I've wanted all along, then I'd definitely playing them as my main faction for a long while!
Ah, I see. I was hoping you had some inside information! This is an interesting "problem" with the army boxes though, right? I've been been buying Ramah stuff for awhile, but will it be duplicated in the coming box? I don't think there are any army box exclusives yet, like the Red Veil Al Fasid/Ninja. But it's one potential frustration with bundling.
I dont think, that you two have to worry much. RTF will be a new Sectorial with new units, and they will want to sell those in a box, because its much more profitable to release a product that appeals to new and old Haqqislam Players.
Khawarij, Zhayedan, Hakim, Supersoldier is the absolute Minimum, that will be new. I also bet, that this will be what the RTF Army box will look like. But as far as I can remember, this stuff also got sold seperately afterwards.
Several additional releases are needed to support things from a model perspective. I presume the Khawarij need a box because not enough of them use rifles, Zheyadan will need a box to put those other weapon models out. One assumes the Hakim joins the list. Maybe Naffatun unless they skirt that issue with mixed fire teams so Ghulam. All will be available separately from any boxed set even if we have to wait a month or two for spaces in the release schedule to open up. The Tohaa box didn't have, that I recall, anything new in it and all I heard was rave reviews of it.
CB have two kinds of army boxes. There's the normal Army box that is used to introduce a sectorial (USAriadna, JSA) and 300pt boxes (Tohaa, Combined Army, Aleph). Sectorial boxes aren't necessarily 300pts, they are a starter and a few extra blisters. 300pt boxes don't contain a starter but also don't launch new models. They're a bunch of already released boxes and blisters, and without a starter. Ramah doesn't fit either of the big box releases current release patterns. If they do a 300pt box, it's almost certainly going to launch new models. They don't have enough out to do one without new models and without the starter. Zhayedan box and Khawarij box are the likely contenders, but they're not out yet. Speaking of the starter, if they do an introduction box the starter has already been in the wild for a year. They're going to lose a lot of sales because people don't want to double up after grabbing Red Veil. I think Ramah is in a weird enough position that they won't get a big box.