We need to talk Kuryer [TAK]

Discussion in 'Ariadna' started by valukr, Nov 29, 2023.

  1. valukr

    valukr Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2019
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    As the title says, i want to hear from the community of TAK players if they’re using this profile?

    This profile is unique to TAK, and has some unique tools, so I am curious to hear if it is making it into peoples lists?
    #1 valukr, Nov 29, 2023
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2023
    Tanan likes this.
  2. Tanan

    Tanan Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2019
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    My feeling is that's a bit too expensive for what it does and is overshadowed by beasthunter FTO. Baggage is nice for Dynamos, but if you really need it why don't take 5p Traktor Muls?
    valukr likes this.
  3. Jericho

    Jericho Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2022
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    Slow, low range, no repeater, too expensive...
    I just take the 5P Traktor Mul fpr cheap order and baggage for Dynamos.

    Enhance the range up to 32" or at least 24" and this might change.
    valukr likes this.
  4. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Of these, I'd single out short-range as the main problem with the Traktor Mul (both Kuryer and standard): I fail to see the point. Albeit, granted, I do not play Ariadna in any shape or form.

    Movement rate on a lanucher is not something I'd consider crucial.
    Repeater - other Missile Bots don't have it, either. Plus, TAK (as well as KosmoFlot) has a whopping one Hacker profile who could potentially use a Repeater (one of the 3 Wardriver profiles).
    Price-wise... I see no reason to take a Traktor with a GML in the first place. Regardless of point cost.
    valukr and csjarrat like this.
  5. csjarrat

    csjarrat Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Biggest problem is that guided only really works if you've got a decent hacker and repeater net and can tag models with spotlight aros.
    Ariadna is about the worst faction in the game for that so an upgraded GML is crap, because noone was taking a GML in the faction anyway.
    I guess the minelayer total reaction with baggage could maybe find a niche in some zone scoring/defense missions but it's pretty crap and expensive by ariadnan standards for what it does.
    valukr and LaughinGod like this.
  6. valukr

    valukr Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2019
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    What are some of the “staple” profiles people take in TAK?

    Would the Kruyer have synergy with any of them?
  7. Tanan

    Tanan Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2019
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    Camo is king in this era of GML and hidden deployment ARO troopers. Streloks, Spetsnazs HMGs Beasthunter FTO are all amazing troopers. Irmandinhos and Dynamos for button pressing and smokes.

    Kruyer minelayer is a good ability, but like I said earlier it's overshadowed by Beasthunter FTO minelayer. I guess if you needed more minelayers.
  8. tox

    tox SorriBarai

    Feb 21, 2017
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    In an Army where every model and their mothers can be FOs...
    valukr likes this.
  9. Jericho

    Jericho Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2022
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  10. Scribbler

    Scribbler Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2018
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    Here's my very scatterbrained take on Traktor and Kuryer Muls.

    I have used them, and they are fun, but I haven't found a particularly compelling reason to use them in anything outside of a casual pick-up game. The Katyusha is the only system that I would ever use right now simply because it has DA ammo for use with Guided, which isn't something that Ariadna needs to use all that often in my opinion. Other than that, both the Katyusha and Uragan are too short ranged for me. I can see the Uragan getting a lot of use from me if only it could reach out further than 16" and have a reasonable chance of landing a hit.

    For me, the main issue that holds me back from taking any version of Muls is the fact that they are both short ranged and low BS, and I think that they would really benefit with a boost in at least one of those areas. Having better range would be my preference; even just getting good range bands out to 24" on the Uragan would make me very happy because I wouldn't have to spend so many orders moving it into a position where it can bring its Total Reaction to bear and NOT be hitting on 4's or 5's, depending on which Mul you are taking. And personally, I think that both Muls should probably have BS 11.

    And specifically, to the Kuryers, I personally don't see the point of taking them over a regular Traktor. Spending an extra 3 points for +1BS, shock mines and minelayer alone just doesn't bring enough value for me. I think if they got something like a Mine Dispenser, that would make me choose Kuryers over Traktors if I have the opportunity.
    valukr likes this.
  11. csjarrat

    csjarrat Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    They can, but then you're using FO instead of just killing the enemy. It's order inefficient and our GML is fairly poor anyway.
    FML gets it efficiency from launching pitchers near models that have to move and tagging them with spotlight aros. Outside of that, it's horribly inefficient way to spend orders
    valukr likes this.
  12. tox

    tox SorriBarai

    Feb 21, 2017
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    Even Hacker could do the same, but then you're using Hacking instead of just killing the enemy. It's frigging the same...
    And you have more FOs you could ever use without paying more than 1point over the normal profile instead of buying a hacker...
    valukr likes this.
  13. Jericho

    Jericho Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2022
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    Once the repeater is layed, the hacker can spotlight without any risks. (At least if you didn't put the repeater near an enemy hacker)

    But FO is a BS-Attack - needs LoF and the target can simply shoot back. With every use of the FO-skill you risk the loss of this unit.
    And then again - why use FO, if the unit can simpy kill the target itself.

    Spotlight is far superior than FO.
    Modock, valukr and csjarrat like this.
  14. csjarrat

    csjarrat Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Mate, I've said It twice already, spotlight ARO is how gml gets efficient.
    If you want to risk your foxtrot on a forward observer aro, more power to you, but you're likely to get half your models killed for one opportunity to get a GML off in your next turn.
    If you are thinking of active use, you could maneuver an FO into place and hope you get lucky on the rolls, followed by some GML orders, or you could just spetsnaz the original target and stop wasting orders and troops on low odds plays that still require further order expenditure
    Jericho and valukr like this.
  15. valukr

    valukr Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2019
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    I got plenty more to say, but finding it a bit tough to find time to compose my thoughts.

    Just to chime in on the FO/Guided topic. It’s a legit strategy. We have models like Pavel and BeastHunters who get significantly more dangerous as they get closer. They demand respect.

    This can provoke the opponent to ARO with discover, at which point you zap em with 2D20 unopposed spotlight.

    You either use this threat to bluff the spotlight and get your Pavel/Beasthunter, specialist into the good position or you give yourself a chance to nuke them with ole’ Kruyer.

    It’s not plan A against most targets, but against a Suryat HRL in a 5 man, that DA without cover is your best chance

    Edit: Applying Spetznaz to everything as first preference will only leave it overstretched and more likely to get unlucky and lose a f2f and die
  16. Sicaris

    Sicaris Active Member

    Dec 15, 2018
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    I like to take the 9 point katyusha (not the kuryer) for the possibility that an opposing ARO decides to discover my camo FO. That being said I've only managed to bait the discover once and the FO fluffed the roll. I don't think it's a particularly optimal pick if you have something better to spend the points on.
    valukr and csjarrat like this.
  17. Tanan

    Tanan Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2019
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    It's worth remembering that we are now talking about one of the most oppressive oppressive ARO pieces in the entire game. That pure fullcore can and has won games on open maps against basically everything except the most oppressive GML builds. There are only few factions in the entire game that can pull that kind of ARO threat. Spetsnazs HMG can rolfstomp everything else. Sure you get critted sometimes, but that's the way with TAK.

    Agaist truly oppressive builds there is very little you can do in 6/300 games. There is a reason why TAK isn't considered A-tier faction and the bearpode factions are. However in reinforcement games we are way better off and you can easly enhance Spetsnazs HMG game by flooding the hard ARO piece with mine dispenser before committing the Spetsnazs HMG. Reinforcement games is the game mode you should be playing anyways because 6/300 is solved and boring, so this isn't a big loss.
    #17 Tanan, Dec 5, 2023
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2023
  18. valukr

    valukr Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2019
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    To me, the systems you implement will determine your perception. To me, the perception of "Sometimes your Spetznaz gets crit, then you have no gunfighters, the factions doesn't have enough durability, it's not A-tier etc etc" is a symptom of how people approach the faction. To me, if you reach for the Spetznaz in the majority of instance, without exploring/building into your list other ways to respond, you're more likely to end up in that predicament.

    I also disagree on 300pts being solved. That's my personal opinion, but i am happy to agree to disagree, as I want to bring things back to the Kuryer.
  19. valukr

    valukr Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2019
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    This is exactly how I started as well! That little 9 pt bugger is great value, it really is. I appreciate your single experience did not work out, but if it makes sense in theory, why not test it until you make it work? Just to see what it opens up? Do you use Strelok FO?

    I begun with the 9pt Traktor Mul. Yet, i wanted to keep exploring profiles and eventually thought, why not i'll pay the full 19 pts for the Kuryer.

    What I came to find is that I believe the Kuryer has synergy with several staple units in TAK, thus adding tremendous amounts to a TAK list, to show this I want to use Tanan's list of staple units to explain..

    My view of TAK, is that you need to lean into, at least partially, CAMO shell games to get the unique experience/strength the faction offers. I am a big believer in shell games with TAK, so when i deploy my camo markers I never prone them. I aim to give my opponent minimal information.

    This is the first synergy. The Kuryer adds to your shell game, adding a mine to your deployment. The improvement to your shell game synergises with some of the staples such as Strelok, Spetznaz, Tankhunter etc.

    Importantly, the Kuryer produces a real ARO. You can deny territory with genuine threat, without being forced to reveal your camos to ARO and stop a rogue Taigha.

    Now, BS 11 is not going to stop any real attack run. However, this is where the next synergy comes in, ARM2 + COVER + B3 (2s,5s,8s or 11s) and REMPres. is unlikely to die to a single volley. Considering Irmanhdinos are a staple in almost every TAK list, the Kruyer can easily be repaired. Adding much needed redundancy to a TAK list.

    You must think ahead and deploy the Kuryer in a way which will see it drop into full cover when it goes unconscious, to not give the opponent an opportunity to double tap.

    The prevalence of Forward Observers in TAK, most notably the Strelok FO, who make almost all my lists. Means that we have access to possible guided attacks with templates.

    The ability to reload Dynamos is niche, but not to be overlooked and finally zone of control missions in which these guys can do such good work locking out a zone.

    As you can hopefully agree, the Kuryer has some synergy with several TAK profiles that are found in almost every TAK list. Thus, potentially giving you food for thought for your next TAK list?
    #19 valukr, Dec 6, 2023
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2023
  20. Tanan

    Tanan Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2019
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    We can be honest here. I play multiple factions and TAK isn't an A-tier faction in 6/300 but probably is in 250+100 reinforcement mode. Trying to minimize the risk of crit is exactly the reason why pitchers+GML and bearpodes are so popular in 6/300 gamemode and TAK isn't. Very competive people (myself included) had A LOT of time to perfect gameplay and list optimization during covid-19 pandemic.

    I think that Kuryer has similarities with plasma rifle Q-drone which is an exellent short range bearpode/rambo deterrant. No one really wants fight against Q-drone inside 16" when it's in cover. Sure Q-drone has 6-4 move, mimetism-3 and plasmarifle but Kuryer is 5 points cheaper, has minelayer and baggage so they are surprisingly comparable.
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