Hello hive mind! In the most recent development of events in Infinity, it's told that the Spiral Corps somehow came to obtain the T'zechi Digester. Ok, fair enough, I guess. However, do we know how the digester look like? Do we know its size, shape, form, anything at all? I have both the Infinity RPG corebook and the Tohaa RPG book, and in none of them I found this information. In my understanding, it has to be something small enough so a group of people could carry it away, but, other than that, I have no idea. At first I thought the cover art in the Tohaa RPG book was the T'zechi, but then, how could the Spiral Corps just run away with all that stuff? That looks like a crater full of crystals, so I'm not sure. Anyway, thanks in advance!
"obtain" the Digester is misleading. The Tohaa were experimenting on the Digester at Paradiso before the humans were lured there, and they discovered some of the defensive mechanisms. (The other lesson from the Paradiso back story: The information the Tohaa got out of the Digester was either sabotaged or booby trapped by the Digester.) Part of the plot of Endsong is that Triumvirate infiltrate the garrison (code named Penny Arcade) and set off the defensive mechanism to prevent the Combined Army forces getting control of the device. At the moment there is the Digester itself and five smaller "probes" that were detached from the main device. The description in Endsong is plenty vague, but the probes are quantum magically connected to the main device, and all six parts reacted violently to what the Tohaa agents did.
The Tohaa shadow organisation that uses Spiral Corps as a front "obtained" the digester by somehow "cloning" it in a wormhole transfer, we practically know little to nothing for the Digesters and the characters in universe know even lass than what we do. I am not sure if the Digester or the other digesters have a definite shape or volume, or if the change it at will or even if everybody sees the same thing in them, we know they are able to communicate if they so desire and that they are sentient, to the point of giving out corrupted information to the point of undetectable sabotage of any technology or knowledge gained from information extracted from them. I would not rule out any and all digesters that have been discovered might be actually quantum probes of a master Digester nobody has ever seen or discovered.
I think the "cloned in a wormhole" may be inexact. In Campaign Paradiso (N2) may have been mentioned that the Tohaa Tzechi split in two at some point, and one of those was taken to Paradiso for study and aggresive extraction by those Tohaa that I never remember the name, but call Cerberus!Tohaa (for the Mass Effect human organization). The explored Digestor eventually fed booby trapped tech to the tohaa, which resulted in the Biotecovore plague and the since then unused air-transmitted no-cube needed Sepsitor. And the first human colony ship detonating it's nuclear reactors to prevent becoming zombies (the "preamble" of Campaign Paradiso was a Tohaa Vs Ariadna battles)