Well, I see 3 models-that-were who could show up: Arslan Druze Sniper / Jethro (from the Outrage Character Pack) Druze KHD (originally a LE for the N3 book). The current Druze pack is 4 models, and that's it: HMG Marksman Hacker universal proxy. With 10 Druze loadouts, this leaves some space for the 2nd box. Also, this might push some slight rewrite of the unit itself.
I just want to point out that it's not going OOP yet. Since it's a January release, it will probably be a while before we see the January OOP stuff show up.
The old one has two (CCW loadout and actual CR loadout). Spitfire is - like the old releases seperat. My guess is like this: I also think so. Would make sense in SKU reduction. That would leave - for a classic 4 models box: BSG, Combi (probaply hacking), Chain - wich would be good. I would not say no for a refresh, but I fear: This could happen ... (ref.: Invincible box). But I wonder about the sniper, because the old comic char box is OOP already.
For the new druze box I think it could be: Arslan Druze Sniper / Jethro (from the Outrage Character Pack) Druze GL who has mini in old box, but not in the new ones. This one i have doubts, Druze KHD (but the other hacker can proxy her), Druze paramedic (who can be proxy with normaal druze) or Druze panzerfaust (like the old with DEP). Cheers.
And you're right. I'm merely pointing out the possibility. That, or these two could be gettign a resculpt, too. There aren't enough normal Druze anyway. The universal proxy one is the closest stand-in. So it is an argument in favor of making one. Of the existing box, I'd say proxy ooptions are: HMG: only as itself. Marksman - can just as easily work as the sniper. Hacker: as normal Hacker or as KHD. Chaincolt - every single thing. Loadouts that need to be proxied with the Universal Proxy - or could use a dedicated model: basic Combi basic Combi / Lieutenant Combi / Panzerfaust Combi / GL / EM GL Comi / Paramedic. Given the DBS has only 3 Lt options (Arslan, Druze Lt, Brawler Lt), I see a point in having a model suitable for Druze Lt. On the other hand, as a DBS player (among others) I must say I rarely field that many actual Druze. 1-2 in a Core Fireteam, then maybe an extra 1 in a Haris. They seem just too pricey for most applications... though it might look different in a game of Limited Insertion.
Or, CB is pulling one of their troll moves again and it will simply be a repack of models that can be played in DBS. How about this genius box of SKU reduction: Valerya Gromoz Aida Swanson Taowu
I'm pretty sure it's an ITS thing. Not a part of the core game. If it's an ITS thing then it can be gone with the next ITS season.
Too late for that! lol. I'm not changing it now. Besides it's a fun End of the year/New Year thing. Also, the numbers would kinda be the same.
For the Myrms, I like the idea of a Chain rifle, Combi, and Myrm Officer. No idea if they are going to do a 3-man or 4. They could go a bit crazy and do 2 Myrms and Ajax. Pretty much three things that are a must buy. But I think they would do separate. Why have one sale when you can have two. The image says Druze Shock Team specifically so I think it will be Arslan, GL, Combi, Sniper. Hmm well that's too bad. No one here likes it and probably not going to be doing it much.
Or you have the old box which had Combi/LGL, Hacker (with a clumpsy pose), the old DEP now PF and the cool guy with combi and sword. I have the last one, the sniper from the comic box and the lim.ed. female KHD. Enough to play 300 pts ;-) Nope. The afford is to big for just an ITS gimmick the want to sell extra models without bloating the existing sectorials, but they started very ackward. Not sure it will sell, but my YJ RF box still waits for a new delivery date... together with the comic. Do they have a shortage? Hopefully.
3 boxes for a secondary unit as Druzes seems to be too much for me, and I love them and I own every miniature (except the spitfire one), but I don't believe this guys are in the renew list of CB. I'd bet for a repack of Arslan, Valerya and maybe Saito.
The sculpt is not that old but I think they could do better. Especially when next to Valerya and Saito.
Here's a thought — maybe there'll be a new Armand Le Muet in there? He's been missing a resculpt for a while as well.
In addition to the Corvus Belli releases and possible manga/novels, there are also infinity releases from warsenal with a livery of bases for Tunguska (3 versions) : https://warsen.al/products/color-printed-bases Spoiler: +
Just an interesting FYI. Both of the LFGS in my area have still has not gotten in October releases! They have said they ordered but have yet to get it.
From CB or from their distributor? Places I know that order direct (MOE, Warsenal, G2D4) received their stock at the end of last month. Miniature Market seemed to take an extra week or two but have it now.