Humanitarian request regarding Bleriot Airport

Discussion in 'IC [In-Character]' started by Errhile, Oct 13, 2023.

  1. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    To: Aleph Command, Bleriot Airport
    Nomad Command, Bleriot Airport
    Ariadna Command, Bleriot Airport
    Form: Director of Waqf al-Badawi

    Esteemed commanders,

    I humbly request all the warring factions to:
    1. allow Waqf al-Badawi the use of the airport for humanitarian operations, and
    2. respect the neutral, humanitarian status of Waqf al-Badawi -aligned craft and facilites.
    We will agree to undergo inspection of our craft and facilites by your control teams, if you see that as a necessary measure.

    We however need access to a spaceport: we have ships in orbit, loaded with humanitarian supplies - or ready to evacuate refugees off-world. Transporting material and people by dropship is woefully ineffective though. Being able to land a ship on Concilium would make a great difference in our efforts.

    For obvious reasons, using the airport in Rhodan is not an option.

    with kindest regards,
    Director of Waqf al-Badawi
    Bhai University Campus, Concilium
    #1 Errhile, Oct 13, 2023
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2023
    Danger Rose, hortanium, Wizzy and 2 others like this.
  2. WiseKensai

    WiseKensai Rogue Interventor

    Nov 23, 2017
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    +++ IFF Update Packet +++

    To: Nomad Forces - Concilium Prima
    From: WiseKensai

    IFF ID: Haqqislam - Errhile
    Classification: Friendly

    IFF ID: Waqf al-Badawi - Errhile
    Classification: Friendly

    Comments: Any ship flying Haqqislamite or Waqf al-Badawi colors with an IFF tag signed by Commander @Errhile's encryption keys is to be treated as one of our own.


    +++ End IFF Update Packet +++
    #2 WiseKensai, Oct 15, 2023
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2023
  3. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Aleph command, please respond.

    We could land the ships in the Nomad-controlled sectors of the Bleriot Airfield, but Waqf al-Badawi is not going to risk the lives of the people onboard if the ships were to be fired upon by Aleph forces.
    #3 Errhile, Oct 20, 2023
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2023
    Wizzy and StephanDahl like this.
  4. Pander22

    Pander22 Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    To: Director of Waqf al-Badawi
    From: Hythan Rake - Black Sky Intelligence and Ariadnan Concilium Command

    I have passed a note to all Ariadnan forces on Concillium that all Waqf al-Badawi craft are to be given a green light to land in any Ariadnan held ports, Due to the uncertain times we live in I have hand selected a few Black Sky Operatives to assist in sweeping of the personnel and civilians outbound from Concilium, This is a security measure I must insist on to stop the spread of any potential threats, which I am sure you are aware of.

    With this agreed too my people will treat the craft as one of their own,

    Additionally, Now that Okolnir fishing yards are safely manned by Ariadnan hands, we will deliver food raitons of Me-Me fish for the people in need, If there is anything else we can offer, Haqqislam and Waqf al-Badawi need only ask

    Hythan Rake

    Black Sky Intelligence
    Wizzy and Lady Numiria like this.
  5. DPA

    DPA Active Member

    Jul 20, 2022
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    Origin: Aleph High Command
    Sender: Telemachus
    Rank: Strategos
    Callsign: "DPA"

    Director Errhile,

    You have my gravest apologies for not responding to your request much sooner. We anticipated the control of the airport would go more smoothly than it has been. As per the recent co-announcement from Aleph and Haqqislam High Commanders during this crisis, we will support each other in the greater ground operation. You have my personal assurances that all humanitarian aircraft will be allowed to land at BleriĆ³t Airport, and all in-atmosphere humanitarian spacecraft can make supply drops as needed. Please direct your transports directly to the main runways and link with the official control towers. You will be given priority landing status. A cursory inspection from members of the Support SubSection can clear a plane and it's passengers in less than five minutes. Expect one consultant designation 'Shukra', one auxiliary Corporate Security Unit, and one sensor Remote designation 'Daleth'.

    I want make clear that while forces native to the Nomad Nations have made unified security impossible at Lorena, this is not the fault of Nomad High Command. We do not blame their generals for the actions of rogue operatives. That is as much as I can comment at this time.


    Yours Truly,

    Strategos Telemachus
    nehemiah, Wizzy and Longthyme like this.
  6. WiseKensai

    WiseKensai Rogue Interventor

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I've been authorized to share the following sanitized footage of the virtual reality Nomad command forum in Arachne:
    Desanges, theGricks, nehemiah and 3 others like this.
  7. StephanDahl

    StephanDahl Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2022
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    They look absolutely adorable when their GMLs are filtered out instead of their usual irrationally lethal impression.
    Errhile and WiseKensai like this.
  8. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    To: Strategos Telemachus, Aleph Command, Bleriot Airport
    CC: Interventor WiseKensai, Nomad Command, Concilium, Hythan Rake, Ariadna Command, Concilium
    From: Errhile, Director of Waqf al-Badawi

    Thank you for your answer, we'll begin operations as soon as possible.

    Our aligned ships and aircraft will defer to local air control to maintain safety. Be advised to expect heavy traffic, we have a significant buildup of vessels ready to participate in the relief effort. Waqf al-Badawi logisticans will be contacting Bleriot Airfield traffic control and local command regarding the schedule of operations, but Shirazad's Dream is at the forefront of the queue. Please contact the skipper once you are ready to see the first ship in.

    with kindest regards,
    Director of Waqf al-Badawi
    Bhai University Campus, Concilium
    Lady Numiria and Wizzy like this.
  9. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Esteemed Commander @Pander22 ,

    we'll be grateful for any and all assistance you might provide.

    Regarding your offer of food rations, we'd gladly accept the assistance, if in limited amount: fresh seafood requires extensive logistic effort to keep it from spoiling, and frankly - we don't have the adequate facilities.

    If I may suggest anything, it could be overall beneficial if you were able to reactivate the seafood processing plants in Okolnir, and logistical chains related to it. This would generate both workplaces for the local population, and a stream of revenue that will be highly useful in reconstruction efforts planetwide. Forgive me talking about such mundane matters, but with my cultural background, I do see economy as a flywheel of development. And Okolnir has a good flywheel: as you have rightly observed, people have to eat.

    Containment of the Quantum Anomaly Zones and reconstruction of Concilium will be a long-time effort, and we can't rely solely on what the Human Sphere can send here to help - we must let the people on Concilium help themselves first of all.

    with kindest regards,
    Director of Waqf al-Badawi
    Bhai University Campus, Concilium
    Wizzy and Lady Numiria like this.
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