I read the ITS 15 document, but could not find the size of deployment zone for Resilience Operations. The Beacon placement map even does not show the size of deployment zone. Is it usual 12” deployment zone?
Remember you have the suggested sizes and areas in core rulebook for a Infinity match. Given the nature of Resilience missions I guess CB dind´t put only one kind of deployment to avoid players to use only one. In case of doubts, take the ones in core rulebook, if not, you can choose :)
Quote ITS rules: "As Official Events, all Tournaments must comply with the Basic Rules of ITS; with the exception that they do not use the ITS scenar-ios nor the Classified Deck. Players must use the Tactical Objectives Deck and the Battle Conditions Deck." For me, I understood it like this: You take a classic scenario to serve as a base (i.e. scenarios from the N4 book: annihilation, domination, supply, firefight), and the Operation Deck modifies the mission to establish its own conditions, the conditions not affecting deployment zone sizes, so you stick with those of the N4 base scenario currently used.
I found that from the Basic Rules page of wiki. I think it would be better if there was a reference for this.
Y Yes, I guess it is something happens a lot in fact. Too many things in different places, as the size of the drop-pod not included in reinforce document, for example. Sometimes it is hard to know "what to do". It is a good solution :)
The size of the drop pod marker *IS* in the ITS document, though. 40mm. It's in the table showing the relevant marker sizes.