New Here and Questions About Gameplay

Discussion in 'New Users' started by Cook754, Oct 8, 2023.

  1. Cook754

    Cook754 New Member

    Aug 20, 2020
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    Hi. I've collected for a long time, but I'm ready to start playing. I do have a question though.

    From what I've seen regarding gameplay, the game is designed to be played in 3 rounds. It appears to be structured for a competitive environment. I very much prefer a more casual, story driven game style.

    Are there any variants that last longer than 3 rounds and function closer to casual gameplay with emphasis on interactions, rather than objectives?

    burlesford likes this.
  2. Papa Bey

    Papa Bey Clueless Wonder. Still.

    Nov 23, 2017
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    What are "interactions"?
    Errhile likes this.
  3. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Hello, welcome to the community!

    Yes, the official mission system is competitive by design - after all, it is named Infinity Tournament System.

    There are narrative scenarios, like the Dire Foes games (oriented around a specific event in the fluff, and typically two pivotal characters).
    There are fan-made scenario systems, like TACOS, YAMS or 20x20.
    There is no reason why you couldn't write your own scenario. Or slap some houserules on the exisitng ones - like, "it won't be ober after 3 turns, but after 4, or 5, or however we agree to".

    Still, for all my Infinity experience I played in just one, local tournament. The rest were friendly, casual games - just using these rules.

    Let's face it, it is a wargame. Victory conditions need to be determined somehow, and if possible, in a clear way. Objectives to be reached are a more interesting way of doing it that just a deadmatch / annihillation.

    Like @Papa Bey above, I don't understeand what do you mean by an "interaction, rather than objective, driven game". Could oyu please explain what do you have in mind?
    burlesford likes this.
  4. Cook754

    Cook754 New Member

    Aug 20, 2020
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    Hey, thanks for the replies. "Interactions" might have been the wrong word. It was late and I have trouble putting it into words. I guess I'm more interested in a longer game or a deathmatch. I'm not competitive at all. I just enjoy hanging out with friends (old & new), throwing dice, making things on table top die (and explode), and talking about it.

    I love the models and the universe. I'm afraid I won't ever be able to do the models justice since I'm not a very good painter.

    I'll check out the variants listed above. Thank you and any other advice is greatly appreciated.
    burlesford likes this.
  5. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Practice makes... well, not necessariyl perfect, but certainly better :D
  6. chromedog

    chromedog Less than significant minion

    Nov 24, 2017
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    There are some older 'campaign paradiso' missions that only ended when a specific objective or event was reached, not a hard 3 turn game thing (we got to 6 and 7 turns for a couple of them). It was also more "narrative", and less "competitive" (in a tournament sense) - and this was also where the "Spec ops" units came into their own before they were an add-on for a tournament.
    #6 chromedog, Oct 9, 2023
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2023
    Urobros likes this.
  7. Papa Bey

    Papa Bey Clueless Wonder. Still.

    Nov 23, 2017
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    A potential drawback is games can draw out and out and out. A three turn limit forces a sense of urgency and a need to engage and the risk/reward that comes from that narrative.

    Something to consider.
    saint and burlesford like this.
  8. Sanvi

    Sanvi Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2021
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    I found your post quite interesting and, even if don't participate in the forum very often, I thought I should give you my opinion as a I usually consider myself also a more "narrative" than "competitive" player (if those are words that mean something).

    The truth is that I find Infinity (with all its problems as a wargame) quite narrative itself. Even in the competitive enviroment. All the games are about spec-ops doing spec-ops things. Killing HTVs, recovering data, controlling consoles...
    The three turns thing also helps to put you in that spec-ops mood. You gotta be fast, you gotta hit hard and soon to acomplish your objectives. But even if you play five or six or ten rounds, you can be sure that not too many games will last more than three. I mean. Most of the games are over by the third round because everything that had to happen, happened already. The HVTs are dead, the data recovered, the consoles under your control.
    Or all your guys killed. :grin:

    The missions in the ITS are quite narrative IMHO. The classified objetives help a lot. With the new decks thereĀ“s algo a game mode where the missions are randomly generated and can be different for both players, which sounds also very narrative (maybe I have to take control of communication center while you have to rescue an HVT...).

    So... I'm not sure which gameplay you watched, but would advice you just to try and play. And if after some games you still think Infinity is very competitive-oriented or that games weren't enough narrative, come again, tell us your impressions and maybe we can help each other to mae games more interesting. But, as I said, something that I really enjoy playing Infinity as a non-competitive player (at least not very competitive) is that my miniatures have missions to do and objectives to acomplish that keep the game real.

    Hope that helps :grinning:
    Graves, saint, colbrook and 4 others like this.
  9. Wizardlizard

    Wizardlizard Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2018
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    I think play and see what you think. This game is about as deadly as 40k either 1/3 or less the models. A fair number of games 3 turns is more than enough.

    If you want story driven with a game master style all means. We've done similar things but rarely. If it helps think of the 3 turn limit as the time it takes for the space cops or ai or mission to fail due to....well think anything.

    Also while easy to focus on the details of the game the reason and story behind it are compelling. Your not hacking the data for points but because you get the files needed to overthrow the largest corporation bid on the new advanced chip set. Taking the territory is a way to protect critical infrastructure from being damaged and your position being weakened. If you are fighting mud farmers (ariadna) than just culling the gene pool to a non sustainable level is perfectly valid.
  10. QueensGambit

    QueensGambit Chickenbot herder

    Jan 31, 2019
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    In addition to what others have said:

    A 3-round game usually takes between 1:45 and 2:15. That's with two experienced players playing quickly and efficiently (especially in the context of a tournament where there are time limits on games). If you want to spend time on the narrative and chat about what's happening, it will take a lot longer. I'd expect 3 rounds at a narrative pace to take 3 hours minimum. I don't know what your stamina is, but if you extend that to 4+ rounds, you're looking at some grueling game times.

    You might check out the fan-made variant "Mercenaries." I haven't played it myself, but it seems to be popular with players who want a casual, narrative experience. I believe it's a campaign system, so the individual games may still be 3-round and objective-focused, but they string together into a longer storyline.
  11. Urobros

    Urobros Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    @Cook754 Good Day,

    as other said, they are a few of games not "tournament" focused, that are really fun, you can have it from Corvus web.

    Go to "Casual Games" and "Dire Foes".

    If you are more comfortable by playing 4 turns or even to "someone" surrender, it will be more than Ok.
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    We are a company founded in 2001 in Cangas (Spain), and devoted to design and manufacture games and figures. Our main product, Infinity the Game, was born with the ambition to satisfy the most demanding audience, offering the best quality.


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