Summary of Classified card changes

Discussion in 'ITS' started by wes-o-matic, Oct 7, 2023.

  1. wes-o-matic

    wes-o-matic feeelthy casual

    Dec 22, 2019
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    I thought this might be useful for folks so I'm posting it here. Note that all cards feature modified wording, but if the practical way to play it is unchanged, that difference of wording isn't noted. There are also a couple of cards that used to specify "base contact" and now specify "silhouette contact," which is also not noted since that's how they're played anyway. Cards that were carried over from the prior edition of the deck have the same numbering as before.

    No Changes: Net-Undermine, HVT: Kidnapping, HVT: Inoculation, Sabotage, HVT: Espionage, Mapping, Telemetry.

    Removed Entirely: Rescue, In Extremis Recovery

    Minimal Changes:
    • Follow-Up: Name changed to HVT: Follow-Up to reflect that it is a card that targets the HVT.
    • HVT: Retroengineering: Name changed to HVT: Reverse Engineering.
    • Data Scan: The roll to score is specified to be a Comms Attack.

    Moderate Changes:

    • HVT: Identity Check: Previously, troopers with Sensor did not require LoF to score—now they do.
    • Capture: Now allows IMM in addition to Null States, and the requirement to be in the enemy half of the game table is removed.
    • Nanoespionage: Reference to DataTracker removed; instead of being in silhouette contact and making a WIP roll, now you need to succeed at a BS Attack roll with a MediKit or GizmoKit, which is specified to have no effect on the enemy trooper. Still requires Paramedic, Doctor, or Engineer, so support troopers without those Skills still can't score (Tech-Bee, Pandora, etc.).
    • HVT: Designation: Added the medical cross Intelcom symbol, and specifies that both rolls must target the same specific HVT.
    • Predator: Unconscious enemy troopers now count for scoring; coup de grace now counts for scoring (merges Extreme Prejudice into Predator); text granting bonus Objective Point for killing three troopers is removed.

    Remixed Cards:

    • Experimental Drug: Removed and combined with Test Run to create a new card, Combat Support, which explicitly specifies that Peripheral (Servant) can't score.
    • Test Run: Removed and combined with Experimental Drug to create a new card, Combat Support, which explicitly specifies that Peripheral (Servant) can't score.
    • Extreme Prejudice: Removed; its effect has been rolled into Predator.

    New Cards:
    • (8) Combat Support: Remixed from Experimental Drug and Test Run (above)
    • (11) Industrial Espionage: Crosshairs and gear Intelcom symbols; can be scored by Engineer, FO, Veteran, or Elite troops; targets an enemy HI, REM, TAG, or Engineer; score with a Normal WIP roll via Peripheral (Servant) or Normal WIP+3 in silhouette contact; can be declared while Engaged.
    • (18) Suspected Infiltration: Works like Industrial Espionage except that it has the medical cross Intelcom symbol, can be scored by Doctor, Hacker, Veteran, or Elite troops, and targets any enemy trooper that is not a REM or TAG.
    • (19) Vigilance: Functions like HVT: Follow-Up but targets an enemy specialist trooper in the enemy half of the game table.
    • (20) HVT: Assassination: Score with LT, CoC, or NCO; remove one HVT by making a Normal WIP roll within LoF and ZoC of HVT, or a Normal WIP+3 roll in silhouette contact with the HVT.
  2. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    Since this is not a rules question I moved the thread to ITS it fits better here and should have better visibility.
    wes-o-matic likes this.
  3. burlesford

    burlesford Sheet guy

    Apr 14, 2020
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    Thank you for this! I was looking for something exactly like this. Very useful for my OCD :D
  4. Amusedbymuse

    Amusedbymuse Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2019
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    Since the start of N4 in every ITS Predator had errata that it works with coup de grace. But it's nice that we no longer have to explain this to unaware people during games.
    Urobros likes this.
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